Broadcast Journalism A1: Radio and TV news stories (Empty 06/03/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t willMinimum 90 seconds (two news packages)Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Broadcast Journalism A1: Radio and TV news stories (Empty 06/03/2024)
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JOUR2000 Broadcast Journalism | Broadcast news submission template
Name and/or Student ID (name is optional):
Radio News file name (should include student ID or name):
Video News file name (should include student ID or name):
Method of recording for links/voice-over/narration:
If you were unable to access the St Lucia audio recording booths, please indicate the reason why, and
the equipment you have used to record your links tracks. This is to ensure students are assessed fairly
for production quality.
Reason (e.g. external student, illness, access issues):
Equipment used (e.g. iPhone 13 with headphone microphone, Mac Air with external Rode USB
Supplementary content or sources:
While it is not compulsory, if you have used any additional sources to develop your story, or included
any additional footage/music or audio, list it here with details and links. Link to any footage, audio or
graphics you have used that you have not captured/created yourself; you may only use material that
is licensed for re-use, or that you have sought permission to use.
Statement of authenticity and IP acknowledgement:
In submitting this, I certify that this assignment is my own work research and that I have
acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation. I also acknowledge that permission to
use the footage provided to me to complete this exercise only extends to its use for this purpose; I
agree not to republish the footage or audio on any other platform.
Radio News Script (add lines as required)
Links/Narration (script)
Talent/Interview (soundbites)
Estimated time
TV News Script (add lines as required)
Shot or sequence: description
of vision (including
angle/distance and any
graphics or text)
Audio (use italics to identify any audio
sourced from interview sources)
Estimated time
Radio News Script (add lines as required) – Estimated time approx. 45 seconds
Links/Narration (script)
The state government has
launched a flood appeal in the
wake of the disaster in southeast Queensland.
Talent/Interview (soundbites)
Estimated time
10 sec
It’ll kick start the fund with
$2.1 million dollars to be
shared by the Red Cross,
Lifeline, the Salvos, St Vinnies
and GIVIT.
3 sec
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk
has urged people to dig deep.
“The best thing for people to do is to
donate to these organisation.
6 sec
“Today is the day to really help those who
have been doing it tough.”
Luke Lindsay says the funds
will help the organisation
provide vital services to those
who are struggling.
7 sec
“The emotional toll that natural disasters
have on individuals and communities is
really significant, so early intervention is
the absolute key to being able to provide
emotional and psychological support.”
And there’s been more looting
in areas affected by the
7 sec
5 sec
Police Commissioner Katarina
Carroll says officers are on the
“Sadly, overnight there are six incidents of
interest, but I can assure you that our
investigators will be pursuing every one of
5 sec
TV News Script (add lines as required) – estimated time approx. one minute 18 seconds.
Shot or sequence: description
of vision (including
angle/distance and any
graphics or text)
Series of close-ups of Gerald in
leaf-litter; wide shots of
flooding; medium shot of
Gerald in Esky.
Medium shot (mobile footage)
of witness.
Medium shot of Gerald being
Close-up shots of echidna
being cared for at hospital.
Close-up shots of echidna at
Medium shot of echidna in
Two-shot of reporter with Liz
Liz Arthur
Wildlife Hospital Supervisor,
Taronga Zoo
Close and medium shots of
echidna undergoing tests.
Two-shot of reporter, Liz
Arthur and echidna.
Close-up shots of echidna in
Medium two-shot.
Audio (use italics to identify any audio
sourced from interview sources)
Estimated time
Life at the moment for Gerald the echidna
is how he likes it; buried face-first in leaf
litter. But, a week or so ago, as floodwaters
consumed NSW, it also would evict Gerald
from his place in the Hawkesbury bush.
Witness: “He was found floating on a
Wildlife hospital carer Liz Arthur: “He just
had to get to dry ground because he was
getting quite exhausted, I think.”
Rescued by a local, Gerald would soon find
himself admitted to Taronga’s Wildlife
Liz Arthur: “Once I placed him into the
enclosure, it was sort of like a big sigh of
Seemingly slumping with exhaustion, the
once-clawing creature felt warm and dry
Liz Arthur: “He was very waterlogged, so he
obviously had been swimming in the water,
trying to stay afloat.”
18 secs
After rest and an echidna physical, Gerald’s
injuries would be deemed as minor. A few
scratches on the snout and paws like
Reporter: “Look at you handsome.”
Liz Arthur: “So you can see on the bottom
of his feet there, they’re a bit peely.”
And big boy is recovering beautifully, so
much so that Gerald’s now allowed the
occasional dig in the hospital garden, with
the prognosis looking good for a return
home to the bush.
Liz Arthur: “Hopefully we’ll get him back
out there within the next week.”
Mike Dalton, Nine News.
7 sec.
3 sec
4 sec
7 sec
7 sec
7 sec
4 sec
5 sec.
10 sec
4 sec
2 sec
#1: Radio and TV News Stories – [JOUR2000] Broadcast …
第1页 共2页…
Use the attached script template/cover sheet to complete the written component of
your assessment.
Sample scripts have also been provided; as well as providing a formatting model,
these will remind you of the structure of broadcast news and give you a sense of
Refer to the Lecture and tutorial notes from Week 2 and 3 for the conventions of
reporting radio news, and the Week 4 and 5 content for TV news.
While it is not required, depending on the direction your script goes in, you may
wish to include a small quantity of additional footage in your reports as B-roll or
establishing shots. If you do, please ensure that you attribute the footage in your
coversheet, and that you use materials that are licensed for re-use.
Some Creative Commons options include:
However, always check the licencing requirements (eg. Do you need to attribute?)
for each video.
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#1: Radio and TV News Stories – [JOUR2000] Broadcast …
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Technical support
Remember, if you encounter technical issue while producing your assessment for
this course, you can email MaPS for guidance and support. They are happy to help
with software and equipment issues, editing queries and general feedback/advice:
[email protected]
Adobe Suite
UQ students have free access to the Adobe Suite, which you will use for your
assessments for this course. Please follow the (attached) guide carefully—it is
important you sign in with NOT your email address in order to qualify for
free access.
An introduction to MaPS
If you’re not already familiar with the Media and Production Support team, this
video is a great introduction:
Technical skills
To complete the assessment, you will need to be proficient in filming, recording
sound and editing sound and video. If you haven’t already got these skills, you can:
Attend the MaPS workshops in these areas, which will be advertised here:
A workshop schedule is also attached
Watch the relevant classes on the MaPS video training channel: https://
Watch the MaPS Premier Pro playlist:
Watch the “Bite-sized Basics”:
Access LinkedIn Learning free, via the UQ library:
Access to film and audio equipment
St Lucia students have access to equipment and studio space via Jactech. For
bookings and information, refer to:
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