Bus 300 – Writing a Press Release


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Bus 300 – Writing a Press Release
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Part 1: Press Release
Develop your outline from Week 3 into a full, polished, professional press release. Your press release should:
Revise your outline to incorporate instructor feedback and achieve effective and professional quality writing.
Be between 200 and 400 words, starting with a catchy headline and a release date.
Have a captivating and concise lede that answers the 6 key questions – who, what, where, when, why, and how?
Include relevant details, from the media piece that are of interest to your target audience and present them in an engaging and informative manner.
Incorporate properly cited facts, quotes, and images that support your story-telling strategy.
Part 2: Evaluation Plan
Develop a plan to evaluate the success of your press release. Your plan should:
Be between 200 and 400 words.
Include at least three metrics you might use to evaluate the success of your press release. (Hint: Consider things like news media coverage and audience engagement, for example.)

Save your assignment as Lastname_FirstName_BUS300_WK5A.

Submit this assignment by uploading your document through the Week 5 assignment link in your course.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Develop action plans to communicate with stakeholders and the community as part of PR campaigns.
Choose the appropriate mode of communication, based on informed identification of the target audience.
Determine the process of evaluating communication campaigns.
Week 5 Assignment – Writing a Press Release
Criteria Ratings Pts
Revise your outline to incorporate instructor feedback and achieve effective and professional quality writing.view longer description 30 to >26.99 ptsExemplaryRevises the outline to incorporate instructor feedback and achieve effective and professional quality writing.26.99 to >23.99 ptsCompetentRevises the outline to incorporate instructor feedback and achieve effective writing.23.99 to >20.99 ptsSatisfactoryRevises the outline to incorporate instructor feedback, but the press release is lacking in professional quality or effectiveness.20.99 to >17.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially revises the outline or does not incorporate instructor feedback, resulting in a press release that is not professional or effective.17.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDoes not revise the outline and no instructor feedback is incorporated into the press release. / 30 pts
Answer the 6 key questions with a captivating, concise lede.view longer description 40 to >35.99 ptsExemplaryAnswers the 6 key questions with a captivating, concise lede.35.99 to >31.99 ptsCompetentAnswers the 6 key questions in the lede, but it is not captivating or concise.31.99 to >27.99 ptsSatisfactoryAnswers 5 of the 6 key questions in the lede.27.99 to >23.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementAnswers 4 of the 6 key questions in the lede.23.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableAnswers 3 or fewer key questions in the lede. / 40 pts
Include relevant details about the program that are of interest to your target audience and present them in an engaging and informative manner.view longer description 50 to >44.99 ptsExemplaryIncludes relevant details about the program that are of interest to your target audience and presents them in an engaging and informative manner.44.99 to >39.99 ptsCompetentIncludes details about the program and presents them in an engaging and informative manner.39.99 to >34.99 ptsSatisfactoryIncludes details about the program but does not present them in an engaging and informative manner.34.99 to >29.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementIncludes insufficient or irrelevant details about the program and does not present them in an engaging and informative manner.29.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDoes not include relevant details about the program. / 50 pts
Incorporate properly cited facts, quotes, and images that support a story-telling strategy.view longer description 10 to >8.99 ptsExemplaryIncorporates properly cited facts, quotes, and images that support a story-telling strategy.8.99 to >7.99 ptsCompetentIncorporates properly cited facts, quotes, and images, but they do not support a story-telling strategy.7.99 to >6.99 ptsSatisfactoryIncorporates facts, quotes, and images, but they do not support a story-telling strategy and are not properly cited.6.99 to >5.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementIncorporates either facts, quotes, or images, but they do not support a story-telling strategy and are not properly cited.5.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDoes not incorporate facts, quotes, or images. / 10 pts
Develop a plan to evaluate the success of the press release using at least 3 metrics.view longer description 40 to >35.99 ptsExemplaryDevelops a plan to evaluate the success of the press release using at least 3 metrics.35.99 to >31.99 ptsCompetentDevelops a plan to evaluate the success of the press release using 2 metrics.31.99 to >27.99 ptsSatisfactoryDevelops a plan to evaluate the success of the press release using 1 metric.27.99 to >23.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementDescribes a plan to evaluate the success of the press release, but the plan does not include any metrics.23.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDoes not describe a plan to evaluate the success of the press release. / 40 pts
Produce writing that is clear and well organized, contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling, and applies proper formatting including word count.view longer description 20 to >17.99 ptsExemplaryThe writing is clear, well-organized, and easy to understand. It contains no errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling, and the formatting is consistently correct and appropriate.17.99 to >15.99 ptsCompetentThe writing is generally clear and well-organized, but may have a few minor errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that do not significantly affect the overall quality of the writing. The formatting is mostly correct and appropriate, but may have a few minor errors or inconsistencies.15.99 to >13.99 ptsSatisfactoryThe writing is generally clear and well-organized, but may have a few errors or weaknesses in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that slightly affect the overall quality of the writing. The formatting is mostly correct and appropriate, but may have a few errors or inconsistencies.13.99 to >11.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe writing is somewhat clear and well-organized, but may have several errors or weaknesses in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that significantly affect the overall quality of the writing. The formatting may have several errors or inconsistencies.11.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableThe writing is not clear or well-organized and contains many errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that significantly affect the overall quality of the writing. The formatting is consistently incorrect or inappropriate. / 20 pts
The press release and evaluation plan use proper citation style consistently and correctly.view longer description 10 to >8.99 ptsExemplaryThe press release and evaluation plan use proper citation style consistently and correctly.8.99 to >7.99 ptsCompetentThe press release and evaluation plan use proper citation style consistently, but with minor errors.7.99 to >6.99 ptsSatisfactoryThe press release and evaluation plan use proper citation style, but with major errors or inconsistencies.6.99 to >5.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe press release and evaluation plan include citations, but with major errors in citation style or inconsistencies.5.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableThe press release and evaluation plan do not use citations. / 10 pts