

Week 3 Assignment – Annotated Bibliography

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In preparation for your final paper it will be important that you locate a number of scholarly sources on your chosen psychological disorder in preparation for writing your final Behavioral Neuroscience Research Paper.

Your task for this week is to create an annotated bibliography where you will locate and summarize 8 scholarly sources relate to the biologically-based psychological disorder you chose for your final research paper. There must be a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed articles from Keiser’s online library and the remainder may come from books or credible websites (e.g., ending in .org, .edu. or .gov; professional organization sites).

Save your “Annotated Bibliography” to your computer, then click on the “Week 3 Assignment – Annotated Bibliography” title link at the top and “Browse my Computer to upload your saved document by Sunday of week 3. Your paper should be written in APA format and your sources should be properly referenced.

What is an annotated bibliography?

It is an organized list of sources (referenced in APA format), such as books, journals, newspapers, magazines, reputable web pages, etc., each of which is followed by a summary or description of the source.Your summary MUST extend beyond the abstract of the source and it may not include any direct quotations. You must summarize the source content in your own words.

Annotations must consist of all he following list of items:

describe the content (focus) of the source
note key points from the article relevant to your final project
describe your reaction to the source
discuss any conclusions the author(s) may have made
describe the usefulness of the source
evaluate the reliability of the source

What does an annotated bibliography look like?

The following in an example source from an annotated bibliography:

Turner, A. F., & Elson, A. (2022). Using MBTI and what it tells us about the impact of introversion on coaching relationships: A provocation. The Coaching Psychologist,

18(1), 10–18. DOI:

The article by Tuner and Elson (2022) provided a review and commentary on the impact of introversion on executive coaching. In particular, they examined the possible utility of the MBTI in enhancing the coaching relationship and related outcomes. The authors offer a definition of introversion and discuss the possible effects of introversion from the client and coach perspective are discussed. Their review of the literature revealed mixed findings, with some authors advocating for use of the MBTI and others questioning the reliaiblity and validity when used in the context of executive coaching. Ultimately, they did not advocate for using the MBTI to guide coaching decisions; however, they did advocate for further research to try to identify potential benefits of using personality tests for executive coaches and their clients. This article is helpful because it provides a review of the mixed literature (i.e., some studies support use of the MBTI and some do not). Additionally, I am examining the usefulness of the MBTI related to leadership development, and this article suggests that the MBTI should not be a primary tool used to enhance leadership development through executive coaching. The article is published in The Coaching Psychologist, a peer-reviewed journal.