BUS 390 Business Organization and Entry Strategies Presentation


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation using one of the three countries you selected in Topic 2 The Origin and Impact of Globalization Presentation assignment.

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The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 10-15 slides, not including the title slide and reference slides. You are required to include speakers notes for each section. Images may be included in the presentation but be sure to keep all image sizes low for this presentation.

You must address the following questions within the presentation.

Select one of the three countries you used in Topic 2 as a basis for this assignment. Provide a brief overview of the country and the region the country is in, including the key characteristics and major socioeconomic problem in the country.
Identify a multinational corporation (MNC) that could expand a product line or service into the country that would be beneficial in providing a solution or some relief to the socioeconomic problem.
Propose an appropriate market entry mode of entry the MNC could use to enter the country (e.g., licensing, joint-venture, foreign direct investment, wholly owned subsidiary, etc.). What are the pros and cons of the proposed market entry mode?
Identify a global strategy (e.g., global strategy, transnational strategy, regional strategy, home replication strategy, or multidomestic strategy) the MNC should use to achieve international competitive advantage. Explain your reasoning.
Describe how the MNC’s global supply chain will be affected by expanding into the country. Include global sourcing, production, and logistics considerations.
Based on the expansion into the country, would the MNC’s organizational structure need to change (e.g., international division structure, global corporate form-product structure, geographic region structure, global functional structure, hybrid organizational structure, regional-product matrix structure)? Justify your response.
Provide at least three key international business takeaways you learned from analyzing this country throughout the course.

