Art Question


I will attach instructions in the picture below for the assignment. Please follow directions carefully.I will attach three topics to choose from but you are only choosing and writing about ONE.Choose from one of these 3 compare/contrast options: 1) Saint Francis Altarpiece by Berlinghieri (fig. 14-5) vs. Figure of Saint Mark by Donatello (fig. 16-5)/(Fig. 21-5 in Gardner’s Global ed.) 2) Annunciation by S. Martini and L. Memmi (fig. 14-14) vs. Merode Altarpiece-Annunciation scene by Campin (fig. 15-4)/(Fig. 20-8 in Gardner’s Globaled.)3) Peaceful City by A. Lorenzetti (fig. 14-17) vs. Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (October) by Limbourg Brothers (fig. 15-16)/ (Fig. 20-6 in Gardner’s Global ed.) An ‘A’ paper usually falls within the 1200 to 1400 word range, and includes details in the analysis. General statements do not earn much in points. Every art history paper or assignment/discussion board must have images. Please include pictures of the two artworks in your submission. Thank you!

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