BHA4020 Interdisciplinary Presentation of Evidence-Based Recommendations


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BHA4020 Interdisciplinary Presentation of Evidence-Based Recommendations
Assignment Overview
Health care leaders scan for emerging and existing issues, prioritize problems, collect and
analyze data, propose evidence-based solutions, and engage diverse teams in the process.
Once a problem has been sufficiently analyzed, the health care leader must identify
stakeholders who will participate in the final decision making for the proposed evidencebased solution.
Most importantly, the health care leader must craft a message that is aligned with
organizational mission and strategy, is based upon sound analysis and data, and one that is
inclusive of a wide variety of diverse stakeholders. The message needs to be
communicated in a clear, concise, culturally competent, balanced and professional
In this assessment, you will have an opportunity to practice a wide variety of executive
level skills by conducting a PowerPoint presentation on your selected health care
problem. You will demonstrate a flow of logic and analysis by following an outline
template that can be used for your slide presentation. The goal of the presentation is to
state the problem, to apply an appropriate tool for analysis, to offer insights and evidencebased recommendations. Use your webcam for this presentation.
Your imaginary audience is comprised of a diverse senior leadership team at your selected
organization. The team represents a variety of ages, cultures, and perspectives. Your goal
is to communicate in a concise, professional, and culturally competent manner while
persuading the senior leadership team to implement your evidence-based
recommendations. Consider that two of the senior leadership team members may be
evaluating you as a high potential candidate for a promotion. Good luck! It is now time to
construct your presentation.
Assignment Instructions
Create a recorded PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 pre-formatted slides with webcam
on, designed for interdepartmental and leadership team viewing. The presentation should
be 3–5 minutes maximum, ideally using Kaltura (or other accessible technology). Make
sure that you save your final presentation to your ePortfolio.
See the Final PowerPoint Template [PPTX] resource for a suggested structure. Be sure to
include the raw data from your visual data summary in a readable format in a Word
document or spreadsheet with appropriate categories, titles, and labels.
Assignment Requirements

Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional,
respectful, and consistent with expectations for professional practice in health
care administration. Original work and critical thinking are required regarding
your assessment and scholarly writing. Your writing must be free of errors that
detract from the overall message.
Media presentation: Minimum of 8–12 slides, not to exceed 5 minutes, with
speaker’s notes or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone. Upload the
Resources: At least three scholarly resources other than the course text or
assigned journal articles. Include citations at the end of the presentation.
APA guidelines: Resources and citations are formatted according to current
APA style and format. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.
Font and font size: Appropriate size and weight for presentation, generally 24–
28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text. For
PowerPoint tips, refer to the PowerPoint library guide linked in the Resources
Grading Criteria
1. Construct a data-driven action plan based upon industry benchmarks to solve
the selected health care plan.
2. Analyze evidence-based recommendations with respect to organizational
3. Provide rationale for the execution of evidence-based recommendations.
4. Create a succinct PowerPoint presentation on your problem and
recommendations that is designed for interdepartmental senior leadership
team viewing. Be sure to include speaker’s notes in the area below your slide
content and a transcript of the presentation. A reference slide is needed to
support the recommendations.
Part 2
BHA4110 Leadership in the Dynamic Health Care
While not entirely unique, leadership in health care differs from that of other service
industries. Several unique characteristics of the health care industry include rapid and
constant change, reduced reimbursements, political scrutiny, heavy regulation, a diverse
workforce, and being tasked with the health and well-being of those who patronize the
facility (often requiring life and death decisions).
For this assignment, consider your organization is three years into their ten-year strategic
plan and they are updating it to align with current industry practice and standards. The
Director of Strategic Planning has asked you to research several topics related to service
line management, leadership, patient experience, employee relations, and quality
improvement as these topics are top of mind for the staff, patients, payers, and regulatory
agencies. Include the following in your paper:

