Athletes case study


Read the athlete information on page 1 of the attached file and use that information to answer the corresponding questions on page 2 using your textbook and supplementary materials from the course for reference. Make revisions to the athlete’s meal plan. DO NOT DELETE QUESTIONS. Using the textbookPractical Applications in Sports Nutrition, Sixth EditionHeather Fink and Alan Mikesky

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Case Study of an Athlete: 100 Total Points
You’re the Nutrition Coach
You are the nutrition coach who will be evaluating the athlete’s energy needs, diet, and dietary supplement use
outlined in the case study below. Be sure to answer each of the questions in detail and show your work.
Devin is a 19-year-old college sophomore athlete who competes in NCAA Division I Track and Field events.
His specialties are shot put and discus. He ranks 5th in his division. His goal is to become NCAA shot put
champion and compete in USA championships. He plans to gain 5–8 pounds of lean body mass in the next 2
months during peak training with a goal to increase body mass and improve muscle size and strength. Devin
reports he has not yet implemented any dietary changes that would initiate the weight gain process.
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 225 lbs
Body Fat: 18.1%
Advil (as needed), Protein Shake (Ready to Drink from weight room nutrition fueling station), pre-workout
(page 5), multivitamin (page 4), and fish oil (page 4)
Training/Performance Schedule
Period: Spring, Pre-season
Practice and Weight Training: 2-3 hrs/d 6 days per week. (Weight training every other day).
Food Recall
See the 1-day food recall in the left column on page 3 for his current typical intake.
Using the information about Devin from Page 1, answer the following questions. DO NOT DELETE THE
QUESTIONS. Explain your answers (show how you did the work) and provide references as needed if
you use sources outside of the textbook.
What energy system is Devin primarily using during his practice and training sessions?
How many calories per day is Devin currently consuming based on his 1-day intake record?
Using Table 13.1 in the text, calculate Devin’s energy needs.
Is Devin currently consuming more, or less, calories than he needs to reach his goals?
How many extra calories are required to gain 1 pound of muscle?
How long would you suggest it will take for Devin to reach his goal?
What positive messaging can you share with Devin about the way he is currently eating based on his 1day food recall?
8. What is the main fuel (macronutrient) source for short, high-intensity bursts of energy?
9. How many carbohydrates are recommended per hour during training sessions?
10. How many carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed daily?
a. How does this compare to the amount of carbohydrates he is already consuming?
11. How soon after training should Devin consume carbohydrates?
12. How much protein should be recommended daily?
a. How does this compare to the amount of protein he is currently consuming?
13. How many grams of fat should be recommended daily?
a. How does this compare to the amount of fat he is currently consuming?
14. Is Devin receiving adequate calcium intake from his current diet?
15. What is Devin’s RDA for Thiamin?
a. Is he deficient in, meeting, or exceeding his RDA?
b. What could be the side effects of this?
16. What is Devin’s RDA for Niacin?
a. Is he deficient in, meeting, or exceeding his RDA?
b. What could be the side effects of this?
17. What is the recommendation for caffeine consumption in athletes?
18. What is your recommendation to Devin regarding his caffeine consumption?
19. What is the price per serving of the pre-workout supplement?
20. What advice would you provide regarding the pre-workout supplement?
21. Would any of his current supplements disqualify him from competition?
22. Devin’s team will be traveling for competition. Name at least 3 snack options that Devin can pack with
him to help him meet his goals while on the road.
23. The sports performance dietitian asks you for a meal idea to serve to the track and field team preevent. What would you suggest?
24. Devin lives in apartments on his campus. He has very little time to plan, shop for, prep, and cook meals
while he’s involved in college sports and trying to maintain his GPA in classes. Name 3 different easy
go-to foods for Devin to have on hand in his apartment to help him reach his goals.
25. Devin is often pressured to drink alcohol as a college student. What advice would you have for him
about how drinking alcohol could impact his performance?
26. Fill out Devin’s meal plan with a minimum of 5 revision suggestions and a reason for each suggestion.
Devin’s Meal Plan
Current: Meals/snacks
Raisin Bran cereal, 1.5 c
1% milk, 1 c
2 eggs, fried in butter
Orange juice, 12 oz
Breakfast Total:
Total Calories: 798
Carbohydrate (g): 118.5
Protein (g): 31
Chick-fil-A Deluxe Sandwich
Waffle fries, 1 large
Coca-Cola, large
Lunch Total:
Total Calories: 1270
Carbohydrate (g): 184
Protein (g): 36
Pre workout supplement:
1 scoop powdered pre-workout w/ water
Pre workout supplement total:
Total Calories: 14
Carbohydrates (g): 0
Protein (g): 3.5
(Protein consists of: B-Alanine 1.5g; Arginine
1.0g; Creatinine 1.0g)
Post workout snack:
Protein shake, ready to drink, 1 (12 oz)
2 Donut Country donuts
Snack Total:
Total Calories: 600
Carbohydrate (g): 63.3
Protein (g): 28
Revised: Meals/snacks
Reason for change
Baked fish, 8 oz
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup
Wild rice, 1 cup
Cola, 12 oz
Dinner Total:
Total Calories: 660
Carbohydrate (g): 102.3
Protein (g): 61
Usually no evening snack
Snack Total:
Total Calories: 0
Carbohydrate (g):
Protein (g): 0
Total Daily Intake:
Total Calories: 3342
Carbohydrate (g): 468.1
Carb (kcal): 1872.4 (56% of total kcal)
Protein (g): 159.5
Protein (kcal): 638 (19% of total kcal)
Fat (g): 92.4
Fat (kcal): 831.6 (24.9% of total kcal)
Grading Criteria for Meal Plan:
If you make a revision you MUST list a reason. Use critical thinking skills and
be specific in ALL answers i.e. meal revision must have name of food &
approximate serving size suggested. Reason must include what nutrient(s) it
will add or remove from original meal plan.


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