Buddhism Journal


Assignment Overview

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We recently finished studying our second religious tradition – Buddhism. For this journal assignment, I would like you to reflect on this religious tradition and what you learned about it and from it.

The purpose of this assignment is to

help you reflect on what you learned about Buddhism
display your comprehension of the lecture and reading material associated with the Buddhism unit

To achieve the objective(s),

Review the dimensions of Buddhism via your Guided Lecture Notes, Class Session Recordings, and posted Video Lectures
Review the reading material for Buddhism

See the directions and rubric for more details


For your Buddhism journal, I would like for you to answer the following questions:

1. What were your expectations of this religion? Before we started studying Buddhism, did you have any previous knowledge or experience with this religion?

2. What were the most interesting things you learned about this religious tradition?

3. Was there anything about this religion that really surprised you? Or that defied your expectations?

4. What is one thing that you appreciate or respect about this religion? This could be an attitude, a practice, a belief, a ritual, etc.

5. Which of the three readings (No Death No Fear, Earth and Meal Verses, Ethics for a New Millennium) did you find the most interesting? Why? What did you learn about the religion from the reading? Was there anything that you agreed or disagreed with in the reading?

6. What would you like to learn more about in this religion? Or what questions do you still have about this religion?

Your journal should be at least 500 words longand contain at least two direct quotations from the readings (one from two of the three assigned readings) along with the page number (if available). There are no right or wrong answers for this assignment. You will be graded on the completeness of your journal and whether you followed the assignment instructions. The journal is not due until we finish studying Buddhism, but you are welcome to start working on it as we are learning about it.


You can submit a Word doc, pdf, Google doc, or Pages document.

Grading & Feedback
Your journal will be graded within a week of submission
The criteria is outlined in the rubric below
If you turn your journal in by the due date and lose points, you may resubmit within a week of your Journal being graded based on your written feedback
If you turn the assignment in after the due date, you may not resubmit but should still read the written feedback in order to avoid losing points in the future
If you submit your Journal more than a week late, you can only receive a maximum of 50% of the total points
Canvas Guides

Here are some Canvas guides you can use to help you submit your assignment.

How to submit a text box entryLinks to an external site.
How to upload a file for submissionLinks to an external site.
How to submit other online assignments