Art Question


Assignments are each week, no less than 300 words in the body, not counting names, numbers, and add 3 Works Cited. Some assignments require two parts, respond to both together to equal over 300 words;, otherwise all Assignments must meet the minimum required words. No bullets or dashes in any assignment or PowerPoints. Everything must be in your own complete sentences, with a new paragraph for each question, in Word 365, free at Saint Leo, with 12-14 font, and no other format will be graded.

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Art Question
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WHEN- By Sunday. WHO-Everyone

WHAT- Office 365 Word, Own thoughts together in the body with 300-400 words, without numbers, names, referrals, no Ai, and 3 Works Cited, with a new paragraph for each group of questions, in order.

HOW- Part A-Infinite Person & with Part B together in one upload about Contemporary Art from 1970-Now.

This assignment has two parts; please place both essays in one file. Arrange your thoughts in paragraph form, unless the directions of a particular module assignment are different. Ensure that your essays are grammatically and mechanically sound. Do not use excess verbiage such as “I think,” or “in my opinion.” Submit your assignment first through Grammarly before you submit it. If you use an outside source, use proper MLA form to document your source. Double-space your writings and use a 12 – 14 font. Save your essays on one and submit that file in the appropriate assignment.

Prompt A:
What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label. Are YOU an “infinite” person? If so, how? If not, why not? Please write between 2 – 4 paragraphs, with over 150 words, and then add B, with another over 150 words in one paper.

Prompt B:
Complete the following critical analysis in essay form:

1. Name either (choose only one) a contemporary painting, sculpture, movie, or live performance and its author that you feel is a good piece of work.
2. Describe the aesthetic qualities of this artwork as to why it is pleasing to you, or beautiful to you.
3. How does this work create empathy for you? Explain.
4. What is the purpose or intent of this work? (If you can’t determine the meaning or intent by viewing or experiencing this art, research its meaning.)
5. What is the “context” of this work? (Again, here you must complete some research. Who is the central artist? Why does she or he create in such a manner? Remember, this is the “backstory” of the artist.)
6. Do you think this work of art will someday be considered a masterpiece? Why or why not?
7. Will the author of this artwork be considered a “giant” of the arts? Why or why not?

There is a Rubric associated with this assignment. It can be found under the Progress drop-down menu under Rubrics. Page count should be more than 300 words and less than 650 words.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

1/23/24, 9:03 PM
Preview Rubric: Module Assignment Rubric – UE: Giants of the Arts HUM-110CL-OL02 – Saint Leo University
Module Assignment Rubric
Course: UE: Giants of the Arts HUM-110CL-OL02
Response to
the prompt
Not Evident
Criterion Score
85 points
70 points
20 points
0 points
/ 85
A quality
response to the
prompt(s) is
provided. Sound
logic and
reasoning are
and illustration
further illuminate
the writer’s
A good response
is given. Some
content might be
lacking. Logic and
reasoning are
given but could
use some extra
discussion. Some
and illustration
are offered.
A response to the
prompt(s) is given,
but it lacks
substance. Some
logic and
reasoning are
given. Little or no
and illustration is
The response has
no substance,
does not answer
the prompt’s
question (s). No
reasoning or logic
is offered. No
exemplification or
illustration is
15 points
10 points
5 points
0 points
The assignment is
completed and
submitted on
time. If there are
two essays, they
have been
submitted in one
file. No excess
phrases are
included in the
The assignment
has been
submitted on
time. The writing
has some
grammatical and
errors. There are
phrases. Sources
The assignment
has been
submitted late.
The writing needs
sharp editing. An
attempt to cite
sources is given
but is incorrect.
The assignment
was not
submitted on
time. The quality
of writing is poor.
Sources have not
been cited.
writing. The
composition (s) is
relatively free of
grammatical and
errors. Sources
are cited
are cited
/ 15
/ 100…
1/23/24, 9:03 PM
Preview Rubric: Module Assignment Rubric – UE: Giants of the Arts HUM-110CL-OL02 – Saint Leo University
Overall Score
Not Evident
85 points minimum
70 points minimum
20 points minimum
0 points minimum…

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