Biology II fermentation lab


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Biology II fermentation lab
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Have you heard of the “famous” McDonalds experiment where a teacher purchased a hamburger and left it on the counter…and it didn’t
mold? We are going to somewhat replicate this experiment. I ask first though that you don’t do look up the results of the experiment just
yet. I want you to work this out on your own. There will be a step where you will check out the internet for more info, just hang on and be
patient. Experimental Caution: We will be growing mold. Please use caution in this experiment. Extra caution should be taken for those
that have a mold allergy or asthma. Please handle with caution and avoid a direct inhalation of mold. Most people do not have any issues
with bread mold as it happens in our pantry all the time. We also shouldn’t reach any significant levels of mold in our time frame. Please
discard when experiment is over.
You will need the following materials and will be following the below procedures. These procedures will give you the exact measurement
and protocols for the experimental setup and design. This experiment will take 7-14 days. You will need to document your experiment
daily. At the conclusion of the experiment, you will upload your documentation into D2L and complete a post lab report, also uploaded to

(3) Slices of bread (any bread is ok)
(2) Ziploc type sandwich bags
White copy/printer paper
Experimental Design
In this experiment, you will have three separate environments for each slice of bread. You will have one control (Sealed) and two
experimental (Exposed, Sealed w/Moisture). You will record your data on a visual scale and record photographic evidence. This
experiment will run for seven days but may require 14 (see procedure below). You will collect data starting on Day 1 through Day 7 (Day 14 if
For documentation, you will need to visually inspect each group and make notes of any type of growth, mold or otherwise. Make sure you
are looking on both sides and the edges of the bread. Report the size of any colonies you see and how many. For ease of comparison, use
the size of a dime, nickel or quarter. For example, You may observe 2 dime sized growth areas, 4 less than dime sized and 1 quarter sized
growth area. You will then use those to estimate the total area that the growth is covering the bread (e.g. Less than 25%, more than
50%). This data will need to be collected daily and recorded. You will also need to make photographic documentation. Photos are only
required for Day 1 and Day 7 (or Day 14). For each photo, place one bread group on a white sheet of paper. You will need to write the
following on each sheet. This must be handwritten; I will not accept typed or digitally altered photo with text.
Bread group
Mold or No Mold
1. Mark one Ziploc bag as “Sealed”. This is our control group and represent the bread as if it is in a regular bread bag. Tip: Mark in the
corner as not to obscure anything on the bread.
2. Mark one Ziploc bag as “Sealed w/Moisture”. This will be one of our experimental groups.
3. Place one slice of bread in the “Sealed” bag and seal the bag. Place one slice of bread in the “Sealed w/Moisture” and add 1 teaspoon
(tsp) of water. This can be anywhere in the bag or on the bread. Seal the bag.
4. Place one slice of bread on a paper towel/plate/paper on the counter. This will be our other experimental group “Exposed”. This slice will
need to remain exposed to the air the entire time of the project. If you are concerned about attracting insects, you may stick these in a box or
container but it must still be exposed to the air.
5. Document each group in a notebook and take photos for Day one (see Documentation above).
6. Leave for seven days. On Day 7, check each group for any growth. Repeat documentation.
A. If growth is found on any group, you have completed this experiment. Complete the submission of all documentation to the
dropbox link in D2L.
B. If no growth is present on any group, leave experiment in place for another seven days. On Day 14, document again and end
the experiment. Complete the submission of all documentation to the dropbox link in D2L.
Student Report
You will need to create a short report. In that report you will need to identify/explain the following:

What is the question this experiment is trying to answer?
What was your initial hypothesis before beginning the experiment? (Not Prediction – For this course, a hypothesis is not
an if then statement)
Present your data
o Present all of your daily data in a table.
What are your results and what does your analysis tell you? (Consider the conditions of samples) *There is the possibility
that no growth will occur. If this is the case consider bread type, quality control of bakery, conditions,
ingredients. Include this in your discussion.
What is your conclusion and what supports your conclusion? You can also look up and reference the McDonalds
experiment and others like it. (Don’t watch until you are done!
Student Report Grading Rubric
The hypothesis is
The hypothesis is
The hypothesis
The hypothesis
specific and
is general and
is poorly written,
specific, testable,
testable, but could
not clearly
not specific or
and based on prior
be more clearly
testable, but
testable, and
research or
written or better
shows some
shows a lack of
supported by prior
understanding of
knowledge. (5)
research or
of the topic.
the topic. (1)
knowledge. (4)
The data collected
The data collected
The data
The data
is thorough,
is adequate, but
collected is
collected is
accurate and well-
could be more
sufficient, but
insufficient and
organized (5)
thorough or
accurate. (4)
organization or
organization or
accuracy (2)
accuracy (1)
The results are
The results are
The results are
The results are
presented in a
presented clearly,
presented, but
not presented or
clear and concise
but lack analysis or
lack clarity or
are not clear (1)
manner, and
interpretation (8)
are not well-
include detailed
organized (5)
analysis and
interpretation (10)
The conclusion is
The conclusion is
The conclusion
The conclusion
supported by the
is present, but
is not present or
supported by the
data but could be
not well-
not well-written
data (10)
improved, (7)
written or
supported by
the data (3)
1. Clearly state the purpose and objectives of the lab report.
2. Use a clear and concise writing style.
3. Use appropriate formatting, such as headings and subheadings, to organize the
report and make it easy to read.
4. Include a detailed and accurate description of the methods and procedures used
in the lab.
5. Present and analyze data in a clear and organized manner, including appropriate
tables and figures.
6. Discuss the results of the lab and their significance, including any potential errors
or sources of uncertainty.
7. Conclude the report with a conclusion summary of the main findings and their
8. Proofread the report for grammar and spelling errors before submitting it.
9. Reports recommended between 1-2 pages double spaced.
Completion of Assignment Checklist

Student Created Data Sheet [D2L Upload]
Day 1 photos (3) [D2L Upload]
Day 7 photos (3) [D2L Upload]
Completion of Student Report [D2L Upload]

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