Artificial Intelligence Nursing Reflection



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Artificial Intelligence Nursing Reflection
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This is a very interesting TED Talk that could be useful in helping you think outside the box when it comes to the future of technology and healthcare.

Refer to the Course Alignment page for detailed information regarding CLO and MLO alignment to materials, activities, and assessments.

All must view the TED talk video below and reflect on your thoughts related to the information learned from the video in the assignment.
What are your thoughts on the processes Navid talked about? Discuss the nursing role in future technological advances.
Additional Questions: What improvements do you see coming for the Electronic Health Records in regard to quality health outcomes? How can you see technology advancing healthcare? Have you seen this used in your practice? How could this be used in practice moving forward?
Please reply in the text box with what you think of the speaker’s message he is presenting.
For APA on the video – enter the reference correctly.
Complete by Day 7.

Link: Opportunities and challenges | Navid Toosi Saidy | TEDxQUTLinks to an external site.

Navid holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Device Development. He has previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the translation and commercialization of biodegradable implants. Navid is currently focused on enabling artificial intelligence-based healthcare solutions to be commercially developed and applied in clinical settings.

Artificial intelligence has the ability to revolutionize and personalize targeted healthcare for individual patients. The regulatory frameworks for AI in healthcare are a critical component in managing and maximizing accurate healthcare predictions.

How You Will Be Graded Please view the rubric to see how this assignment will be graded.

TED Talk Assignment Rubric

TED Talk Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflectionReflected on TED Talk

50 pts

Good Reflection

The reflection was clear and described personal thoughts about the video.

25 pts


Reflection was incomplete or superficial.

0 pts

No Reflection

No reflection or did not include video content.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions AnsweredQuestions answered thoroughly

40 pts

Answered Additional Questions

Answered additional questions thoroughly.

20 pts

Answered only One Additional Question

Only one additional question was answered or superficially answered.

0 pts

No Marks

No additional questions answered

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencesReferences Provided in APA 7 Format

10 pts

Full Marks

A minimum of 2 references were provided: The TED Talk reference and one additional reference and/or 0-1 APA errors.

5 pts


Only one reference was provided and/or references contained 2 errors in APA

0 pts

No Marks

No references provided or reference(s) contained 3 or more errors

10 pts

Total Points: 100