Biology Question


Part 1. As Earth is our home it is important to know as much as we can about it. Please, answer the following questions. Be thorough and do your research.

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Summarize the Earth’s atmosphere, in terms of chemical composition and physical conditions such as temperature, density, and pressure.
Explain how heat from the Sun and rotation of the Earth create the global circulation pattern of the atmosphere. How do the oceans influence the circulation?
How do we know anything about the Earth’s interior?
Post your favorite picture of Earth seen from space. Explain why you chose the picture and what it means to you.

Part 2. The two pictures show two different cratered worlds. They belong to our solar system. What are those objects? What geological features do they have in common? What do they consist of? Find out as much as you can about the surface structures on those objects and share this information with your classmates. At the end of your post, ask your classmates a question about the geological structures on the surfaces of those objects. Respond to at least one other post.

A good place for searching information about these cratered worlds is the NASA Solar System Exploration site.

Don’t forget to provide references. Photo is attached.

Part 3.Discuss the major findings of the New Horizons spacecraft. Did it achieve its mission goals? Be specific and do your research. New Horizons – NASA Science

Please add links and references.