Audio and Visual Communication: Communicating a Change


Hi so I have been working on this course assessments ( a different one). This is the last one and I have to do other things so I’ll share with you. It is honestly nothing crazy. Pretty much pretense, and I’ll add the scenario stories to this and the completed assignments done to help with understanding. I will also attach the Six W’s worksheet template below.

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Audio and Visual Communication: Communicating a Change
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Create and deliver a presentation to your workplace team using appropriate tone, language, structure, and technology.


Develop and record a 5–7 minute presentation with slides, along with notes or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone.
Your presentation should:
Share your guidelines for using email and your reasons for them.
Introduce the digital tool for the team to use when not using email.
Make a case for why the digital tool you are introducing is the most effective for the team as an alternative to email.
Evaluate your presentation and how an audience would react by completing the Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 5 [DOCX]. If needed, edit your presentation.
Submit your Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 5 [DOCX] worksheet along with your presentation and transcript.
————————–(You’ll have to refer to previous assignment done and the MEMO which is attached)——————
Scenario for this particular assessment: Wanda thought your criteria for email use and your suggested app for some messages were excellent! Although she discussed the new procedures for using email and the app in a face-to-face meeting, you know that you will not have the time or ability to personally meet with all members of your team, as they are located all around the country. You decide the best way to communicate the new guidelines is with a recorded audiovisual presentation that members of the team can watch at their leisure. In the presentation, you will reiterate your finding from the memo you sent to Wanda.


Consider this scenario: You are a customer service specialist at ABC Inc. On Monday morning, you check your phone and discover you have a voicemail from your manager, Wanda, about a customer service issue. She is worried because one of the company’s most important clients has not received their shipment. While she acknowledges it is not your fault, she needs you to work quickly to resolve the issue. In order for you to address the problem, she has outlined some tasks that must be completed in order to fast-track the solution. DONE
For Assessment 1, you sent Wanda a voicemail, referencing Sara; for Assessment 2 you emailed Sara Robins of Printables. Now you need to email your Shipping Department manager, John Smith, clarifying the next steps.
Task To-Do Item For Due Date Status
Respond to Wanda’s voicemail message. Leave a voicemail message for Wanda to confirm next steps for resolving the issue. You Monday Complete
Inform the customer. Email Sarah Robbins at Printables to communicate how we will resolve the issue. You Monday Complete
Communicate the new plan. Send message to John Smith, the Shipping Department manager, to get their assistance. You Monday (end of day) To do
Send new shipment. Ship replacement order to customer at no charge. Shipping Arrives by Wednesday To do
Send shipment tracking number to customer. Shipping Tuesday To do
Refund shipping fees to customer. Shipping Tuesday To do
After you re-send Printables’ shipment and ensure that Sara Robins received it and her refund for the missing package, your manager, Wanda, asks you to determine why no one from ABC, Inc. noticed the error until the customer contacted her. Upon investigating, you determine that an important internal email went into the Shipping Dept. manager’s junk box. In order to ensure this does not happen again, you propose that email be used for certain, pre-determined communications only and that another digital tool be used as a way to encourage employee engagement and to minimize overlooked messages.


Additional requirement
– References to course material or library resources should be cited in APA format.
– Use a font of appropriate size and weight for presentation, generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text.
– Audio and video should be included in one file, and that file should play inside Courseroom (in other words, it should not require downloading to hear or play it).