Build a second research matrix


Build a second research matrix, which includes research concepts that can be found and connected to the same four research articles selected for you. A fifth article is included as an example to help guide your work on this assessment.

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It is important to understand how to capture your audience when it comes to research. Not only should it be captivating, but the initial entry to the research should include as much information as possible so that readers can understand what they are about to learn.

At this point, you’ll move toward the practical side of research. That is, learning the significant components of a research study that require specific interconnectedness. The research introduction, the purpose statement, the research questions, and hypotheses all connect to each other. These then need to connect to the methodology—either quantitative or qualitative. Understanding these intersections is helpful for an ongoing development of research skills.


This assessment focuses on building a second research matrix similar to the one from Assessment 1. This matrix you will create includes research concepts that can be found and connected to the same four research articles related to the topic selected for you.


Fill out the Research Concepts Matrix [DOCX] Download Research Concepts Matrix [DOCX]with research concepts connected to the topic selected for you. Your faculty will provide the articles you are to use in the Announcements area of the courseroom. A sample article is included in the matrix to demonstrate the level of depth and breadth of content you should include from the four articles you will read for this assessment. All content you include in your Research Concepts matrix should be summarized in your own words. The purpose statement for each article can be provided word-for-word from each article, however. Please use APA format and style for your citations and references for this assessment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Evaluate the characteristics, purposes, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of research methods.
Identify the purpose of the study.
Identify the statement of the problem.
Explain the limitations or implications of the study.
Competency 3: Evaluate ethical issues in research studies.
Describe the ethical considerations in the chosen research.
Competency 5: Examine the appropriate application of scientific research methodology.
Provide the future research possibilities.
Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members in the identified field of study.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting.

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Research Concepts Matrix
Please note that the first row of data is meant as an example. Please read the example article (Zhang et al., 2023) as a guide for how
to dissect each article assigned.
Keep in Mind:
1). This is not merely an assignment for you to find information in an article and copy and paste information into the columns in the
below matrix. Read and analyze the authors’ work in each article and evaluate it based on the assigned readings for this course and
then offer your evaluation of what you read. You are to offer the content in to reflect that you are an informed consumer of research.
2). There is much variation in published primary research articles and reports. Not all authors will include all the same information,
verbatim or at all, based on the headings in the columns below. If that is the case, you will need to offer your own analysis of what
the information should be in a logical manner aligned to the other information in the source that is provided. There should be no blank
cells in the below matrix.
3). Communicate your input in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members
of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting, with few or no errors and include a formal APA style reference list.
Purpose of the
study (word-forword)
Statement of the
research problem
(summarized in
your own words)
Limitations and
Implications of the
study (summarized
in your own words)
in the study
Future research
possibilities (e.g.,
how could a
researcher extend the
research detailed in
the study—may
address limitations,
for example)
(Zhang et al., 2023)
We investigated how
supervisors’ ethical
leadership influenced
graduate students’
attitudes toward
43% of graduate
students admitted to
cheating with business
school graduate students
cheating more than other
Limitations: While the
moderating effect of
gender was part of the
study, it wasn’t measured
directly. The study was
The authors
disclosed funding
by the Humanities
and Social
Science Project of
Future research could occur
in other cultural contexts
beyond Eastern China and
the graduate business
school setting. Additionally,
Purpose of the
study (word-forword)
Statement of the
research problem
(summarized in
your own words)
Limitations and
Implications of the
study (summarized
in your own words)
in the study
Future research
possibilities (e.g.,
how could a
researcher extend the
research detailed in
the study—may
address limitations,
for example)
academic misconduct.
We explained why and
how supervisor gender
affects post-graduate
students’ social learning
process by integrating
social cognitive theory
and role congruity
graduate student peers.
This is concerning given
the future leadership
roles these students may
have. Further, academic
misconduct is concerning
and some research
suggests that the
influence of faculty
members can lead to
reduced cheating.
Graduate students social
learning and boundaries
using supervisors’ as
ethical role models has
not been well studied.
subject to responses
rooted in social desirability
bias. Finally, vignettes are
an artificial situation and
may not align with real
world situations.
Implications: Theoretical
contributions include
application of role
congruity theory to
support the shaping that
occurs through social
learning. Role modeling
can enhance moral
efficacy meaning that
demonstrating an ethical
climate is important for
encouraging ethical
conduct in graduate
school. Female leaders
may have more influence
over support of an ethical
climate and positive social
learning among graduate
the Ministry of
gender roles in China are
highly differentiated so
studying gender in other
cultures with greater
similarity between the
genders could provide
additional insights. Using
technology such as virtual
reality could be interesting
instead of the vignette-based
approach to create a more
realistic set of ethical
scenarios for investigation.
Zhang G., Zhang T., Mao S., Xu Q., & Ma X. (2023). Supervisors’ ethical leadership and graduate students’ attitudes toward academic
misconduct. PLoS One, 8(4) 1-17. 10.1371/journal.pone.0283032

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