Article Analysis 2 – Applied Statistics for Health Care Professionals


Search the GCU Library and find two new health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles from a previous assignment or articles that appear in the topic Resources or textbook.

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Article Analysis 2 – Applied Statistics for Health Care Professionals
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Article 1

The Effect of Reiki Intervention on Fatigue and Anxiety in H… : Holistic Nursing Practice (

The Effect of Reiki Intervention on Fatigue and Anxiety in Hemodialysis Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study – PubMed (

Article 2

The Effects of Spiritual Care on Fatigue and Pain among Pati… : Holistic Nursing Practice (

The Effects of Spiritual Care on Fatigue and Pain among Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial – PubMed (

Complete an article analysis for each using the “Article Analysis 2” template.

Refer to “Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial” in conjunction with “Article Analysis: Example 2,” for an example of an article analysis.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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Article Analysis 2 – Rubric
Collapse All
Two Quantitative Articles
13 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
13 points
Two articles are presented and are based on quantitative research.
4. Acceptable
11.05 points
3. Approaching
9.75 points
Two articles are presented, but only one article is based on quantitative research.
2. Insufficient
8.45 points
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Fewer than two articles are presented and do not use quantitative research.
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Article Citations and Permalinks
13 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
13 points
Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are accurately
presented in APA format. Page numbers are accurate and used in all areas when
citing information.
4. Acceptable
11.05 points
Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are presented in
APA format. Page numbers are used to cite information. There are minor errors.
3. Approaching
9.75 points
Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are presented in
APA format, but there are errors. Page numbers to cite information are missing, or
incorrect, in some areas.
2. Insufficient
8.45 points
Article citations and permalinks are presented. There are significant errors. Page
numbers are not indicated to cite information, or the page numbers are incorrect.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Article citations and permalinks are omitted.
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Broad Topic Area/Title
7.8 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
7.8 points
Broad topic area and title are fully presented and accurate.
4. Acceptable
6.63 points
Broad topic area and title are presented. There are some minor errors, but the
content overall is accurate.
3. Approaching
5.85 points
Broad topic area and title are summarized. There are some minor inaccuracies.
2. Insufficient
5.07 points
Broad topic area and title are referenced but are incomplete.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Broad topic area and title are omitted.
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Null and Alternative Hypotheses
13 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
13 points
Hypotheses are accurate and clearly defined.
4. Acceptable
11.05 points
Hypotheses are clearly defined. There are some minor inaccuracies.
3. Approaching
9.75 points
Hypotheses are generally defined. There are some minor inaccuracies.
2. Insufficient
8.45 points
Hypotheses are summarized. There are major inaccuracies or omissions.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Hypotheses are omitted.
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Independent and Dependent Variable Types and Data for Variable
Criteria Description
5. Target
13 points
Variable types and data for variables are presented and accurate.
4. Acceptable
11.05 points
Variable types and data for variables are presented. Minor detail is needed for
3. Approaching
9.75 points
Variable types and data for variables are presented. There are inaccuracies.
2. Insufficient
8.45 points
Variable types and data for variables are presented. There are major inaccuracies or
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Variable types and data for variables are omitted.
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13 points
Population of Interest for the Study
6.5 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
6.5 points
Population of interest for the study is presented and accurate.
4. Acceptable
5.52 points
Population of interest for the study is presented. Minor detail is needed for
3. Approaching
4.88 points
Population of interest for the study is presented. There are inaccuracies.
2. Insufficient
4.23 points
Population of interest for the study is presented. There are major inaccuracies or
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Population of interest for the study is omitted.
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6.5 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
6.5 points
Sample is presented and accurate. Page citation for sample information is provided.
4. Acceptable
5.52 points
Sample is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Page citation for sample
information is provided.
3. Approaching
4.88 points
Sample is presented. There are inaccuracies.
2. Insufficient
4.23 points
Sample is presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Sample is omitted.
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Sampling Method
6.5 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
