Artists of Change: Song Analysis Worksheet and final video project


INSTRUCTIONSPlease download this worksheet, fill in as requested, and reupload it here. Note that you only need to fill in 7 of the 9 points of analysis (but you’re welcome to do them all!). This assignment is connected to the Artists of Change Project: you will have the same artist and song analysis in BOTH this worksheet and the final video submission, so please review the final project sheet carefully before beginning this worksheet and your musical analysis. Make sure each of your points of analysis relate back to the message of the song, which also ties into the chosen social movement. If you choose an artist that happens to be in the textbook, you may NOT choose a song that is also analyzed in the textbook (it may be mentioned, but there cannot be a musical analysis or guided listening of any kind). Your analysis should be 100% your own. Please do not work together, google a song analysis, etc. This should be done with your ear only, listening to the song. Things like the exact key signature or beats per minute are NOT necessary for this assignment. This is a chance to show off what you have learned. Don’t expect to hear everything on your first listen: even seasoned musical theorists need to listen several times until they can hear each part of a song. Try listening several times with a different concept in mind each time. IE: this time I will listen for the melodic line, this time I will listen for the timbre of each voice or instrument, etc…). If you break down the task, you will be surprised how much you will be able to hear over time.Scoring is as follows.10 points: Artist, song, and social movement (with 1-2 sentence descriptions each)70 points: 7 required points of analysis (5 points each) and 7 reasons they are important (5 points each)10 points: 6 pieces of media pasted or described10 points: 4 reputable/academic sources, properly cited (in any citation style: Harvard, Chicago, MLA, etc)Total: 100 points VIDEO PART INSRTRUCTIONSPlease review this list of artists (artists are in no particular order). Consider which artist you would like to choose for BOTH your Artist of Change Song Analysis Worksheet and Final Video Project (IE: you will sign up for one artist to focus on for both the worksheet and the final video). Objective: You will cultivate an understanding of social movements throughout world history and of how these movements have been influenced by musical artists and their works. Artists from all places, genres, and levels of fame have been integral parts of social movements in the world. Perhaps they play in widespread protests or incorporate lyrics about social change into their songs. In this project you will create a 3-5-minute informational video in which you present an artist/group, the culture they are representing, one of their songs, and their relevance to a specific social movement. This project will allow you to explore the music of these artists, understand how their work affects social movements, and define what about their music and social work is inspiring to you. Sign up for or choose a world music artist/group that has written a song or work that relates to a social movement or that has been involved in social change through music in some other way. Each person must choose a different artist. 2. Write a script for yourself to talk about the artist/group, then record yourself talking. a. Describe your chosen artist/group, their cultural background, and the social movement that this artist is connected to (see rubric for more specific details). b. Analyze one musical work or song from this artist, discussing at least three musical elements that make it a successful contribution to the social movement (these will be chosen from your Song Analysis Worksheet). c. Explain why you chose to study this artist and why their work is inspiring to you. d. Videos must be 3-5 minutes long. (More detail in rubric.) e. You must include yourself reading your script, but you do not have to be visible in the video. You will submit the script in the final submission. 3. Create visual content about this artist and their connection to that social movement to accompany your recording. Use a variety of additional media like pictures, screen shots, maps, text, sound bites, or videos. Try to captivate your audience through your combined audio and visual materials. (ex: while describing the social movement, you could incorporate a slide show of pictures related to the movement, such as people marching down the street, a brief recording of the movement’s sounds, a snapshot of a social media post by your artist, etc.) YOU MUST HAVE CITATIONS! No citations = a zero. a. You must have four total reputable citations for this project. b. Please write out all citations in the assignment submission portal. If you do not have citations, this is considered plagiarism, and you will receive a zero for the project.

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