Art Question


Part 1: Analysis of five unknown: how does the known image exemplify characteristics of a time period, medium, culture, etc.? 1st, list a “known” object that you will compare to the “unknown”…. 2nd, please write a paragraph-long (5-7 sentences) analysis of the unknown object, and compare it to the “known” object. write few sentences arguing for what period and style you think the unknown works belong to. There are five images, for each of the unknowns, come up with one example of an known object and write a paragraph arguing why the unknown is comparative to the image uploaded below. Part 2: short essay, answer the prompt below with 4-5 pages response that presents an argument and an attempt to answer it using visual analysis and evidence. Bring examples for at least fur examples, at least three artistic movements and one from a non-western culture. write a formal responding to the prompt. prompt: Art and the Body: Over the course of the five hundred years we studied this semester, representations of the human body have changed drastically. Throughout the semester, we have examined the depiction of the human body in a variety of media, such as painting, sculpture, and photography. Please choose four examples and discuss the changing modes of showing the human body by considering qualities such as medium, realism, movement, etc. in relation to the culture/society in question. Your four examples must come from four different stylistic periods (with at LEAST one coming from a non-Western culture), and one must not be a painting.Each of the four examples must be identified by artist, title, date, medium, and cultural/historical period.PLEASE read the paper uploaded carefully and follow the instructions in the paper. The unknown paintings is inside the uploaded paper.

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