Biology Question


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1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2
Due Jan 15 at 11:59pm
Points 40
Questions 11
Available Jan 15 at 8am – Jan 15 at 11:59pm 15 hours and 59 minutes
Time Limit 45 Minutes
Exam Instructions
This exam will encompass the lab materials associated with the following modules:
Lab #5: Plants (mosses and ferns)
Lab #6: Gymnosperms
Lab #7: Angiosperms (flowers and fruits)
Lab #8: Plant Anatomy (tissues, stems, roots, and leaves)
The exam will start the minute you open the exam
Once you start the exam, you cannot stop the time! If you run out of time, you will not receive
additional time.
If you start the exam after another student has finished, you will not be allowed to take it and will
score a zero on this exam
Make sure you are not disturbed while taking this exam so that you can concentrate.
Make sure you are using a supported browser. Internet Explorer is not supported by Canvas. An
updated version of Firefox is recommended. Chrome works well also, as long as it is a current
Doing the Exam
This exam is 45 minutes long and you will have only one attempt at this exam.
To begin the exam, click the Take the Quiz/Exam button. You may resume the exam by pressing
the Resume Quiz/Exam button.
This exam is made up of fill-in-the blank, identification questions. Spelling is very important for these
questions. Be careful with your typing!
Not every labelled structure in the picture being used may be associated with the question. So, do
not be surprised if a figure has 4 letters and I only ask you to identify 1 of them
There are multiple versions of this exam and every student gets a unique set of questions.
This lab exam is not open book
All of the exam questions are shown at once – scroll up and down and answer the questions in
whatever order you like.
You can flag the questions you want to go back to by clicking the flag by the question. The flag will
change color to yellow to remind you to finish the question. The yellow flag will also appear in the
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
question overview in the sidebar
At any point during the exam, you can view a summary of your exam. Questions you’ve answered
will be faded out and identified by a checkmark icon, while unanswered questions will be bolded and
identified by a question mark icon.
You’ll also see a timer showing your progress on the exam. The timer will show the running time and
counts down until time expires.
Take the time to review your answers to see if they are the right ones you selected before you submit
the exam.
Press the Submit button when you are done to submit the exam.
At the end of the exam, you will receive a score and you can see what answers were correct and
incorrect. The answers to the exam questions are not given. I will review your exam once it is done.
More information about that can be found below in the section on grading.
Don’t stress out – Canvas saves all answers automatically every 7 (seven) seconds, in case
there is a problem, for example with your Internet connection or your computer and you get kicked
out. You can change your answer at any time and it will re-save when you select it. Upon
submission, Canvas re-saves everything that is on the form.
These identification lab questions need to be graded manually by me. This means that the score you will
receive upon submitting the exam will probably not be your final grade. I will review your exam and make
corrections to your score if possible. Final results will be posted into your grade book and an
announcement will be sent telling you that the exam has been graded. I will convert your lab exam grade
to 25 points and post that into your grade book as well. Comments may be added to your exam in the
comment box.
Questions about an Exam
If you have any questions about the lab exam, or think that an exam question was graded incorrectly,
you may email me. Please give me the specific question(s) that you are concerned about and I will
review it. If a mistake was made in a question, the question will be regraded and a new exam score will
be posted. I will correct the score in your grade book.
Attempt History
Attempt 1
43 minutes
31 out of 40
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 31 out of 40
Submitted Jan 15 at 8:43am
This attempt took 43 minutes.
3 / 4 pts
Question 1
Match the following letter with the correct structure
spongy mesophyll
xylem tissue
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
2 / 3 pts
Question 2
Match the following letter with the correct structure
Question 3
2 / 3 pts
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Use the figure below to answer the following questions by filling in the
blanks. Be careful because spelling counts!
The structure marked A is called the foot
The structure marked D is called the seta
The structure marked C contains multiple meiosporangium
Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Question 4
3 / 5 pts
Use the figure below to answer the following questions by filling in the
blanks. Be careful because spelling counts!
This slide shows a section of:
a monocot or a dicot? monocot
a stem, root or leaf? root
The plant tissue shown by number 8 would be called root cortex
The layer of cells at number 9 is known as the Endodermis
The sclerenchyma tissue at number 12 is called xylem
Answer 1:
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
root cortex
Answer 4:
Answer 5:
3 / 4 pts
Question 5
Match the following letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Question 6
5 / 5 pts
Use the figure below to answer the following questions by filling in the
blanks. Be careful because spelling counts!
