Biosocial criminology Genetic Origns of Human Behavior


For this assignment you will write a reflection paper on one of the biosocial topics that we haverecently covered. This includes the Genetic Origins of Human Behavior (part 1 and part 2)modules. Anything we have covered under these modules is fair game, so pick something wecovered that interested you.

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CJCR 4000 – Genetic Origins of Human Behavior
For this assignment you will write a reflection paper on one of the biosocial topics that we have
recently covered. This includes the Genetic Origins of Human Behavior (part 1 and part 2)
modules. Anything we have covered under these modules is fair game, so pick something we
covered that interested you.
You will essentially write a cohesive mini-essay on the topic you have chosen. Once you have
selected a topic you will be responsible for finding at least 3 acceptable sources to utilize in your
paper, please note that at least 2 of the 3 required sources must be peer-reviewed articles.
Your paper MUST address the following topics:
• Introduction
o Briefly discuss the topic to be covered
o Provide a brief roadmap of the points to be covered.
• Body
o What role has this topic played in behavioral development or criminology?
o What has research indicated about your chosen topic?
o Be sure to include any other information that is relevant to your topic.
• Conclusion
o Briefly reiterate your main points and wrap up the paper.
o Keep in mind that conclusions are not meant to introduce new information.
Your reflection must meet the following additional requirements.
• The paper, at minimum, should be 3 pages in length (cover page, headings, blank lines,
reference page, etc. will not count towards page length).
o Further, students are not allowed to include images, tables, lists, or bulleted lists.
o Students may go over 3 pages if needed, but the paper should not be more than 4
• The paper must have a cover page, running head, and reference page.
o No abstract is required.
▪ If an abstract is provided it will not count towards page length
• The assignment must be submitted in the form of a Microsoft Word document.
• The paper should be written according to APA 7 standards for professional papers.
o Utilize the paper checklist and power point provided on the course website under
the Writing Aids module.
• The paper should be written with double spacing, size 12 Times New Roman font, and 1inch margins.
• Do not write the paper from a first person or subjective standpoint.
o This should be an objective write up.
o Personal experiences, opinions, beliefs, etc. should not be included.
o If you need to refer to a historical or important figure you can use he, she, they,
etc. Be advised if you are referring important figures (this does not include
CJCR 4000 – Genetic Origins of Human Behavior

authors you are citing), it is preferred to refer to them by their last name when
possible (that is not always possible or can become a headache if you are referring
to a person over the course of like 5 sentences, saying their last name five times is
a bit much).
Quotations are not allowed; the entirety of the paper should be paraphrased.
All sources used should be appropriately cited in text and included on the reference page.
Students may include additional appropriate sources (more than the required 3) that they
feel add to their paper.
o Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed articles, books, edited books, news
articles, magazine articles, government reports, organizational reports, court
decisions, and code law.
o Unacceptable sources include, but are not limited to, encyclopedias, videos,
movies, documentaries, television shows, Wikipedia,,,
Yahoo, Google, Murderpedia, Blogs,, unverified webpages,
▪ Lecture is not considered an appropriate source to use.
▪ Keep in mind that is it impossible to list all types of unacceptable sources.
Therefore, if you are unsure if a source is acceptable, email it to me.
▪ When attempting to figure out the validity of a source the best thing to do
is see who or what is responsible for that source.
▪ If it is a book, who wrote it, what are their qualifications?
▪ If it is a webpage, look at the About section, who created and maintains
that webpage? Is it a college, an organization, a government department, a
magazine or newspaper? Or is a person or group that you cannot verify?
When uploading your assignment via DropBox (now called Assignments) it is your
responsibility to open the uploaded assignment to check that is the correct assignment and
that the file will successfully open.
Failure to follow any of the paper requirements will result in a significant loss of points.

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