

Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare for the Assignment.

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This assignment assesses the following Course Outcome:

PS360-1: Describe the evidence-based, foundational principles of applied behavior analysis used in effective behavior modification designs.

In this week’s Assignment, you will play the role of a teacher who is teaching the Applied Behavior Analysis I course.

Create a 7-8 slide narrated PowerPoint of your lecture-based lesson that covers the following:

Explain the following terms: behavior, positive and negative reinforcement, behavioral contingency, escape contingency, motivating operation (include deprivation and satiation), and token economy (include learned reinforcer and generalized learned reinforcer).
Now it is time to illustrate some of the concepts you have just explained by breaking down the three scenarios and explaining the contingencies at work in each (using the above terminology).
Complete the appropriate Contingency Diagram for each of the three given scenarios:
Scenario 1: Ella elopes out of the classroom each time the teacher says it is time for reading. The teacher assistant goes and gets her and brings her back to class but allows her to sit outside of the classroom while everyone reads aloud. The teacher is concerned Ella is missing reading, but wants to make sure she doesn’t elope and stays close to the class. Ella continues to elope in the future during reading.
Scenario 2: Wrenn enjoys participating in class and answering questions. He was answering questions in class regularly until he got one wrong and the substitute teacher said, “Oh, that is wrong buddy try again.” Wrenn does not participate as much anymore and the teacher cannot figure out why.
Scenario 3: Sam will occasionally throw items off of his desk during small group activities. The teacher will go over there and make Sam pick them up and say, “Sam, I need you to keep items on your desk please.” He grins and says, “okay.” The teacher notices that he still will throw items off of his desk and isn’t sure what else to try.
Take a screenshot of the diagrams to include in your PowerPoint presentation.
Explain the three completed contingency diagrams to your students.
As the teacher, you will want to make sure students understand the concepts. You will ask if they have any questions and make up three questions that you might have as a student regarding the complex principles you have taught in this lecture.
Respond with a brief explanation to each question.