The structure at letter A is called the Stigma
The yellow structure at letter F is called the Anther
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
The chamber shown at letter B is the Ovary
. It contains
small blue structures shown with the letter G. The structure at letter G is
called an Ovule
. When fertilized this structure will develop
into a seed
Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Answer 4:
Answer 5:
Question 7
3 / 4 pts
Match the letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Question 8
4 / 6 pts
Match the following letter with the correct term
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
vascular cambium
vessel element
Question 9
2 / 2 pts
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Answer the following questions by filling in the blank with the correct letter
Which of the following root zones would contain the root apical
meristem? Zone C
Which of the following root zones would be associated with root hairs for
absorption? Zone A
Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Question 10
3 / 3 pts
Match the following letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
female gametophyte t
Question 11
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following demonstrates axial placentation?
1/15/24, 9:14 AM
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2: BIOLOGY 007 : General Biology II – Zuk P. – WINTER 2024 – SECTION# 12248
Quiz Score: 31 out of 40
Biology 7 Lab Exam #2 Results for Francisco
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 29 out of 40
Submitted Jan 15 at 11:06am
This attempt took 42 minutes.
2 / 4 pts
Question 1
Match the following letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 1 of 15
palisade mesophyll
xylem tissue
Question 2
2 / 3 pts
Match the following letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 2 of 15
Question 3
2 / 3 pts
Use the figure below to answer the following questions by filling
in the blanks. Be careful because spelling counts!
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 3 of 15
The structure marked A is called the foot
The structure marked D is called the seta
The structure marked C contains multiple microsporangium
Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Question 4
1 / 5 pts
Use the figure below to answer the following questions by filling
in the blanks. Be careful because spelling counts!
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 4 of 15
This slide shows a section of:
a monocot or a dicot? dicot
a stem, root or leaf? root
The plant tissue shown by number 8 would be called
root cortex
The layer of cells at number 9 is known as the
Vascular Cylinder
The sclerenchyma tissue at number 12 is called
Answer 1:
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 5 of 15
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
root cortex
Answer 4:
Vascular Cylinder
Answer 5:
Question 5
4 / 4 pts
Match the following letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 6 of 15
Question 6
5 / 5 pts
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 7 of 15
Use the figure below to answer the following questions by filling
in the blanks. Be careful because spelling counts!
The structure at letter A is called the stigma
The yellow structure at letter F is called the anther
The chamber shown at letter B is the ovary
. It
contains small blue structures shown with the letter G. The
structure at letter G is called an ovule
. When
fertilized this structure will develop into a seed
Answer 1:
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 8 of 15
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Answer 4:
Answer 5:
Question 7
3 / 4 pts
Match the letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 9 of 15
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 10 of 15
4 / 6 pts
Question 8
Match the following letter with the correct term
vascular cambium
vessel element
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 11 of 15
Question 9
2 / 2 pts
Answer the following questions by filling in the blank with the
correct letter
Which of the following root zones would contain the root apical
meristem? Zone C
Which of the following root zones would be associated with root
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 12 of 15
hairs for absorption? Zone A
Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Question 10
3 / 3 pts
Match the following letter with the correct structure
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 13 of 15
female gametophyte tissue
Question 11
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following demonstrates axial placentation?
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 14 of 15
Quiz Score: 29 out of 40
1/15/24, 11:10 AM
Page 15 of 15
Biology 7 Lecture Exam #2
Due Jan 15 at 11:59pm
Points 75
Questions 66
Available Jan 15 at 8am – Jan 15 at 11:59pm 15 hours and 59 minutes
Time Limit 435 Minutes
Exam Instructions
This exam will encompass the materials in Lecture Presentations 5 to 8, plus the associated
Canvas Reading Pages.
The exam will start the minute you open the exam
Once you start the exam, you cannot stop the time! If you run out of time, you will not receive
additional time.
If you start the exam after another student has finished, you will not be allowed to take it and will
score a zero on this exam
Make sure you are not disturbed while taking this exam so that you can concentrate.
Make sure you are using a supported browser. Internet Explorer is not supported by Canvas. An
updated version of Firefox is recommended. Chrome works well also, as long as it is a current
Doing the Exam
This exam is 3 hours long and you will have only one attempt at this exam.
It includes 5 bonus points – so your score you receive after you are done this exam will
actually be out of 70 (not 75)
To begin the exam, click the Take the Quiz/Exam button. You may resume the exam by pressing
the Resume Quiz/Exam button.
