Behavioral neural science


Part 1 The neurological basis for addiction is detailed in your textbook. Addiction, or “Use Disorders” as they are referred to in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM 5), have destroyed lives, families, and communities. The American Medical Association has defined addiction as a chronic, relapsing, brain disease.

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Behavioral neural science
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Explain why addiction is considered a “brain disease”.
Addiction literally changes the brain. Dopamine, is the primary neurotransmitter involved in addictions. What is the role of dopamine in rewards? What happens to the dopamine levels of an individual who is diagnosed with an addiction and is now attempting to get sober? How does this affect their hopes for sobriety?
Now, based on your research and reading of addiction and the brain, do you think it is a good idea to treat addictions with medication? Why? Why not? (Support your answers with evidence) (Garrett & Hough, 2022, p. 151).

Part 2 respond to two peers

part 3

Look back in your text to p. 59 and visit the following websites to read the details of the case of Phineas Gage:

Brown, N. (2015, October 29). Lessons of the brain: The Phineas Gage story. Harvard Gazette.
Twomey, S. (2010, January 1). Phineas Gage: Neuroscience’s most famous patient. Smithsonian Magazine.

After exploring this case and the specific brain damage that he experienced, write a 1-2 page paper discuss the following:

How his personality and emotional makeup changed after the accident.
How can these changes be explained biologically based on the part of the brain that was damaged?
What valuable insights were gained in the field of Behavioral Neuroscience from the study and life of Gage?