6.5 points
Sampling method is presented and accurate.
4. Acceptable
5.52 points
Sampling is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy.
3. Approaching
4.88 points
Sampling is presented. There are inaccuracies. Page citation for sample information
is omitted.
2. Insufficient
4.23 points
Sampling is presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Sampling method is omitted.
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How Was Data Collected?
6.5 points
Criteria Description
5. Target
6.5 points
The means of data collection are presented and accurate. Page citation for sample
information is provided.
4. Acceptable
5.52 points
The means of data collection are presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy.
Page citation for sample information is provided.
3. Approaching
4.88 points
The means of data collection are presented. There are inaccuracies. Page citation
for sample information is omitted.
2. Insufficient
4.23 points
The means of data collection are presented. There are major inaccuracies or
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
The means of data collection are omitted.
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Inferential Statistics
13 points
Criteria Description
Clearly identify which hypothesis tests were used and the results.
5. Target
13 points
The inferential statistics thoroughly identify which hypothesis tests were used and
the results.
4. Acceptable
11.05 points
The inferential statistics clearly identify which hypothesis tests were used and the
3. Approaching
9.75 points
The inferential statistics generally identify which hypothesis tests were used and the
results but are lacking relevant detail.
2. Insufficient
8.45 points
The inferential statistics identifying which hypothesis tests were used are
incomplete or incorrect.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
The inferential statistics identifying which hypothesis tests were used are omitted.
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Assess the Appropriateness of Statistical Methods Used in This Study
Criteria Description
Provide rationale to support your response.
5. Target
19.5 points
Explanation of the appropriateness of statistical methods used in this study is
4. Acceptable
16.58 points
Explanation of the appropriateness of statistical methods used in this study is
3. Approaching
14.63 points
Explanation of the appropriateness of statistical methods used is included but lacks
relevant supporting details.
2. Insufficient
12.68 points
Explanation of the appropriateness of statistical methods used is incomplete or
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Explanation of the appropriateness of statistical methods used is not included.
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19.5 points
Mechanics of Writing
6.5 points
Criteria Description
Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence
structure, etc
5. Target
6.5 points
No mechanical errors are present. Appropriate language choice and sentence
structure are used throughout.
4. Acceptable
5.52 points
Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence
structure are used.
3. Approaching
4.88 points
Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally
appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.
2. Insufficient
4.23 points
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language
choice or sentence structure are recurrent.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language
choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.
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5.2 points
Criteria Description
Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level;
documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc.,
appropriate to assignment and discipline.
5. Target
5.2 points
No errors in formatting or documentation are present.
4. Acceptable
4.42 points
Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor errors.
3. Approaching
3.9 points
Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious
2. Insufficient
3.38 points
Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors
in documentation of sources are evident.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is provided.
Total 130 points
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Article Analysis: Example 1
Article Citation
and Permalink
(APA format)
Kılıç, Z., Karadağ, S., & Tutar, N. (2023). The effect of progressive
relaxation exercises on dyspnea and anxiety levels in individuals with
COPD: A randomized controlled trial. Holistic Nursing
Practice, 37(1), E14–E23.
(Include permalink for articles from GCU Library.)
Broad Topic
Determine the effect of PREs (Progressive Relaxation Exercises) on dyspnea
and anxiety in patients with COPD.
Variables and
Type of Data
for Each
PRE intervention categorical treatment versus control groups
MBS (Modified Borg Scale) – Ordinal
MRC Dyspnea (Medical Research Council) – Ordinal
BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory) – Ordinal
Population of
Interest for the
Patients with COPD and anxiety.
44 patients
22 in either the treatment group or the control group
A randomized sampling method was used to choose patients that met the
criteria of the study.
(Mean, Median,
Pretest mean MBS of patients in the intervention group 3.91 ± 1.51
Posttest mean MBS of patients in the intervention group 3.50 ±1.63
Pretest mean MBS of patients in the control group 2.36 ±0.49
Posttest mean MBS of patients in the control group 2.23 ±0.69
Pretest mean BAI score of patients in the intervention group 23.81 ± 5.70
Posttest mean BAI score of patients in the intervention group 13.55 ± 5.62
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
examples of
statistics in the
(Table 3)

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