AWS – Ubuntu


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MIS341 Assignment #3 Amazon EC2
Note (Important):
(1) This is an individual assignment. It accounts for 10% of your grade.
(2) Due Date: November 13th, 2023 Monday 1:30:59pm
(3) Your submission should be a Microsoft Word file (.docx file) that is submitted via
(4) You may want to submit your solution at least 30 minutes before the deadline. Make sure you
click “Submit” rather than “Save Draft” to actually submit. You are required to double-check
your submission by downloading it to your computer and opening it to see if it is the correct
file. You will be responsible for any technical difficulty or mistake on your side that results
in submitting the wrong work or your work not being submitted or being accepted as late.
(5) Pay attention to details and make sure you fulfill all the requirements. Make good use of the
tutorial for the in-class exercise. If you forget about some of the skills we have covered in
class, you can always refer to the PDF tutorial posted on Blackboard which documents every
step we have done for the in-class exercise.
Assignment #3: Amazon EC2 (Total: 50 pts)
The objective of this assignment is to test your Amazon EC2 skills that you have learned through
the in-class exercise. You need to create and interact with two EC2 instances from Q1 to Q5 in
your AWS account and submit a word document with screenshots for each task to prove
that you have successfully completed each task. Do not know how to take screenshots?
• How to take a screenshot on Windows PC
• How to take a screenshot on Mac
Q0. Create a word document and name it exactly as your last name followed by your G
number without “G” and then followed by suffix “_assignment_3”. There should not be
extra spaces or underlines in between. For example, the file you submit should be like
Ye12345678_assignment_3.docx, where .docx is the file extension. You will complete
Q1-Q5, add relevant screenshots as proof (please organize the screenshots clearly by the
task) to this word document and then submit it via Blackboard. (1 pts)
Q1. Create an EC2 instance of Ubuntu (which is a Linux distribution). You may use an
existing key pair or create a new one. Once done, include the following screenshots as
proof of completion in the word document. (4 pts)
(1) List of EC2 instances in your AWS account, which clearly shows the name of the
instance, Instance ID, Instance state, Instance type, and Status check.
(2) Instance summary, which clearly shows the Instance ID, Public IPv4 address, Instance
state, and Public IPv4 DNS.
Q2. Connect to the Ubuntu instance you created in Q1 via EC2 Instance Connect, create a
new folder in the virtual machine, and list all files and folders of the current directory after
the new folder is created. Once done, include the following screenshots as proof of
completion in the word document. (10 pts)
(1) EC2 Instance Connect view of the instance, which clearly shows the Instance ID,
Public IP address, and user name.
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MIS341 Assignment #3 Amazon EC2
(2) The command line window once you have successfully connected to the instance and
created the directory, which clearly shows all the Linux commands you used to
complete the task.
Q3. Connect to the Ubuntu instance you created in Q1 via PuTTY (for Windows user) or
SSH Terminal (for MAC user) first, and then list all files and folders of the current
directory. Once done, include a screenshot of the PuTTY window which clearly shows
successful connection and all the Linux command(s) you have run on the virtual instance
(for Windows users), or a screenshot of the Terminal which clearly shows all the Linux
commands you have run on the terminal to compete the task (for MAC users). (10 pts)
Q4. Copy a file from an S3 bucket to the Ubuntu virtual machine you created in Q1, and then
list all files and folders of the current directory once the file has been copied. You may
leverage an existing IAM role if you already have one. Once done, include the following
screenshots as proof of completion in the word document. (15 pts)
(1) Instance summary, which clearly shows the Instance ID and IAM Role that is needed
for the task.
(2) Permissions policies of the IAM role, which clearly shows the role name, and Policy
(3) Properties of the file in the S3 bucket, which clearly shows the file name and its entire
Object overview information.
(4) The command line window once you have successfully connected to the Ubuntu
instance and used aws command to copy the file from the S3 bucket to the virtual
machine, which clearly shows all the commands (Linux and aws) you used to
complete the task. Hint: you may have to run the following Linux command before
you can use the aws command to transfer the file:
sudo snap install aws-cli –classic
Q5. Create an EC2 instance of Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base and connect to it. Once
done, include the following screenshots as proof of completion in the word document. (10
(1) List of EC2 instances in your AWS account, which clearly shows the name of the
instance, Instance ID, Instance state, Instance type, and Status check.
(2) Instance summary, which clearly shows the Instance ID, Public IPv4 address, Instance
state, and Public IPv4 DNS.
(3) The desktop of the virtual Windows server once successfully connected, which shows
the host name or IP address of the virtual machine on the top, and the virtual machine
information on the top right corner of the desktop.
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