Art Question


Thesis Essay Assignment #2: Women Artists Then and Now

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Read Linda Nochlin’s article “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” in a careful and thorough manner.

As you read Nochlin’s Essay, consider these questions:

What are some specific structural barriers that prohibited women from becoming artists before the contemporary era?
What are some reasons that Nochlin gives that explain why a few women were able to circumvent the patriarchy to become professional artists?
What are some notions and ideas that have privileged men as artists?

Write a 2-3 page (500-750 words) paper that considers the three questions listed above. Take care to include a thesis statement, or argument, in the introduction. Your thesis does not have to be limited to a single sentence, and should include some of the thoughts you have pertaining to the prompt questions. Use the introduction to state the thesis (argument) that you will defend in the body paragraphs.

In the body paragraphs, include quotations from Nochlin’s article that support your arguments. Include the citation like this: (Nochlin, page #).

In the conclusion, summarize your argument, and remind the reader of the points you made to support your thesis.


-Paper includes a clear thesis in the introduction

-paper includes body paragraphs that use quoted citations to support thesis

-Paper includes a conclusion that states why the argument is sound and reminds reader of evidence presented

-Paper is 500-750 words long, has reasonable grammar and spelling, and is presented in thesis, body paragraphs, conclusion format.