Analyze health care leadership and its impact on the patient’s experience.
o Discuss why the patient experience is a critical issue for health care
o Identify the senior leader’s role in impacting patient experience.
Explain implications for the organization if patient experience is not a strategic
o Describe potential signs of patient dissatisfaction.
o Identify areas that would be impacted.
Analyze service line management and the challenges associated with this
organizational structure.
o Discuss service lines within the health care setting (for example,
what they are, why they are formed, how they impact organizational
o Discuss how clinical departments were managed prior to the
development of service lines.
o Describe the changes required in hierarchal structures to allow for
more effective management.
Analyze the pros and cons of leading the service line using the dyad
management model.
o Describe the cultural shift involved in adopting a dyad management
Explain the importance of employee and provider relations on the overall
success of the organization from the service line perspective.
o Identify the support functions provided to a service line and the
importance of these functions on its overall success.
o Identify two resources (one must be culture) necessary for the
service line director to be effective.
Analyze the role of the health care leader in regard to organizational quality
o Analyze the impact of quality management on the overall success of
the organization and why leadership is critical to improving quality
(for example, the importance of quality as a strategy and implications
for the organization if quality is not managed).
o Discuss the role the leader has in quality management (for
example, culture, improvement cycles, identifying opportunities for
o Discuss the benefit of management rounding as it relates to
identifying and managing quality issues within the organization.
Write clearly and logically with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and mechanics; correctly format citations using APA style.
Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements
and scholarly writing standards.
Apply the principles of effective composition.
Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and
Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.
Submission Requirements

Written Communication: Writing is clear, precise, scholarly, and free of errors
that detract from the overall message. Concepts flow in a logical order.
References: A minimum of three references, in addition to the course textbook.
Length: 5–7-page paper.
APA: Correct use of APA style and formatting. Use APA Style Paper Tutorial
[DOCX]Links to an external site. and Evidence and APALinks to an external
site. as needed.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the
following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Describe when and how the senior leader would directly impact
health care operations.
o Analyze the role of the health care leader in regard to organizational
quality improvement.
Competency 2: Analyze the impact of the various success factors of a health
care organization.
o Analyze health care leadership and its impact on patients’
Competency 3: Analyze the concept of competitive strength by considering
efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes.
o Analyze service line management and the challenges associated with
this organizational structure.
o Explain the importance of employee and provider relations on the
overall success of the organization from the service line perspective.
Competency 4: Apply management concepts to lead an efficient health care
o Explain implications for the organization if patient experience is not
a strategic priority.
o Analyze the pros and cons of leading the service line using the dyad
management model.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with
health care professionals.
o Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and
o Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar,
punctuation, and mechanics.
Part 3
BHA4112 National Health Insurance in the United
The U.S. health care system has been a hot topic of debate for almost a century and is a
central issue in all political agendas. Many argue that the United States should have
national health insurance, similar to Canada, so care is accessible to everyone. Others
argue that national health insurance leads to longer wait times and decreased quality.
In this assignment, you will consider everything you have learned in this course, including
the history of the U.S. health care system, reimbursement methodologies, technology, and
operational concerns, and make an argument grounded in research as to whether the
United States should implement national health insurance. Review the National Health
Insurance media piece. Include the following in your paper:
1. Explain how legislation has supported or failed to support national health
insurance in the United States (Competency 1).
a. Discuss the impact of Medicare and Medicaid on the health care
b. Determine the feasibility of expanding Medicare and Medicaid into a
national health insurance available for all Americans.
2. Analyze the implications of national health insurance on access, utilization,
technological advancements, cost, and growth in the United States
(Competency 2).
a. Identify access, utilization, technology, cost, and growth concerns
resulting from national health insurance.
b. Analyze the pros and cons of national health insurance in the United
States and determine the feasibility of national health insurance in
the United States based on the pros and cons.
3. Explain the necessary reimbursement changes that would be required to
transition to national health insurance in the United States (Competency 3).
a. Apply the reimbursement methods of national health insurance to
the United States health care system.
b. Determine the feasibility of those reimbursement methods in the
United States health care system.
4. Explain the necessary operational changes that would be required to transition
to national health insurance in the United States (Competency 4).
a. Apply the operational practices of national health insurance to the
United States health care system.
b. Explain how the practices of physicians, hospitals, insurers, patients,
and the government would each change to transition to national
health insurance.
c. Determine the feasibility of those operational changes in the United
States health care system.
5. Write clearly and logically with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and mechanics; correctly format citations using APA style (Competency 5).
a. Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements
and scholarly writing standards.
b. Apply the principles of effective composition.
c. Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and
d. Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.
Submission Requirements

Written Communication: Prepare a paper free of errors that detract from the
overall message. Writing is clear, precise, and scholarly. Concepts flow in a
logical order.
References: At least three references from peer-reviewed journals, in addition
to your text.
Length: 7–9 page paper.
APA: Correct use of APA style and formatting.

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