Avs341 operations airport


1. Read the reading assignment links below:

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Avs341 operations airport
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Reading Assignment – Airport and Airport Systems

Reading Assignment – The Airfield

2. Answer the below questions in a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 6ndetailed bullet point slides not including the title slide and the reference page slide. Brief bullet points or minimal information provided in the slides will result in the loss of points.

Assignment Questions:

In your opinion, what are two political events that have influenced civil aviation (Chapter 3)?
Research and provide an example of a U.S. Airport that has undergone infrastructure changes due to legislation. For example, Deregulation or security changes from The Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 (after 9/11/2001).
Do you agree with Ralph Hood’s assessment that airports have adapted? Explain why or why not you agree based on your understanding of Chapter 3 and the article.
Describe 3 facilities located on an airport’s property and provide one example of a U.S. airport facility (Chapter 4).
Provide a few of the new lighting technologies highlighted in “The Right Light” article.

Use proper APA citing (in-text) and references. Non-academic sources like wikipedia.org will not be accepted. An overly brief presentation will result in points lost.

Discussions will be held to the strictest professional standards, so watch your spelling and grammar; proofread your work! Use APA formatting for the text body and citations/works cited.