
Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.Chapter 7, “Health Policy and Social Program Evaluation” (pp. 116–124 only)Glasgow, R. E., Lichtenstein, E., & Marcus, A. C. (2003). Why don’t we see more translation of health promotion research to practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transitionLinks to an external site.. American Journal of Public Health, 93(8), 1261–1267.Shiramizu, B., Shambaugh, V., Petrovich, H., Seto, T. B., Ho, T., Mokuau, N., & Hedges, J. R. (2016). Leading by success: Impact of a clinical and translational research infrastructure program to address health inequitiesLinks to an external site.. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(5), 983–991.Williams, J. K., & Anderson, C. M. (2018). Omics research ethics considerationsLinks to an external site.. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 386–393.Document: Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Template (Word document)

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11/7/23, 12:15 AM
Week 10: Assignment
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Due Nov 5 by 10:59pm
Points 100
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Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve.
Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about
program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.
Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design.
Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and
insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
To Prepare:
Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.
The Assignment: (2–3 pages)
Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the
Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
How was the success of the program or policy measured?
How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or
policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.
Submit your completed healthcare program/policy evaluation analysis.
11/7/23, 12:15 AM
Week 10: Assignment
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start
Here area.
1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK10Assgn+LastName+Firstinitial
2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.
11/7/23, 12:15 AM
Week 10: Assignment
EvaluationBased on the
program or policy evaluation
you seelcted, complete the
Healthcare Program/Policy
Evaluation Analysis Template.
Be sure to address the
following:· Describe the
healthcare program or policy
outcomes.· How was the
success of the program or
policy measured?· How
many people were reached
by the program or policy
selected? How much of an
impact was realized with the
program or policy selected?·
At what point in time in
program implementation was
the program or policy
35 to >31.0 pts
31 to >27.0 pts
27 to >24.0 pts
24 to >0 pts
Using sufficient evidence,
response clearly and accurately
Using sufficient evidence,
response accurately describes
Description of the healthcare
program or policy outcomes
Description of the healthcare
program or policy outcomes
describes the healthcare program
or policy outcomes. …Response
accurately and clearly explains
the healthcare program or
policy outcomes. …Response
accurately explains how the
is inaccurate or incomplete.
…Explanation of how the
success of the program or
is inaccurate and incomplete
or is missing. …Explanation
of how the success of the
how the success of the program
or policy was measured.
success of the program or
policy was measured.
policy was measured is
inaccurate or incomplete.
program or policy was
measured is inaccurate and
…Response accurately and
clearly describes how many
people were reached by the
…Response accurately
describes how many people
were reached by the program
…Description of how many
people were reached by the
program or policy and the
incomplete or is missing.
…Description of how many
people were reached by the
program or policy and accurately
describes the impact of the
program or policy. …Response
or policy and accurately
describes the impact of the
program or policy. …Response
impact is vague or inaccurate.
…Response vaguely
describes the point at which
program or policy and the
associated impacts is vague
and inaccurate or is missing.
accurately and clearly indicates
the point at which time the
accurately indicates the point at
which time the program or
the program or policy
evaluation was conducted.
…Response of the point at
which time the program or
program or policy evaluation was
policy evaluation was
35 pts
policy was conducted is
evaluation conducted?
Reporting of Program/Policy
Evaluations· What data was
used to conduct the program
or policy evaluation?· What
specific information on
unintended consequences
was identified?· What
stakeholders were identified
in the evaluation of the
program or policy? Who
would benefit the most from
the results and reporting of
the program or policy
evaluation? Be specific and
provide examples.· Did the
program or policy meet the
original intent and objectives?
Why or why not?· Would you
recommend implementing this
program or policy in your
place of work? Why or why
not?· Identify at least two
ways that you, as a nurse
advocate, could become
involved in evaluating a
program or policy after 1 year
of implementation.
50 to >44.0 pts
44 to >39.0 pts
39 to >34.0 pts
34 to >0 pts
Response clearly and
thoroughly explains in detail:
Using sufficient evidence,
response accurately identifies the
Response vaguely or
inaccurately identifies the data
Identification of the data used
to conduct the program or
-specific information on
outcomes and unintended
consequences identified
data used to conduct the program
or policy evaluation. Response
explains in detail specific
used to conduct the program or
policy evaluation. Explanation of
specific information on
policy evaluation is vague
and inaccurate or is missing.
