Assessing you


Guidance on Assessment 3: Assessing and developing yourself as a manager

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Assignment task: The concept of management/leadership emphasises self-awareness as the first step in a person’s ability to manage and lead others. A good understanding of our personality, values, emotions, team role preferences, leadership style, conflict handling style, change adaptability etc. helps us in being more authentic as a manager and leader and help lead others in organisations and life.

This task requires you to examine a range of self-assessment tools with the aim of reflecting on and understanding the self. You have to undertake six self-assessment exercises (references to these tests must be included with your assignment). These may be taken from relevant online sources, OB text-books or others that you have completed through work within the past two years. You are required to integrate relevant OB literature and research throughout your analysis.

Word limit: 2500 words (+/- 10% acceptable) excluding the reference list and appendices but including all headings, sub-headings and in-text references. Assignments that are more than 10% over the word limit will be penalised.

References: A minimum of ten academic references are essential. You need to use Chicago 17B referencing style

Task details: Any SIX self-assessments must comprise two each of the following three categories:

Category 1: Individual behaviour and processes (this includes the topics of individual behaviour, personality and values, perception, workplace emotions, attitudes and stress, motivation, decision-making and creativity)

Category 2: team processes (this includes topics of team dynamics, communication in teams, power and influence and conflict & negotiation)

Category 3: Organisational processes (this includes topics of leadership, organisational structure, organisational culture and organisational change)

Having completed the required assessments (copies/results of which are to be handed in as an Appendix but the tests themselves are not included in the word count) you are required to address the following in the assignment:

Why you chose the particular assessments you completed ‐ were there particular areas of your behaviour you were trying to understand?
What do the self‐assessments that you have completed tell you about yourself as a manager and as a person?
Based on an increased understanding of yourself, what is likely to be challenging for you as you move through your course of study and your career? What is likely to be easy for you?
Were there any surprises in the assessments you completed? That is, were the results different to what you expected?
If there were no surprises in the assessments you completed, why?
The usefulness of the self-assessments you have completed with respect to your own development.
What you will do differently (if anything) as a result of these self-assessments and how you might monitor if the changes you want to make are working.
Any reservations you have about the particular tools you used.
Anything else that you feel is relevant.

Structure: The assignment should be structured so that it includes a brief introduction about your personal and professional background and how you intend to benefit from this assignment.

Relevant headings and sub-heading should be used throughout the paper. For example under heading on ‘self-assessments related to individual behaviour and processes’, you can use the subheadings of ‘Big-5 personality test’ and ‘Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire’ to critically evaluate the tests and the results.

A brief conclusion should be provided at the end. No new themes should be introduced in the conclusion.

Assessment copies/results should be attached as appendices after the reference list.

Assessment criteria (marking rubric) for Assessment 1 will be made available on the Blackboard site. You are required to demonstrate Critical Thinking, Discipline Knowledge and Skills and in-depth self-analysis supported with relevant references from high quality research. As indicated in the Assessment marking rubric, you will also be assessed on the Written Communication Skills that you demonstrate in the assignment (logically structured argument, grammar, spelling, etc.).

Document formatting: Time New Roman or Arial font, size 12, normal page margins and double line spacing.