This exam may be made up of multiple-choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank and short answer
questions. There are multiple versions of this exam and every student gets a unique set of
This exam is open notes. However, the exam requires that you take it by yourself. You are not
allowed to consult with a classmate, or anyone else while you take this exam. I will compare
your short answer questions to other students and to websites that are known to have copies of old
exams. If I find any similarity between your answers and another students, or with a website – I will
give you “0” for that question and possibly for the entire exam. Do not waste your time trying to
cheat, you will run out of time.
All of the exam questions are shown at once – scroll up and down and answer the questions in
whatever order you like.
You can flag the questions you want to go back to by clicking the flag by the question. The flag will
change color to yellow to remind you to finish the question. The yellow flag will also appear in the
question overview in the sidebar
At any point during the exam, you can view a summary of your exam. Questions you’ve answered
will be faded out and identified by a checkmark icon, while unanswered questions will be bolded and
identified by a question mark icon.
You’ll also see a timer showing your progress on the exam. The timer will show the running time and
counts down until time expires.
Take the time to review your answers to see if they are the right ones you selected before you submit
the exam.
Press the Submit button when you are done to submit the exam.
At the end of the exam, you will receive a score and you can see what answers were correct and
incorrect. The answers to the exam questions are not given. I will review your exam once it is done.
More information about that can be found below in the section on grading.
Don’t stress out – Canvas saves all answers automatically every 7 (seven) seconds, in case
there is a problem, for example with your Internet connection or your computer and you get kicked
out. You can change your answer at any time and it will re-save when you select it. Upon
submission, Canvas re-saves everything that is on the form.
Short-answer exam questions will be graded manually by me. I will also review the remaining exam
questions. Results will be posted into your grade book and an announcement will be sent telling you that
the exam has been graded. I will convert your exam grade to 100 points and post that into your grade
book as well. Comments may be added to your exam in the comment box.
Bonus Questions
Most lecture exams will come with bonus questions. The total score given by Canvas will include these
bonus points. I will adjust your exam score to account for these bonus questions. For example, Canvas
will grade an exam out of 80 points. However, if 5 of those points are bonus, the exam is actually out of
75 points and I will calculate your final exam score taking that into account.
Questions about an Exam
If you have any questions about the exam, or think that an exam question was graded incorrectly, you
may email me. Please give me the specific question(s) that you are concerned about and I will review it.
If a mistake was made in a question, the question will be regraded and a new exam score will be posted.
I will correct the score in your grade book.
Attempt History
Attempt 1
148 minutes
61 out of 75
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 61 out of 75
Submitted Jan 15 at 10:40am
This attempt took 148 minutes.
1 / 4 pts
Question 1
Match the following clades with the characteristics that they share
Bryophytes and
alternation of generati
Embryophyta and
alternation of generati
Chlorophyta and
chlorophylls a and b a
Bryophytes and
sporangia with walled
Question 2
7 / 7 pts
For the following descriptions – indicate whether they describe a monocot
or a eudicot?
parallel veins in leaves
root system is a taproot
flower organs in groups of
4 or 5
vascular bundles scattered
in the stem
capable of woody growth
pollen grain with three
embryo with one cotyledon
Question 3
Using this figure – which of the following structures would contain
0 / 1 pts
Question 4
0 / 1 pts
Using this picture – which of the following is the female gametophyte?
Question 5
1 / 1 pts
Transport of materials in the phloem tissue is mostly downward in the
plant whereas bulk flow in xylem is mostly:
also downward.
very little transport occurs in xylem.
the flow of sugars.
Question 6
1 / 1 pts
Advantages of retaining the young sporophyte as an embryo within the
parent plant include the following choices:
A) The embryo is protected from desiccation.
B) The embryo is able to quickly replicate, producing multiple copies that
can be widely dispersed.
C) The embryo is able to attain nutrients supplied by maternal tissues.
D) The embryo is protected from pathogens.
E) The embryo is protected from ultraviolet light.
four of these are correct
three of these are correct
two of these are correct
all of these are correct
none of these are correct
Question 7
0 / 1 pts
Where in the eudicot plant root would you expect to find the vascular
Between the ground and dermal tissue.
Near the edge.
Parallel to the edge.
In the center of the root.
Scattered in the root.
Question 8
1 / 1 pts
The term angiosperm refers to
the presence of endosperm.
the enclosure of the seeds within a fruit.
the presence of pollen.
the narrow sperm of angiosperms.
the branching of vascular veins.
Question 9
1 / 1 pts
Plant stem cells such as those found in cambium tissues are able to
fight microbial invaders by becoming mobile and phagocytic.
produce nutrients for other cells.
remain undifferentiated but divide to produce cells that differentiate into
new tissues.
exist as mature cells.
