

I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

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first : Design a 5 question survey on any topic of your choosing

Ø Use closed-ended questions

Ø Refine and improve the questions by commenting on each other’s work until the survey is ready for “release”

These concepts can be found in Chapter 7.

example of how you should do it DO NOT COPY

: Schooling Importance?

Do you find school enjoyable?

Unenjoyable 1–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–10 Enjoyable

Do you feel supported in going to school?

Unsupported 1–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–10 Supported

When struggling on certain subjects, is assistance accesible to you?

Inaccessible 1–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–10 Accesible

Is studying a priority for you?

Not a priority 1–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–10 A Priority

Is higher education (College, Trade schools, etc.) important to you?

Not Important 1–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–l–10 Important

Thank you for participating in this survey!

second assignment :

Design an experiment:

How would you go about testing the effects of meditation on test anxiety?


Where will you get your participants?

How will you split them into groups?

What confounds do you expect?

What type of design will you use?

What kind of effects can you predict – and HOW WILL YOU FIX THEM?

These concepts are mainly found in Chapter 8 (or earlier!) example of how you should do it DO NOT COPY.

Title: The Effects of Meditation on Test Anxiety: A Controlled Experiment

The objective of this experiment is to investigate the impact of meditation on reducing test anxiety in a controlled setting.

– 100 college students (aged 18-25) with moderate to high test anxiety.
– Participants should be randomly assigned to two groups: the meditation group and the control group.

– Standardized test anxiety questionnaire.
– Guided meditation audio recordings.
– A quiet and comfortable room for meditation sessions.
– A controlled testing environment for pre- and post-intervention anxiety assessments.
– Stopwatch or timer.


1. **Pre-Experiment Assessment:**
– All participants complete the standardized test anxiety questionnaire to establish baseline anxiety levels.

2. **Random Assignment:**
– Participants are randomly assigned to two groups: the meditation group and the control group.

3. **Meditation Group (Experimental):**
– Meditation group participants attend four 20-minute guided meditation sessions over a two-week period.
– Participants are provided with guided meditation audio recordings to use for additional practice at home.
– After two weeks, participants retake the test anxiety questionnaire.

4. **Control Group:**
– Control group participants do not receive any meditation intervention.
– They continue their regular routines.
– After two weeks, control group participants retake the test anxiety questionnaire.

5. **Post-Experiment Assessment:**
– Compare the post-intervention test anxiety scores of the meditation group and the control group to determine the impact of meditation on reducing test anxiety.
– Use statistical analysis (e.g., t-tests) to assess the significance of any differences.

**Data Analysis:**
– Analyze the data collected from both groups to determine if there is a significant difference in test anxiety scores before and after the intervention.
– Calculate effect sizes to measure the practical significance of any observed differences.

**Ethical Considerations:**
– Ensure participants’ informed consent.
– Protect participants’ privacy and confidentiality.
– Provide resources for participants experiencing increased test anxiety during the experiment.

The experiment aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of meditation in reducing test anxiety. The findings will help determine whether incorporating meditation into educational settings or for individuals with test anxiety can be a beneficial strategy for anxiety management.

third assignment :

The purpose of this assignment is to help you plan out your final project. Specifically, you will be creating an outline of your final project throughout this assignment. Be sure to include the following information:

Rough Introduction: What is the general hypothesis? Why does this need to be explored? How has previous research addressed this (or failed to address this)? Define the scope of the problem/concern/issue, and make a strong case as to why your topic is necessary in the field of research. Be specific, be clear, and make it known exactly where you intend to go in the paper.

General outline for the body of the paper: Include information from your sources that “brings together” what we know so far about the topic. Be sure to speak about how these articles are helping you develop your own idea related to the topic. This section is nothing more than support for your ideas. It is recommended to have a cohesive list of ideas here, and which article(s) support that idea. Remember – DO NOT SUMMARIZE. DO NOT QUOTE. DO NOT ENDLESSLY REGURGITATE the articles. These are issues that will change the scope of the assignment into something completely different!

General conclusion: Wrap it up! Conclude your outline – this will help you plan a clear conclusion for your paper. Summarize key points, and state your hypothesis in a clear and direct fashion.

General things to remember: This is to help you create the final assignment. The final assignment is a portion of a research proposal. A research proposal is where you provide some background information and propose going forward to further test this area of research that is lacking. It cannot be written in first person, cannot include opinion/anecdotal information, and must include scientific research articles (journal articles). Other sources are not permitted.

Please write this up in DETAILED outline format. I do not want an essay in response – it must be a thoroughly detailed outline. Submitting four short sentences, for example, will result in a zero for this assignment. I expect meticulous detail.

example of how it should be : Assignment Four: Proposal Lit Review Outline

I. Intro

Overall: in general, my hypothesis is that if parents are distracted by technology and not interacting or communicating with their young children it will negatively impact them
This needs to be researched because technology is only continually progressing with a more and more overwhelming presence in most people’s daily lives.
It is also important because young children need communication and interaction to ensure the healthiest development possible.
Thesis: Technoference, or this distraction caused by technological devices in parents of (young?) children negatively affects their ability to communicate and form proper attachment.