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Globalization and Economic
Development: A Comparative
Analysis of India, South Africa,
and Brazil
By: Jakeshia Hand
 India: Situated in Southern Asia, India boasts diverse landscapes
and a rich cultural heritage.
 South Africa South Africa – originally founded in 1948 and located
in the Southern part of Africa has unique wildlife, as well as its
 Brazil: South America is home to Brazil, which was known for its
boisterous carnival, the Amazon rainforest and vigorous culture.
Colonization Impact
 India: The economy, society, and culture of India were profoundly
affected by the process of British colonization, which has had an
obvious impact on its development.
 South Africa: The socio-economic structures shaped by European
colonialism, particularly the apartheid era, influenced the history of
this nation (globaledge, 2018).
 Brazil: As a result of Portuguese colonization, indigenous cultures
in Brazil were affected along with the formation of economic systems.
Globalization Dimensions
 India: Economic globalization propelled the ascension of India’s IT
industry. Open market policies and cultural exchange were political six
sociocultural dimensions.
 South Africa: The chips of apartheid tumbled to open economic growth.
League of Nations, political and sociocultural aspects were influenced by
global diplomatic relations as well as cultural diversity.
 Brazil: Brazil’s agricultural exports are evidence of economic
globalization. Political influence, as well as global cultural exports,
demonstrate its value in the world arena.
Pros and Cons of Globalization in
 India: Pro – The IT industry is booming; Con- Income disparities
negate inclusive growth.
 South Africa: Pro – International market opportunities availability;
Con – Employment loses perspectives after globalization (TEKBAŞ,
 Brazil: Pro, Geographically agribusiness causes economic
developments; Con Other societies are concerned by the fact of
Multinational Corporation (MNC)
– India
 MNC: Infosys
 Justification: Entered India for IT outsourcing, tapping into the
country’s skilled workforce.
 Challenges: Upon setting the grounds, they encountered the first
hurdles between cultural variations.
 Opportunities: Infosys has an open market at the global level;
hence, their business implemented more strength.
Multinational Corporation (MNC)
– South Africa
 MNC: Anglo American
 Justification: Entered for mining, leveraging South Africa’s
abundant mineral resources (Cerna & Czaika, 2021).
 Challenges: Faced labor disputes impacting operations.
 Opportunities: Successful resource extraction boosted the
company’s global standing.
Multinational Corporation (MNC)
– Brazil
 Justification: Brazil for aerospace, taking advantage of their
aviation potential.
 Challenges: Competed in the aerospace market globally.
 Opportunities: The global market expansion boosted Embraer’s
business in the realm of aerospace.
India – Multilateral World
 Organizations: BRICS and WTO
 Effect: Economic cooperation in BRICS and WTO trade agreements.
 Global influence: India’s impetus behind international policies on the
economic front.
 Diplomatic engagement: Involvement in multilateral organizations
improves India’s diplomatic relations.
 Trade impact: Trade and economic growth in India are positively affected
by collaboration both as a member of BRICS international organizations or
even participation within WTO.
Multilateral World Organizations –
South Africa.
 Organizations: African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN).
 Effect: Diplomacy, the maintenance of peace.
 Influence on African diplomacy: Regional ties are enhanced
through active participation in AU (Black et al., 2020).
 Peacekeeping role: Presence in the continent conflict solving.
 Global collaboration: UN involvement by South Africa is translated
to international collaborations.
Multilateral World Organizations Brazil
 Organizations: G20 and Mercosur
 Effect: Economic cooperation and regional trade integration
 Global economic influence: Brazil’s contribution to G20 dialogues
regarding economic policies (TEKBAŞ, 2021).
 Regional trade cooperation: Membership in Mercosur encourages
economic relationships in southern America.
 Trade alliances: Effects of Mercosur on Brazil’s trade policies and market
Free Trade Agreements and
Trading Blocs – India
 Agreements: SAFTA and RCEP.
 Effect: Regional economic integration and opened market
 NAFTA’s impact: Promoting intraregional trade amongst South Asian
 RCEP’s significance: Economic integration with Southeast Asian
countries (Cerna & Czaika, 2021).
 Market expansion: Benefits for Growth and Diversification of Indian
Free Trade Agreements and Blocks
– South Africa
 Agreements: SACU and SADC.
 Effect: Trade cooperation and economic regional integration.
 SACU’s role: Enabling trade among the member states of the customs
 SADC’s impact: Development of economic activities and, as a result,
cooperation among Southern African States (Black et al., 2020).
 Trade benefits: Boosting South Africa’s advantages in the regional
Free Trade Agreements and Blocks
– Brazil
 Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and Latin American Integration
Association (ALADI)
 Effect: Regional economic harmonization and strengthened Latin
American relations (globaledge, 2018)
 Mercosur’s role: Promoting inter-South American trade
 ALADI’s influence: On inspiring economic collaboration in Latin
 Economic benefits: Enhanced regional trade and market access for Brazil
Statistics for trade in India
 Trade Partners: USA, China
 Major Exports: Information technology services, pharmaceuticals.
 Major Imports: Oil and electronic equipment.
 Exchange Rate Impact: Impact of currency fluctuations on IT
services exports (TEKBAŞ, 2021).
 Economic implications: Trade balance is one of the factors taken
into consideration and an accompanying policy adjustment.
Trade Statistics- South Africa.
 Trade Partners: China, USA
 Major Exports: Minerals, precious metals.
 Major Imports: Machinery, vehicles
 Exchange Rate Impact: Effect on exports of minerals and imports
for manufacturing.
 Economic considerations: The balance of trade and export
diversification has been mentioned.
Statistics of trade – Brazil
 Trade Partners: China, USA
 Major Exports: Food and Agricultural products, iron ore.
 Major Imports: Machinery, electronics
 Exchange Rate Impact: Influence on agricultural exports and
industrial imports.
 Economic considerations: The trade balance and its impact on
Brazil’s economy

Chose India, South Africa, and Brazil for their diverse geographical locations and
significant roles in global economics.
 Globalization shaped India, South Africa, and Brazil, impacting economic
development and trade dynamics.
 Sectors like IT, mining, and agriculture fueled economic expansion in these
diverse nations.
 Participation in multilateral organizations and trade agreements demonstrated
global interconnectedness.
 India is the largest global democracy, South Africa is home to the Big Five in
wildlife, and Brazil houses the Amazon, the world’s largest tropical rainforest.

Black, A., Roy, P., El-Haddad, A., & Yilmaz, K. (2020). The political economy
of automotive industry development policy in middle income countries: A
comparative analysis of Egypt, India, South Africa and Turkey.

Cerna, L., & Czaika, M. (2021). Rising stars in the global race for skill? A
comparative analysis of Brazil, India, and Malaysia. Migration Studies, 9(1),

globaledge. (2018). globalEDGE. Msu.edu. https://globaledge.msu.edu/

TEKBAŞ, M. (2021). The impact of economic, social and political globalization
on economic growth: evidence from BRICS-T Countries. Gaziantep University
Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 57-71.

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