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Individual Assignment
Assessment Three
Management and Organisational Behaviour
Lecturer: Sonia Raghav
31 May 2019
Word Count: 2,614
After graduating from high school in 2013, I have only been at University and involved in
casual jobs. I have three additional units to complete my course. I have already graduated
with a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) and a Graduate Diploma in Human Resource
Management. With my university degrees I hope to become a Human Resource Generalist.
Currently, I work at Organisation X as a Customer Service Supervisor. Additionally, I am a
swimming teacher and work on the desk completing enrolments for the swim school. This
assessment is a great tool to develop a deeper understanding in how I work in a group and in
an organisation. I have a superficial understanding but it will be good to have figures to
support how I perceive my behaviours and processes. From my Psychology degree, I already
have an understanding of the selected individual assessments, although thought as I have
matured, my reflection and results may differ.
Self-assessments related to individual behaviour and processes
Big Five Personality Test
The Big Five Personality Test was necessary and influential within personality psychology as
it provided five broad traits (Anglim and O’Connor 2018). It has emerged as a dominant
descriptive model of personality (Anglim and O’Connor 2018). An advantage to the
personality test was the predictive power as it has captured the five most fundamental
personality dimensions, predicting outcomes such as academic performance, mortality, job
performance and work behaviour (Anglim and O’Connor 2018). Historically, the Big Five
was intended to measure and conceptualise at an individual level (Barceló 2017). Despite
cultural differences, it can be generalised cross-culturally (Barceló 2017). Thus, due to its
influential nature, I chose this assessment, with no reservations.
As can be found in Appendix A, the results show I am dominant in agreeableness.
Agreeableness is related to displaying caring and unselfishness (Syed, Rehman, and Kitchlew
2018). Furthermore, it includes variations of being considerate and kind, prosocial, empathic
and cooperative (Rubin, Laursen and Bukowski 2018). I challenge being unselfish, as at times
I find myself being selfish ensuring I gain what I need to positively work my way to the top in
situations. Despite this, I agree with all aspects that describe the trait.
Neuroticism as a second trait that cannot be challenged as I believe I am significantly
susceptible to stress and negative emotions (Syed, Rehman, and Kitchlew 2018). This is
something that I would like to monitor and work on. I expect the the career path I choose will
be stressful as I strive to be a performer. Thus, it is could be suggested that I find a coping
strategies to manage my stress. A strategy could include positive thinking or problem solving
(Rabenu, Yaniv, and Elizur 2017).
Moving forward after life studying, whilst developing my career, I hope to continue to show
agreeableness traits and decrease neuroticism traits. I believe it will be easy to continue to
demonstrate agreeableness although it may be challenging to remove toxic neuroticism traits.
Thus, the correct techniques for the workplace need to be selected to control these feelings.
Overall, the results were anticipated and define my personality well. There are traits that I
show from other personalities depending upon the situation but in a regular situation, it can be
considered accurate. I believe this to be the case due to my previous knowledge regarding the
Big Five Personality Test.
Emotional intelligence Questionnaire
The Emotional intelligence self assessment has been recognised globally since it was
published in 1995, thus no reservations for using the tool (Lai et al. 2018). Emotional
intelligence considered as a set of abilities to reason emotions, which in turn enhance thought
(Côté 2017). Additionally, it is about managing yourself and the relationships with others,
having effective team work and leading others which positively impacts job performance and
efficiency (Lai et al. 2018). There is a reasonable amount of research conducted on the
questionnaire, thus no reservations about using the widely known tool.
I was surprised with my low scores on the majority of the sections as I thought myself to be
an emotional person. From my new understanding, I find it difficult to identify my own
As I took psychology and talk to a variety of friends, I thought I could understand why others
feel the emotions that they do. Although, my perception was wrong according to this
questionnaire and I clearly only have an average understanding. When I become a manager, it
will be important to have this understanding to pinpoint why employees have their emotions.
Recongising this before in entering the work place is helpful as I may identify the wrong
