Bhopal Disaster


Bhopal Disaster

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Bhopal Disaster
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The disaster was a horrific time in the world-wide history. You probably have never heard of it, yet it changed our international history forever. This disaster is still plaguing India and the entire world.

Treat this as a case study, the same as in your weekly discussions. What went right? Wrong? If you were a consultant after the fact, what would you suggest? Based on the first half of this course what theories and change management could you put into place.

The paper should be about what we discuss in the class, not the technical aspects of what happened. Rather the Organizational aspects.

Using the same questions, if you were brought in beforehand, what would you have done to change the behavior, actions, and methods of this company both in India and the parent organization in the United States?

The case took place in 1984 which for many is a “long” time ago. There was no Internet or 24-hour news cycle. Keep these points in mind. Please remember to use APA or MLA research and citations. You are not limited to below.

Length: Minimum five pages.

Required to view: Documentary: The Bhopal Disaster

Other Resources

Loss Prevention Bulletin

The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster Is Still Unfolding