Biology Question


Learning objectives: After completing this assignment, the student will (1) feel comfortable finding and assessing primary literature related to marine science, (2) be able to read a primary literature article and give an accurate summary, and (3) be able to explain the role the physical environment (with respect to seawater flow and chemistry, sediments and bottom topography) on an organism. The physical properties of the ocean- salinity, waves and tides, circulation patterns, sediment in the ocean, bottom features, etc.- can have a large impact on the biology of organisms.Physiological processes of organisms, such as respiration rate, reproduction, and swimming speeds or buoyancy can all change with respect to changing physical parameters of the ocean. Marine ecologists study the effects of the physical environment on the living biota, in many different areas. Assignment- Find a primary literature article regarding the effects of the physical ocean on an organism. 1. Using any search engine you choose, locate a primary literature article that answers the question “What effects do the physical parameters of the ocean have on an organism?”.You may choose any physical property we discussed in class, and any organism that lives in the ocean.The article must be from a peer reviewed journal, must be discussing an original experiment, and must be published within the last 5 years.The article can be from anywhere in the world, but must be discussing an OCEAN (this can include a Gulf, Sea, Bay, or Estuary—anything that has salinity above freshwater) Search tips:If you just put into the search engine “What effects do the physical parameters of the ocean have on an organism?” you are not going to get primary literature—you will get a lot of review articles.A review article is still peer reviewed, but it is not a summary of a single experiment done by a researcher or group.That is not what you want for this assignment.A tip is to try and make the question more specific.Pick a physical parameter (salinity? Temperature? Oxygen? Waves? Etc) and pick an organism (can be broad like ‘fish’ or narrow like ‘gray seals in NJ’).This will help you to get peer reviewed, primary literature articles. 2. Read through the article.Provide a brief (summary of the article discussing the highlights and main findings. Be sure to mention/explain: A. What is the hypothesis, and was it supported or rejected? (and why!) B. What is the body of water this experiment takes place in, and what physical characteristics were used to define that body of water? And what organism was studied? C. Methodology used to examine the role of the physical ocean on an organism D. The major effects observed on the organisms with respect to the physical parameters studied. (you are not limited to those questions, but in your summary statement make sure to address those, along with any other key findings!) Upload to blackboard BOTH a pdf copy of the article (NOT just a link! An actual full article) and your summary document.

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