causes for emotions (Côté 2017).
I ranked highest in social awareness, which is described as thoughtfully considering others
feelings whilst acting (Lai et al. 2018). I believe this to be true as I am always considering
other feelings. I believe it is important to not only consider what you personally feel but also
how other’s feel, with an understanding of why they feel this and regulating.
As emotional intelligence facilitates effectiveness, I wish to increase all of my scores (Côté
2017). For the future, I need to do some deep thinking to gain a better understanding of
myself that will in turn, assist in understanding why employees feel they way they do (Côté
2017). Additionally, emotion regulation could be a useful tool (Côté 2017). This will assist in
job performance and management of employees, thus an effective leadership style (Côté
2017). I have learnt that as a manager it is going to be vital to have strong emotional
intelligence as it can be used throughout meetings to help pay attention to employees
emotions which can positively effect the meeting (Côté 2017).
Self-assessments related to Team processes
Belbin’s Team Roles
Belbin’s theory on team roles establishes unlimited behaviours that individuals engaged in, in
team situations (Abdulrahman 2017). The value of this model is to assist individuals or teams
to meet demands in external situations by taking advantage of self-knowledge (Abdulrahman
2017). It is claimed to be effective in increasing team member’s performance (Abdulrahman
2017). The nine roles defined, represent useful individuals to have within a team
(Abdulrahman 2017).
This assessment was one I was most curious. I was interested to see what behaviours I
showed in team situations, although understanding it varies between situations.
The results in Appendix C, show that I am a team worker, as expected. The outlier at 17%
shows that this is my most dominant team role. I agree with the given description that the
group is likable, stable, loyal, supportive, submissive, uncompetitive and unassertive
(Abdulrahman 2017). Although, extrovert is part of the description I consider myself an
introvert in situations when I am not close to the other team members. In group situations, I
like others to take control and I am happy to go along with what is decided, unless I am sure
the information being presented is incorrect.
I am surprised that I show only 8% of a completer because in many group situations in
university, I have found myself finishing many group assignments. This is because when due
dates become close I become anxious, worrisome, conscientious and self-controlled. I believe
that it defines me better as an introvert (Abdulrahman 2017). In reflection, the graph in
appendix C is correct as depending on situations; I show all parts of team roles, as the
percentage ranges from 14% to 8%, excluding team worker.
The results have proved useful as it has reinforced and challenged some of my ideas that I
have in how I work within a team. Additionally, it has taught me that depending on the
culture of my future workplace, I may need to show more initiative within group situations,
especially as a graduate. This tool has reinforced that I am a team worker and may need to
show more leadership within team situations. To accomplish this, I could put myself forward
for more intensive roles, which may be important to establish during the norming stage
(Abdulrahman 2017).
Conflict management styles
Conflict management styles is the understanding that conflict occurs but there are behaviours
that can manage, facilitate and control it effectively (Caputo, Ayoko and Amoo 2018). The
five multifaceted conflict management styles can be used by an individual in different
situations, but may have a preferred style depending on context, organisation, socio-cultural
context and interpersonal connections (Labrague, Al Hamdan and McEnroe-Petitte 2018).
A reservation for using this assessment type was that the styles are not defined. The tool that
was used only used ‘Style I’ with a description. In Caputo, Ayoko and Amoo (2018) the
journal article gives descriptions of the approaches, although does not define them with words
for the styles. Additionally, it states there are two distinct dimensions that are concern for self
and concern for others (Caputo, Ayoko and Amoo 2018). In Labrague, Al Hamdan and
McEnroe-Petitte (2018) it stated that literature suggests the five approaches are combining,
obliging, avoiding, compromising and integrating. In Parmer (2018), the same words are used
except for combining, which is substituted for dominating. Therefore, as styles and
descriptions vary, the reflection of what particular styles could be misinterpreted. The
inconsistencies question the validity and reliability.
For the purpose of this reflection, I will use Parmer’s (2018) definitions as they best suit the