Question 10
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following statements are true of xylem?
A) It is found in all land plants.
B) It assists in conducting of materials, such as water and minerals,
throughout the plant.
C) It can provide structural support to the plant.
D) It is found in the gametophyte generation, but not in the sporophyte.
E) It contains specialized cells known as tracheids and vessel elements.
three of these are correct
four of these are correct
all of these are correct
none of these are correct
two of these are correct
Question 11
The formation of a tough wall of sporopellenin around the male
gametophyte leads to the production of what end product?
1 / 1 pts
Question 12
1 / 1 pts
Alternation of generations means
One phase of the life cycle is photosynthetic and the other is heterotrophic.
One phase of the life cycle is unicellular and the other is multicellular.
One phase of the life cycle takes place on land and the other in water.
One phase of the life cycle is multicellular diploid and the other is
multicellular haploid.
One phase of the life cycle is motile and the other is stationary.
Question 13
1 / 1 pts
Many plants can be produced as genetically identical clones by asexual
reproduction. Although advantageous in some ways, such genetically
plants can be a disadvantage when ________.
a disease is present in the environment
the environment is stable
mates are in short supply
pollinators are absent
Question 14
1 / 1 pts
The term herbaceous implies that a plant
has no apical meristem.
probably will live several years.
lacks vascular tissue.
is only found in wet environments.
cannot develop secondary vascular tissue like secondary xylem.
Question 15
1 / 1 pts
While conducting a plant diversity survey in a temperate rainforest in
Washington state, you come across a number of individuals of a low-lying
plant species. These plants spread over the surface of moist groun and
have numerous small stems that have tiny leaflets. They have root-like
structures but do NOT have roots. Back at the lab, tests indicate that the
majority of the plant material is haploid. The plant you discovered is likely
most closely related to
a moss.
complex streptophyte algae.
a daisy
a conifer
a lycophyte
Question 16
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the gametophyte stage of
the flowering plant?
The gametophyte is diploid
Male and female gametophytes are separate from one another
The gametophyte is haploid
The gametophyte is dependent on the sporophyte for a specific amount of
The gametophyte is a gamete producing structure
Question 17
What features are associated with the leaf epidermis?
A) Guard cells.
B) Trichomes.
C) Cuticular wax.
D) Stomata.
E) Tracheids.
0 / 1 pts
four of these are correct
three of these are correct
two of these are correct
none of these are correct
all of these are correct
Question 18
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following statements characterize the megaphyll line of
A) They differ from microphylls by developing a single, unbranched vein
rather than a branched vascular system.
B) They are believed to have evolved from branching telomes that
flattened and developed photosynthetic tissue between the branches.
C) They developed into leaves that can also be called lycophylls
D) They developed into the large leaves of the angiosperms
two of these are correct
three of these are correct
four of these are correct
all of these are correct
none of these are correct
Question 19
1 / 1 pts
One difference between sieve-tube cells and vessel elements is that
sieve-tube cells are ________, but vessel elements are dead.
placed end to end
more spherical
Question 20
1 / 1 pts
A flower could best be described as which of the following?
Incomplete leaves
Modified stems
Primary buds
Modified sporophylls
Modified petals
Question 21
The mesophyll of the leaf
is sometimes found in roots or stems.
1 / 1 pts
is mostly along the edges of the leaf.
is located between the leaf veins.
is exposed to direct sunlight.
is made up of palisade and spongy parenchyma cells.
Question 22
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following sequence represents the events that take place in
the development of a fruit?
pollination, fertilization, germination of pollen tubes, ovule matures, embryo
pollination, double fertilization, ovule matures, embryo forms within the
seed, ovary matures around the seeds.
pollination, fertilization, embryo development within the seed, ovary
matures around the seeds.
pollination, germination of pollen, endosperm, ovule.
pollination, endosperm formation, embryo development within the seed,
ovule matures.
Question 23
1 / 1 pts
The term hypocotyl refers to the portion of the embryonic stem that is
located below the attachment of the cotyledons.
Question 24
1 / 1 pts
What traits do bryophytes and tracheophytes have in common? Check all
that you think apply.
A) they both undergo alternation of generations
B) they both have chlorophylls a and b.
C) they both have an asexual life cycle stage.