Response includes vague
through the program or policy
evaluation. -the stakeholders
information on outcomes and
unintended consequences
outcomes and unintended
consequences identified
and incomplete or is missing
explanation of: -specific
involved in the program or
policy evaluation. -who would
benefit most from the results
identified through the program or
policy evaluation. Response
explains in detail the stakeholders
through the program or policy
evaluation is vague or
incomplete. Explanation of the
information on outcomes and
unintended consequences
identified through the
and reporting of the program
or policy evaluation. -whether
the program met the original
involved in the program or policy
evaluation. Response explains
who would benefit most from the
stakeholders involved in the
program or policy evaluation is
vague or inaccurate.
program or policy evaluation.
-the stakeholders involved in
the program or policy
intent and outcomes,
including an accurate and
results and reporting of the
program or policy evaluation.
Explanation of who would
benefit most from the results
evaluation. -who would
benefit most from the results
detailed explanation of the
reasons supporting why or
why not. -whether the
Response includes an accurate
explanation of whether the
program met the original intent
and reporting of the program or
policy evaluation is vague or
inaccurate. Explanation of
and reporting of the program
or policy evaluation. -whether
the program or policy met the
program should be
implemented, including an
and outcomes, including an
accurate explanation of the
whether the program/policy met
the original intent and
original intent and outcomes,
and the reasons why or why
accurate and detailed
explanation of the reasons
supporting why or why not. –
reasons supporting why or why
not. Response includes an
accurate explanation of whether
outcomes, and the reasons why
or why not is incomplete or
inaccurate. Explanation of
not. -whether the program or
policy should be
implemented, and the
at least two ways that the
nurse advocate could
the program should be
implemented, including an
whether the program or policy
should be implemented, and the
reasons why or why not. ways that the nurse advocate
become involved in the
evaluation of the program or
policy after 1 year of
accurate explanation of the
reasons supporting why or why
not. Response includes an
reasons why or why not, is
incomplete or inaccurate.
Explanation of ways that the
could become involved in the
evaluation or policy after 1
year of implementation.
accurate explanation of two ways
that the nurse advocate could
nurse advocate could become
involved in the evaluation or
become involved in the evaluation
of the program or policy after 1
year of implementation.
policy after 1 year of
implementation is incomplete or
50 pts
11/7/23, 12:15 AM
Week 10: Assignment
Written Expression and
Formatting – Paragraph
Development and
Organization: Paragraphs
make clear points that
support well developed ideas,
low logically, and demonstrate
continuity of ideas.Sentences
are carefully focused– neither
long and rambling nor short
and lacking substance. A
5 to >4.0 pts
4 to >3.0 pts
3 to >2.0 pts
2 to >0 pts
Paragraphs and sentences follow
Paragraphs and sentences
Paragraphs and sentences
Paragraphs and sentences
writing standards for flow,
continuity, and clarity. …A clear
and comprehensive purpose
follow writing standards for
flow, continuity, and clarity 80%
of the time. …Purpose,
follow writing standards for
flow, continuity, and clarity
60%- 79% of the time.
follow writing standards for
flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time. ...Purpose, statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated, yet is ...Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is delineates all required criteria. brief and not descriptive. is vague or off topic. incomplete or missing. clear and comprehensive purpose statement and 5 pts introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria. Written Expression and Formatting - English Writing Standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation Written Expression and Formatting:The paper follows correct APA format for title page, font, spacing, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list). 5 to >4.0 pts
4 to >3.0 pts
3 to >2.0 pts
2 to >0 pts
Uses correct grammar,
Contains a few (1-2)
Contains several (3-4)
Contains many (≥5) grammar, spelling,
spelling, and punctuation
with no errors.
grammar, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
grammar, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
and punctuation errors that interfere with
the reader’s understanding.
5 to >4.0 pts
4 to >3.0 pts
3 to >2.0 pts
2 to >0 pts
Uses correct APA format with
Contains a few (1-2) APA
Contains several (3-4) APA
Contains many (≥5) APA
no errors.
format errors.
format errors.
format errors.
5 pts
5 pts
Total Points: 100

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