explanations provided by the website the tool was used. The results suggest that I have two
preferred strategies for managing conflict. Compromising and integrating are the two main
styles whilst dominating is the lowest scorer, reinforcing my predictions. This suggests that I
have moderate to high concern about others and myself (Parmer 2018). I believe putting
other’s concerns into consideration is important so everyone gains something out of a
Avoiding was still ranked reasonably high. Before completing the assessment, I thought it
would be ranked higher. After completing research, the description for avoidance is not ideal
for the workplace as it is evading doing anything to satisfy need, desires and expectations of
the involved parties (Parmer 2018). If in a management position, I believe all situations
should either be compromised and integrated. Thus, I will need to monitor avoidance, to
ensure it does not increase and become a primary style. By completing this assessment, I have
been able to recognise that is may be a style that I am adopting and can now change whilst I
still have two other primary styles.
Self-assessments related to organisational processes
Leadership style
This is the other test that I was interested in, as I am a team leader at Kmart, where I have to
show leadership skills throughout all shifts. The results from the tool show that I got 69 out of
90. The website classified the result in the 53-90, where “you are well on your way to
becoming a good leader” (“How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?” 2019).
I am pleased with my result and that it was reasonably high considering I have been in a
leadership role for over two years. I am slightly surprised with reasonably high rating, as I can
identify issues within my leadership skills, including getting stressed in busy and difficult
situations. I am aware that as I continue to mature I will need to develop my skills and I am
conscientiously aware of this. Additional, to maturing within a career and business
organisation in human resources, seminars may assist in developing skills. The leadership
skills that I have learnt at Kmart will be useful through my career development although, will
need to continuously develop the skills.
After substantial research, I was unable to find a consistent theory that supports the five
leadership traits that are discussed on the assessment tool website. Therefore, I am unsure of
the validity and reliability of the tool.
Organisational culture/corporate culture preference
The organisational culture assessment instrument provides now and preferred columns (Aziz,
Azima and Irianto 2018). The tool used was the original scaling as one divided 100 points
between four statements (Teräväinen et al. 2018). A more recent one has a 5-point Likert
scale which is more useful for statistical analysis (Teräväinen et al. 2018). Only after
completing the assessment and research found there was a more recent way of taking the
assessment, continuing with the original results as that was the link that was provided. Thus,
could be considered as a reservation as it is less statistically useful.
There are shared beliefs in an organisation that concern the dominant attributes, leadership
styles, bonding mechanisms and the overall strategic emphasis (Aziz, Azima and Irianto
2018). The conceptualisation of this results in four culture types, market, clan, hierarchy and
adhocracy (Aziz, Azima and Irianto 2018).
Depending upon how the tool is used, there is a satisfactory level of reliability (Chandler,
Heidrich and Kasa 2017). Although, the tool is widely used to predict and understand culture
preferences the validity of the instrument is questioned (Heritage, Pollock and Roberts 2014).
This raised a few reservations about using the tool but as it is widely used within many
studies, it was not significantly concerning.
My top scoring percentages were clan and hierarchy, which are the two main culture types
(Chandler, Heidrich and Kasa 2017). A study found that white-collar employees wanted more
of a hierarchy-like culture (Teräväinen et al. 2018). As I will be entering the white-collar
industry, it is fortunate that it is the second rated preferred culture. I believe this to be the case
due to giving motivation to attempt to work up the hierarchy, gaining a highly regarded
position. Intrinsically, I have a significant amount of motivation to do my best and work my
way up the hierarchy, as I have done in all of my jobs, so I could consider this mentality of
thinking easy. It is described to provide a stable environment, which is important in the
As the society develops and the current young generation gain management positions, I
predict the clan culture may be the favoured as that it is what is highly discussed although
may take time. I agree that I would like to work in a clan culture as there is more
collaboration. Additionally, there is an internal focus and integration that can have an
