Biology Question


Below will be another assignment that the teacher has posted. It has 12 questions, and contains pictures for most of the questions which will be provided below. I will provide you with all the pictures for the assignment, and the questions for it. Try your best to answer all the questions correctly please!

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Laboratory Examination of the Bryophytes Worksheet
Name _________________________
Total points = 100
Examine the picture showing the Polytrichum gametophyte and sporophyte. The
life cycle of Bryophytes is characterized by an Alternation of Generations. Name
and define the two stages that alternate during the life cycle. What is the
dominant stage of the life cycle in the bryophytes? What is the relationship
between the gametophyte and the sporophyte in the bryophytes? 8 points
Examine the picture: Moss Gametophyte Showing Radial Symmetry. Define
radial symmetry. How does the arrangement of the moss leaf-like structures as
seen from above, demonstrate radial symmetry? 4 points
Examine the picture Polytrichum life cycle. The parts of the moss gametophyte
are not “true parts” Give three reasons why they are not considered “true”. Using
the correct terms for the parts, identify the three main parts of the moss
gametophyte. Does the gametophore (stem-like axis) of the moss have true
xylem or phloem? Are there any cells present that function in transport? 14
What is the name of the male reproductive structure of the moss? What type of
cell division is responsible for forming the sperm? The sperm are flagellated.
What does this tell us about how the sperm get to the egg? 6 points
What is the name of the female reproductive structure of the moss? What are
the parts of this structure? What type of cell division is responsible for forming
the egg? 10 points
View the picture Moss Capsule Longitudinal Section. List and describe the parts
of the moss capsule. Use the study guide to name the parts. What type of cell
division is responsible for the formation of spores? 12 points
What environmental factor stimulates the release of the spores? How do the
peristome teeth function to disperse the spores? When moss spores land on the
ground, they germinate to form a structure that resembles the filamentous body
of certain green algae. What is this structure called? What is the evolutionary
significance of the resemblance of this structure to the algae? 8 points
Examine the picture Machantia thallus. What type of symmetry is present in the
thallus of Marchantia? (Use the term for the side to side symmetry not top to
bottom symmetry.) Give a definition for this type of symmetry and explain how
the thallus of Marchantia demonstrates this type of symmetry. 4 points
Examine the picture: Gemma Cups in Marchantia. What type of reproduction are
they responsible for? How are the gemmae dispersed? 4 points
Examine the picture Antheridiophore and Archegoniophore and use the study
guide to answer questions 10 and 11 below.
List and describe the parts of the male gametophore of Marchantia. What is the
structure in which the flagellated sperm are produced? 6 points
List and describe the parts of the female gametophore of Marchantia. What is
the structure in which the eggs are produced? List and describe its parts.
10 points
Examine the picture: Marchantia Sporophyte. List and describe the parts of the
sporophyte of Marchantia. Discuss the process of spore dispersal in Marchantia.
What environmental factor stimulates the release of the spores? What are
elaters? How do they function to release the spores? 12 points

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