book analysis (Up From Slavery by booker T. Washington)


Notes: Address the major theme or themes of the book, offer insight and perspective, and express yourself in solid, effective prose. In short, be perspicacious and clear. Your review should give a sense of the breadth and depth of the book, its strengths and its weaknesses. In short, do not merely summarize the book; evaluate it.Here are the kinds of questions and issues that will help you in formulating your essay: Who is the author and what makes her or him qualified to write this book? What is the major thesis of the book? How successful, in your opinion, is the author in his or her attempt to convey important information and what is some of that information? Do you find the author’s arguments cogent and persuasive or not? Was the book enjoyable to read? What do you think of the quality of the research or the truthfulness and relevancy of the author’s account? Did you find the book to be well written or not? What did you find lacking in the account? How have you benefited or failed to benefit from reading the book?In your essay, be sure to include examples (names of important people, events, issues, dates, enactments, concepts, etc.) from various parts of the book to support your analysis and to convey that you have read the entire book. Do not just simply string together answers to the aforementioned questions and consider that an essay.Book analysis should be approximately three pages in length and must be typed, double-spaced with standard size type and margins. Do not exceed three and a half pages. Avoid extensive quoting. We are interested in your own words, not those of the author. Use your spelling checker. In this age of the computer, misspellings should be a thing of the past. Link to book.

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book analysis (Up From Slavery by booker T. Washington)
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