advantage on withholding a current position and creating a career (Aziz, Azima and Irianto
2018). I believe that having flexibility and discretion within the workplace culture is
important (Aziz, Azima and Irianto 2018). I think these thought stems from equality which is
highly discussed.
In conclusion, at the age of 23 and not being a part of career I have learn a lot about
individual, team and organisational processes, something that is valuable before entering the
workforce. I can now learn and develop my skills prior to entering the industry I have studied
for and make a name for myself.
There were a few surprises regarding the results from the personality, team and organisational
processes, the most being emotional intelligence which had the most impact personally. An
important lesson I have learnt about emotional intelligence is that I can understand what
emotions individuals have although find it difficult to understand why they have them (Côté
2017). The conflict management styles that I show, is something that I am satisfied within by
need to stop showing an avoiding style in an organisational environment. The organisation
culture that I work in will be a part of one of the more preferred being either the hierarchy or
clan style. I have learnt that I may need to step forward more in team situations to make a
name of myself rather than being a team worker. I have learnt and understood a substantial
amount through this assignment and can now identify situations I can continue to develop and
Abdulrahman, Bikhitiyar Hasan, Mazni Omar, Mazida Ahmad and Vian Abdulmajeed
Ahmed. 2017. “An Analysis of Belbin Team Roles in Software Engineering Team”.
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 12 (5): 6878-6883. Doi:
Anglim, Jeromy, and Peter O’Connor. 2018. “Measurement And Research Using The Big
Five, HEXACO, And Narrow Traits: A Primer For Researchers And Practitioners”.
Australian Journal Of Psychology 71 (1): 16-25. doi:10.1111/ajpy.12202.
Aziz, R, M Azima, and S Irianto. 2018. “Development Of Knowledge Management System
For Determining Organizational Culture In Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises
Using Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument”. IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science And Engineering 403: 012078. doi:10.1088/1757899x/403/1/012078.
Barceló, Joan. 2017. “National Personality Traits And Regime Type”. Journal Of CrossCultural Psychology 48 (2): 195-216. doi:10.1177/0022022116678324.
Caputo, Andrea, Oluremi B. Ayoko, and Nii Amoo. 2018. “The Moderating Role Of Cultural
Intelligence In The Relationship Between Cultural Orientations And Conflict
Management Styles”. Journal Of Business Research 89: 10-20.
Chandler, Nick, Balazs Heidrich, and Richard Kasa. 2017. “Everything Changes? A Repeated
Cross-Sectional Study Of Organisational Culture In The Public Sector”. EvidenceBased HRM: A Global Forum For Empirical Scholarship 5 (3): 283-296.
Côté, Stéphane. 2017. “Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness Via Four Core Facets Of
Emotional Intelligence”. Organizational Dynamics 46 (3): 140-147.
“Emotional Intelligence Test”. 2019. Global Leadership Foundation.
Heritage, Brody, Clare Pollock, and Lynne Roberts. 2014. “Validation Of The Organizational
Culture Assessment Instrument”. Plos ONE 9 (3): e92879.
“How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?”. 2019. Mindtools.Com.
Lai, I-J, Li-Ling Liao, Chen-Hui Lee, and Pei-Shan Li. 2018. “The Relationship among Work
Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Emotional Exhaustion: An Empirical Study on
Taiwanese Dietitians.” Taiwan Gong Gong Wei Sheng Za Zhi 37 (4) (08): 464.
“OCAI One: Discover Your Culture In 15 Minutes”. 2019. Ocai-Online.Com.
Parmer, Lucinda. 2018. “Relationships between Philosophical Values and Conflict
Management Styles.” International Journal of Conflict Management 29 (2): 236-252.
Rabenu, Edna, Eyal Yaniv, and Dov Elizur. 2017. “The Relationship between Psychological
Capital, Coping with Stress, Well-being, and Performance: Research and Reviews
Research and Reviews.” Current Psychology 36 (4) (12): 875-887.
Rubin, Kenneth H., Brett Laursen, and William M. Bukowski. 2018. Handbook Of Peer
Interactions, Relationships, And Groups, Second Edition. Guilford Press.
Syed, Aly Raza, Khaliq Ur Rehman, and Naveda Kitchlew. 2018. “Impact of Perceived
Leadership Style on Employees’ Work Stress: Moderating and Mediating Role Big 5
Personality Traits.” Paradigms 12 (1): 6-15.
“Team Roles Test”. 2019. 123Test.Com.
Teräväinen, Ville, Juha-Matti Junnonen, Tuomas Salopää, and Anton Sobolev. 2018.
“Relationships Between Organisational Culture And Efficiency In Finnish
Construction Projects”. International Journal Of Construction Management, 1-15.
“The Big Five Personality Test”. 2019. Truity.
“What’s Your Conflict Resolution Strategy? (TEST)”. 2019. Psychologia.Co.
Appendix A – Big Five Personality Test
Appendix B – Emotional intelligence