II. Body Paragraph 1

Start by explaining *what* technoference is (Dolev article & Zayia article)
How technoference occurs & touch on why it is so prevalent (Zayia article)

III. Body Paragraph 2

How parenting is affected by it (McDaniel article)
How the parenting styles (especially lax) impacted attachment styles (Zayia article)
Talk about how attachment styles run along into adulthood so it is important to ensure proper formation now (I would use the book I read in Child Development for this, but if I cannot use it no worries, I will delete this section)

IV. Body Paragraph 3

a. How communication is negatively impacted by technoference (Gaudreau article)

Child to parent
Parent to child

b. How the communication inconsistencies impact the child(ren) (Manago article & Dolev article)

V. Conclusion

Hypothesis of “If parents have interruptions of communication and interactions with children due to technological devices, or technoference, this will negatively impact the quality of parent-child relationship along with the child’s own communication and attachment styles.
Touch on ways to limit the usage of technology when interacting with children.
Strengths and positives of the research studies already done.
Weaknesses and limitations of studies and the whole concept in general will be touched upon here – limitation of the way technology is so engrained makes it difficult to just *not* use it in front of / with the children.


Dolev-Cohen, M., & Ricon, T. (2022). The associations between parents’ technoference, their problematic use of digital technology, and the psychological state of their children. Psychology of Popular Media.

Gaudreau, C., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2022). What’s in a distraction? The effect of parental cell phone use on parents’ and children’s question-asking. Developmental Psychology, 58(1), 55–68.

Manago, A. M., Brown, G., Lawley, K. A., & Anderson, G. (2020). Adolescents’ daily face-to-face and computer-mediated communication: Associations with autonomy and closeness to parents and friends. Developmental Psychology, 56(1), 153–164.

McDaniel, B. T. (2021). The DISRUPT: A measure of parent distraction with phones and mobile devices and associations with depression, stress, and parenting quality. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3(5), 922–932.

Zayia, D., Parris, L., McDaniel, B., Braswell, G., & Zimmerman, C. (2021). Social learning in the digital age: Associations between technoference, mother-child attachment, and child social skills. Journal of School Psychology, 87, 64–81.

fourth assignment :

Read the questions listed on Blackboard and write about each. Using both your textbook and your personal opinions to support your answers, be sure to use citations and a reference page. Responses must be submitted typed and double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font. No cover page is necessary. You will need your name in the corner of the paper. Be sure to use proper APA formatting. Submissions must be a minimum of two pages. A rubric is also provided on Blackboard.Explain why organisms sometimes do not move away from a noxious stimulus, even when they can. If child outcome can be predicted from parenting style, would not all children from the same family turn out more or less the same? Do they?What implications do the findings regarding perception have for understanding how opinions are influenced by the presence of others?What would a mentally healthy person say about an inkblot? In other words, how is “normal” defined by projective personality tests?

fifth :

Read the questions listed on Blackboard and write about each. Using both your textbook and your personal opinions to support your answers, be sure to use citations and a reference page. Responses must be submitted typed and double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font. No cover page is necessary. You will need your name in the corner of the paper. Be sure to use proper APA formatting. Submissions must be a minimum of two pages. A rubric is also provided on Blackboard.

If learning explains everything, then what is mind?

Learning should be extinguished along with destroyed brain matter, right?

If our choices can all be explained as a result of the mechanics of learning, what is free will?

If mind really is a set of learned associations, could a machine that can make associations be said to have a mind?

What happens to really intelligent children when they grow up?

If you thought mental illness what caused by disorders of the brain, what would you suggest as a treatment?

last assignment : In this assessment, you will explore environments and interactions in early childhood settings. Goals of this assessment include assessing your competencies in describing the characteristics and practices of culturally responsive, collaborative, supportive learning environments; identifying supportive practices and strategies within these environments; and creating and adapting environments that are responsive to external requirements and the unique development and learning needs of each and every child. You will complete this assessment three times- one paper for each center/setting in which you observe.

Your Assessment requires that you conduct three early childhood classroom observations of 5 hours each. You must complete 15 total hours of observations to pass the course. These observations should take place in DCFS licensed facilities; preferably, these will be NAEYC accredited centers. In Part 1 of your Assessment, you will develop an overview of legal mandates, standards, and ethical principles that are essential considerations in designing learning environments. In Part 2, you will conduct an Environmental Scan and write a summary of the information gathered. In Part 3, you will complete an Interaction Event Template and write a summary. Include a copy of the completed Interaction Event Template. Finally you will analyze the data in your Post-Reflection (Part 4).

