bio discussion


Human Health and Physiology – Human health and physiology 5
From Spr24_BIOL011_33972

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For this assignment, each member of your group will be taking on the role of a different medical specialist. Each person in your group should have a different role, so before you write your post, check to see which roles have been taken. You will be STAYING in these roles for the Community Health Project assignments due next week and the week after.

Nephrologist (my topic)
Post Requirements

This assignment requires one post. Title your post with the name of your medical specialty.

Be sure to write the answers to the following questions in your own words; no direct quotes! Please also cite all sources fully, including in-text citations and a full reference list at the end, for full credit. If you choose to use AI to assist in your research, be sure to provide an appropriate citation.

In your expert role, what body system(s) do you specialize in?
What are the main organs of that system(s)?
Identify all of the health conditions that you believe are relevant to your medical specialty. (You should have at least two for full credit.) Explain your reasoning for why each health condition is relevant to your medical specialty. Your explanation should briefly discuss the physiology of the condition and include at least one in-text citation for each health condition, with a properly formatted reference list at the end.
High blood pressure
Cancer (except skin cancer)
Coronary heart disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Heart attack
Chronic kidney disease
Low birth weight
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is piloting an educational outreach program to communities with low overall life expectancy within the county. You will use public health data to identify a community with poor health outcomes for conditions related to your medical specialty. Using your answer to #3, analyze the health condition data below to determine which city has poor health outcomes related to those health conditions compared to other cities. For full credit be sure to discuss which communities have the highest and lowest rates of the health conditions you are focusing on.
Based on your answer to#3 and #4, choose one community (View Park, Rosemead, Florence-Graham, West Whittier, Boyle Heights) that should be the focus for the County to work on improving health outcomes. In 3-4 sentences explain your reasoning.

Note: Los Angeles County data has been provided as a comparison.