Appendix C – Team Roles
Appendix D – Conflict handling styles
Appendix E – Leadership style
Appendix F – Organisational culture/corporate culture preference
MGMT5007 Assessment 3 (self analysis): 40%
Assignment Rubrics
Below Expectations
Fail (0 – 49)
Pass (50 – 59)
Credit (60 – 69)
Exceeds Expectations
Distinction (70 – 79)
Exceeds Expectations
High Distinction (80 – 100)
Introduction (10%)
The introduction lacks
essential information or is
difficult to follow,
The introduction
provides a
overview of
personal and
professional goals
and how one
intends to benefit
from the
The introduction
provides a good
overview of the
personal and
professional goals
but lacks details on
how one intends to
benefit from the
The synopsis provides
a good overview of the
personal and
professional goals and
how one intends to
benefit from the
Accurate and succinct overview of personal and
professional goals and how one intends to benefit
from the assignment.
Perspective: Critical
No attempt at critical
reflection and critical analysis
of the results of the selfassessment exercises. Simply
attaches results or describes
results without reflecting on
how they apply to them and
how they can be used to
further personal and
professional development.
Some attempt at
critical reflection
and critical
analysis of the
results of the selfassessment
exercises. Simple
reflection on how
the results apply
and how they can
be used for further
personal and
development but
the discussion
lacks depth.
Sufficient critical
reflection and
critical analysis on
exercises but not
always correct in
there are some
errors and the
discussion fails to
between different
Good critical reflection
and critical analysis on
exercises with
sufficient details on
among topics.
Insightful critical reflection and critical analysis on
self-assessment exercises and is able to interweave
concepts together to produce a coherent discussion.
Demonstrates deep personal insight into own
reactions and experiences. Discusses the learning
points and implications for future in detail.
[Type text]
[Type text]
[Type text]
understanding of
course content
Needs greater use of course
content and concepts, some
concepts may be included but
needs much more depth.
There may also be areas of
misunderstanding. Even while
some interesting points are
raised they need to be
developed significantly.
Limited use of
course content, for
the most part
description. Where
course content is
used may be some
errors or
superficial use
although is aware
of key issues.
Answer would
benefit from more
Makes some
reference to course
content but here
and there suggests
a tendency to be
superficial and/or
may show errors
in understanding.
Overall, however,
shows a good
understanding of
relevant concepts.
Refers to course
content and concepts
where explicitly
relevant but could
have drawn on other
ideas to add further
depth. Shows a robust
understanding of
course content used
though in some areas
may have been
explained further.
Demonstrates a clear and explicit connection with
course content i.e. incorporates relevant OB concepts,
theories and research to analyse the results of the
self-assessment exercises. Discusses managerial
implications of leverage in detail. Shows
understanding of both strengths and weaknesses and
provides a complete plan for self-improvement.
Structure and quality
of communication.
Limited vocabulary,
consistent errors in grammar,
spelling & punctuation. Poor
Good vocabulary.
Minor grammar
and spelling
errors. Is able to
communicate the
ideas. Structure is
Exhibits good
academic writing
skills and
Minimal errors;
good flow of
argument. Well
Quality academic
writing skills; OB
vocabulary is evident;
minimal grammatical
errors; good flow of
argument. Structure is
Excellent control of language and vocabulary.
Up to 5-6 relevant
academic sources
(peer reviewed
journal articles)
have been cited
7-8 relevant
academic sources
(peer reviewed
journal articles)
have been cited
9-10 relevant
academic sources
(peer reviewed
journal articles) have
been cited
10 or more academic sources (peer reviewed journal
articles) relevant to topics discussed are
appropriately cited and integrated to form a cohesive
Referencing –
Quantity and quality
of references (10%)
No in-text referencing and/or
reference list provided.
No academic sources have
been cited.
Logically written with ideas and concepts expressed
clearly and succinctly.
Overall structure is very professional
MGMT5007 Assessment 3 (self analysis): 40%
Chicago 17B
referencing style
accurately (5%)
No referencing has been done
in the assignment
Many errors in
referencing style
and/or uses a nonprescribed
Assignment Rubrics
Few errors in
using Chicago 17B
referencing style
or some citations
and references are
Chicago 17B
referencing style is
used almost perfectly
with very few errors
or inconsistencies
Citations and references fully complies with Chicago

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