D) they both have multicellular gametangia
E) they both have apical meristems
four of these are correct
three of these are correct
two of these are correct
none of these are correct
all of these are correct
Question 25
0 / 1 pts
Which of the following are correctly arranged in the sequence in which the
various taxa first appeared in time?
bacteria, streptophytes, protists, mosses, angiosperms, cycads.
prokaryotes, red algae, streptophytes, mosses, ferns, conifers,
bacteria, protists, liverworts, lycophytes, streptophytes, angiosperms,
protists, prokaryotes, streptophytes, ferns, mosses, angiosperms, conifers.
prokaryotes, protists, mosses, streptophytes, conifers, ferns, angiosperms.
Clarify Question
• What is the key concept addressed by the question?
o The question is asking whether you can identify the sequence in
which land plants evolved.
• What type of thinking is required?
o The question requires you to apply your understanding of these
taxa to place them from oldest to youngest in age.
• What key words does the question contain and what do they mean?
o Prokaryotes: organisms whose cells do not possess a nucleus or
membrane-bound organelles; Bacteria and Archaea
o Protists: eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, animals, or
o Streptophytes: a clade consisting of land plants and their closest
non-plant relatives, the streptophyte algae
o Angiosperms: flowering plants
Gather Content
• What do you already know about these groups?
o To answer this correctly, you need to have a good understanding
of the characteristics of these groups and/or their evolutionary
relationships. You also need a good grasp of the vocabulary
associated with these groups (e.g., bacteria and prokaryotes are
essentially synonymous for this question).
Consider Possibilities
• So what do you know about these groups?
o You should be able to identify that prokaryotes/bacteria (present
in all five answer choices) should be the first group, since they
existed long before any of the other groups. You should be able to
identify that angiosperms (also present in all five answer choices) is
the most recent taxon of plants to evolve.
Choose Answer
• Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving
approach is most likely to produce the correct answer?
o If you have prokaryotes/bacteria and angiosperm in the correct
positions, you now have to compare two answer choices that have
the same five additional groups. Should streptophytes come before or
after mosses? Since mosses are plants and streptophytes are
photosynthetic algae, streptophytes should come before mosses. You
could also use the placement of ferns and conifers to help since
could also use the placement of ferns and conifers to help, since
conifers are more similar to angiosperms.
Reflect on Process
• Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If
not, where did the process break down or lead you astray? How can
you revise your approach to produce a more desirable result?
o Did you have a clear idea of what types of organisms all these
terms described? If not, it would be difficult to put them in order.
o Did you remember which taxa were plants and which were not?
o Did you remember the order of evolution of plants based on
presence of vascular tissue, motile sperm, and reproductive
Question 26
0 / 1 pts
The route followed by a sperm from production to fertilization in a
flowering plant is:
A sperm cell, enclosed in a pollen grain with another sperm, is produced in
the filament
It is transported to a stigma where it passes through a pollen tube that
grows down the style to the ovary
The pollen grain enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell.
A sperm cell is produced in the anther
It is transported to a stigma where it becomes enclosed along with another
sperm cell into a pollen grain
The pollen grain grows down the style to the ovary
It enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell.
A pollen grain is produced in the pistil, which explosively ejects it into the
The pollen grain is transported to a stigma where it forms two sperm cells.
One of the sperm cells passes through a pollen tube that grows down the
style to the ovary
The sperm enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell.
A pollen grain is produced in the anther
It is transported to a stigma where it produces two sperm cells that pass
through a pollen tube that grows down the style to the ovary.
One of the sperm cells enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell.
A sperm cell, enclosed in a pollen grain with another sperm, is produced in
the anther.
The pollen is transported to the stigma of the flower, where the two sperm
travel down the pollen tube that is growing down the style to the ovary,
The sperm enters the ovule via the micropyle and fertilization takes place
Question 27
1 / 1 pts
In conifers, microspores develop into
flagellated sperm inside the pollen grain
pollen grains inside microsporangia.
the male cones.
eggs inside the ovules.
a nucellus.
Question 28
1 / 1 pts
The waxy polymer on the leaves of vascular plants that protects them
from pathogens and dehydration is called ________________
Question 29
0 / 1 pts
Male gametophytes in the pine tree are produced by which of the
following processes?
Neither mitosis nor meiosis
Microsporophyte generation
Question 30
Where are the primary meristems located?
Dermal tissue.
Root and stem tips.
Stem tip only.
Vascular tissue.
1 / 1 pts
Woody stem.
Question 31
1 / 1 pts
Secondary metabolites are organic compounds that are produced outside
of the primary metabolic processes that create the materials for structure
and growth. Based on this information, which of the following is an
example of a secondary metabolite?
Question 32
1 / 1 pts
A plant that you are studying has sluggish wound healing abilities as well
as an inability to store significant food reserves. You would like to
enhance its ability to store food reserves. If you could enhance the
growth of