BUS 307 Operations Management & Quantitive Techniques discussion 1 and 2


Discussion 1

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BUS 307 Operations Management & Quantitive Techniques discussion 1 and 2
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Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 1: Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Chapter 2: Operations and Supply Chain Strategies.

Chapter 2, Section 2.3, covers customer value, value index, and the four performance dimensions. Remember: operations and supply chains provide products or services that someone values. Most customers evaluate products and services based on multiple performance dimensions such as quality, delivery speed, after-sales support, and cost.

Assume you are going to make a major purchase for your home, such as a major remodeling, new roof, carpeting, or furniture purchase. Select one of these projects and then research two suppliers that will provide this product and service.

Next, create a value index for each supplier using the table below. Rate the importance of each of the dimensions listed above on a scale from 1 (‘completely unimportant”) to 5 (“critical”) and determine the values for each supplier. Post your table in the discussion forum and explain your value index concisely.

Finally, explain how applying a value index can add value to you in your personal and professional lives.

Calculating the Value Index for Two Alternative Suppliers

Performance: 1 = “poor” to 5 = “excellent”

Importance: 1 = “completely unimportant” to 5 = “critical”


Value Index


Supplier 1

Supplier 2

Supplier 1

Supplier 2

Performance quality

Conformance quality

Delivery reliability

Delivery speed


Mix flexibility

Volume flexibility


Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 4: Business Processes, and Chapter 5: Managing Quality.

Read Billy’s Hamburger Barn problem thoroughly, which can be found in Chapter 4, Section 4.2, Problem 1.

Next, complete Part A and Part B. In Part A, you will be mapping the current process and determining the minimum cycle time and the longest cycle time. In Part B, you will be evaluating a scenario where Billy’s Hamburger Barn redesigns their process and adds another attendant.