Prior to your observations:

Complete the background check process and WAIT for your instructor to tell you that you are cleared BEFORE you initiate observations.
Once your background check has cleared, call and schedule your classroom observations. All three observations should take place in different sites/program types. Types of programs include Montessori, private child care centers, public schools, Head Start programs, Preschool for All programs, etc. You will choose three of the following age groups:
pre-k (3-5 year olds)
1st or 2nd grade
You will spend 5 hours in each setting- you can do the five hours in one day or split it across two or more days. Set aside 30 minutes for the environmental scan and 60 minutes for interaction event sample.
When setting up your observation, explain to the teacher/ program administrator that you will be taking notes on the organization of the environment and then observing interactions in the classroom. Be sure to arrange a time when different interactions will be observable (i.e not nap time)

Remember: You will complete three papers with the following elements- one for each ECE setting in which you observe.

Part 1: Pre-Reflection

Part 1 of your assessment requires that you describe factors within the early childhood environment (such as space, materials, images, sounds, language, ideas) and adult behaviors and interactions) influence classroom community and children’s development and learning. With these factors in mind, provide a 1 to 2-page overview critical considerations for each of these factors when designing engaging environments for young children.

What is the name of the center/school? What age group will you be observing?
What do you know about the population of students at this school? Socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, languages spoken, etc.?
What do you know about the surrounding community? Socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, languages spoken?
What factors within the early childhood environment will you be looking for in the environmental scan? Be specific and tailor your response to this question to the specific age group and setting in which you are observing.
For example- in an infant toddler classroom, you would be looking for age appropriate toys and materials, opportunities for gross motor movement throughout the day (i.e. tummy time), routines specific to infancy/toddlerhood- use your book for reference

Part 2: Environmental Scan (30 Minutes)

Upon your arrival, introduce yourself to the teacher and work with her/him to choose a location to observe from where you will not hinder classroom activities.
Write down the details of the daily schedule .
During the 30-minute Environmental Scan, observe the classroom design. Take notes on features and aspects of the physical environment. Include in your notes the following:
Details on signage, labeling, and organizational strategies that are used within the environment to help children navigate and self-regulate. (i.e. how is the classroom organized? What furniture is in the classroom? What centers/areas are available for children to engage in? how are materials organized? Do children have easy access to materials meant for them? Are children able to easily identify where to place items when they are done playing? Are centers/classroom areas labeled?
Characteristics of the learning environment that support or impede collaboration (i.e. are there places for children to interact with each other easily- tables for manipulatives, areas to read together, etc.)
Characteristics of the learning environment that support or impede creativity and exploration (i.e. are there centers- science area? Nature area? Art center? If so, are they available for children to use? Are there interesting/engaging materials in these centers?
Ways in which the physical and social environment reflects cultural responsiveness (i.e. books in children’s home languages? Books that feature children of different ethnicities and abilities? Dolls that reflect different ethnicities and abilities? Classroom print/signs that reflect the home languages of the children in the classroom?)
Part 2 should be a summary of the information you gathered from your environmental scan, including a description of the daily schedule.

Part 3: Interaction Event Template Summary (60 Minutes)

Print the chart provided here Download Print the chart provided hereprior to your visit to collect interaction samples and data for specific periods of time during the 60-minute period.
To begin your event sample, provide an overall description of the following:
Number of children in the room.
Number of staff in the room
Activities occurring during observation time period
Interaction strategies used, including verbal communication and guidance strategies
Other relevant information (whether families were in the room, how children responded to strangers, etc.)
For the 60 minute period focus specifically in on interactions collecting the following information:
A description of the interaction you observed (can include quotes)
The location of the interaction
Reason for the interaction
Duration of the interaction
Interaction type (Adult to child; Child to Adult; Child to child; Child to environment)
Part 3 should be a summary of the information you gathered on the interaction event template. Include a copy of your completed template separately.

Part 4: Post Reflection

Your Post-Reflection requires that you reflect on data collected in your observations, and suggest adaptations to the environments you observed within. For your Post-Reflection, respond to each of the following:

What was your overall assessment of the environment observed in terms of their ability to support positive behavioral and developmental outcomes? Identify specific environmental strengths and opportunities.
What strengths and opportunities did you observe within the environment related to fostering trusting relationships with children and their families?
Describe culturally and individually responsive strategies observed within each of the environments. In addition to strategies observed, identify opportunities, if applicable. How can strategies be adapted in ways that are respectful of personality and temperament?
Based on your responses to each of the questions above, how effective do you feel the environments you observed was in terms of supporting the healthy development and learning of young children, including
encouraging active, creative exploration,
promoting children’s positive interactions with others,
supporting self-regulation,
supporting health social and emotional development,
supporting access and participation;
and promoting positive behaviors.

What would you suggest in terms of environmental adaptations or changes to the learning environment overall to enhance the learning community and ensure that the diverse development and learning needs of each and every child is enhanced?

Your paper should be a minimum of 4 pages, including the summaries of the environmental scan and the summary of the event sample template. Include a copy of your completed event sample template as well (the completed template is NOT part of the 4 page minimum). Please label the sections for your paper (Part 1, Part 2, etc.). 12 point font and double spaced.