Assess practices of golden hour of neonate


Checklist of nursing practice in golden hour of premature and term baby Check list will be divided to 3 part befor delivery at Delivery and after delivery and will be mentioned done not done not applicable the step in professional way of practice and evidence based practice , a attached one checklist as exampl

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Assess practices of golden hour of neonate
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Advanced Critical Care Nursing of Central Venous Pressure monitoring checklist
Patient Name/ID#: ________________________________________ Unit: __________________
Room/Bed: __________ Date: _______________ Time: ________________
Person Inserting Line: ______________________________
Catheter Type: ___________ Number of Lumens: (1, 2, 3, 4) ________ Insertion Site: ________
Reason for Insertion: ________________ Guide Wire Used: (Yes/No) ___
1) Identify patient correctly using 2 identifiers.
2) Patient is educated about the need for and implications of the
central line as well as the processes of insertion and maintenance
3) Assess the patient for allergies, risk for infection and
anticoagulation therapy status
3) Take Consent form (Except: Emergent Procedure)
4) Gather Equipment.
5) Put the patient in supine position
6) Wash hands and apply personal protective equipment (PPE).
7) Perform skin prep with alcoholic chlorhexidine greater than 0.5%
or tincture of iodine, and allow to dry.
8) Pre-flush catheter and all lumens clamped.
9) Confirm venous placement by: ultrasound
10) Attach patient to cardiac monitor to detect dysrhythymia
11) Assist the physician in inserting the catheter.
12)Assess intravascular placement by aspirating blood from each
13) Catheter caps placed on lumens, and all lumens clamped.
14) Secure the catheter by (sutured /stapled /steri-stripped)
15) Clean blood from the site and apply sterile dressing.
16) Verify placement by x-ray.
Central venous pressure monitoring:
17) Flush all tubing with normal saline and position the zero point.
18) Connect CVP catheter to transducer and the turn stopcock so the
solution flow to the patient.
19) Connect the transducer to electrical monitor with CVP wave
readout. (CVP range from 2 to 6 mm Hg.).
20) Observe and prevent complication:
a. From catheter insertion : pneumothorax, hemothorax , air
embolism , Hematoma and cardiac tamponade.
b. From indwelling catheter : infection, air embolism, central venous
21) If air embolism is suspected , immediately place patient in left
lateral trendelenburg position and administer O2.
22) Make sure sutures are intact.
23) Change dressing as prescribed.
24) Label to show date and time of change.
25) Document the procedure in patient records.
Not Applicable


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