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This week, you will complete the business report you have been developing during the last 2 weeks. As a reminder, you have assumed the role of a consultant who has been asked by the upper management team to evaluate an organizational performance problem within an organization. You will present your findings in the form of a written report with an executive summary included in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. The organization for this assessment will be one of your choosing, and it should be one with which you are very familiar. This organization could be where you currently work or where you have worked in the past.

Important Note: This week’s Assignment features one of the Business Skills for Good that you will develop throughout your MBA program. The Business Skill for Good for this course is personal mastery. Peter Senge, in his book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (2006), offers the following definition of personal mastery at the individual level: “Personal mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively” (p. 7). He goes on to describe the organization that supports personal mastery as being able to “provide that environment by continuingly encouraging personal vision, commitment to the truth, and a willingness to face honestly the gaps between the two” (p. 162).

As you complete the final parts of your business report, be sure to include specific examples from the organization as well as relevant citations from the Learning Resources, the Walden Library, and/or other appropriate academic sources to support your evaluation.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the following video:
Walden University, LLC. (2021). Personal mastery [Video]. Walden University Canvas.

Time Estimate: 3 minutesReturn to the same business report template you utilized in Week 6 and Week 7. With the research and readings from Weeks 6–8 in mind, incorporate any feedback, as needed, into your report as you complete Part 3.
Download the Module 3 Presentation Template (Powerpoint presentation) Download Module 3 Presentation Template (Powerpoint presentation).

Submit Part 3 of your business report, to include the following:

Part 3: Personal Mastery (1–2 pages)

Based on Senge’s definition of personal mastery, the information shared in the Learning Resources, and your own research, address the following:

Defend recommendations you would make to the upper management team to support personal mastery at both the individual level and the organizational level, being sure to include your rationale. (Consider all major stakeholders: employees, customers, and the community.) Provide specific examples to support your position.
Compose your personal vision. (Note that this personal vision goes far beyond traditional goals and objectives and should focus on purpose). In what ways does your personal vision relate to your ability to lead positive social change within your organization, your community, or more broadly?

Executive Summary Presentation (1–2 slides)

Develop an executive summary of your overall evaluation to be presented to the upper management team. This should consist of a 1- to 2-slide PowerPoint deck
.include references

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Systems Thinking for Good
Your Name
Master of Business Administration, Walden University
WMBA 6040: Improving Business Performance
Instructor’s Name
Month XX, 202X
[Template Notes]
[Note: Delete this slide before submitting your Assignment. This Assignment Template
is based off the APA Presentation Template (APA 7) found on the General Templates page
of the Walden Writing Center. The template found on this page provides additional
information that may be helpful. Be sure to refer to the notes area of each slide for
further instructions, including whether a script is needed.]
Summary Presentation

[Note: Add slide content. Delete this information in brackets.]
Module 3 Assignment:
Systems Thinking for Good
Report prepared by: Replace this text with your name.
Date: Replace this text with the submission date.
Walden University
WMBA 6040: Improving Business Performance
Executive Summary
Replace this text with your executive summary.
Part 1: Business Improvements
Replace this text with introductory information. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Replace or remove this text. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Replace or remove this text. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Part 2: Social Responsibility and Ethical Considerations
Replace this text with introductory information. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Replace or remove this text. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Replace or remove this text. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Part 3: Personal Mastery
Replace this text with introductory information. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Replace or remove this text. Add or remove headings as necessary.
Replace or remove this text. Add or remove headings as necessary.
[Please delete this note before submitting your Assignment. For more information about
formatting your reference list, please visit the following site:]
Include appropriately formatted references to support your Assignment. Refer to the
Assignment guidelines for further information on the requirements.

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