Art Question


Please read through these directions before completing this assignment. Please double-check your assignment to the Scoresheet Self.Assessment.#1.docx before submitting it.

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Here are the first and second questions that you will answer in your self-assessment:

Why have you enrolled in this class and what do you plan to get out of it?
What challenges could you encounter in this online course and what strategies will you employ to manage them? Here, you can discuss your experience with the Study Skills Inventory.

For this self-assessment you will type your assignment in WORD (or Google Docs/Mac iOS compatible application) and submit it as a WORD document or as a PDF. You will practice with a style sheet loosely based on the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition style sheet. This is the style sheet most oftenused in the social sciences. You do not need to purchase the style manual; instead, you should follow my directions specified here.

Your paper should be typed in New Times Roman, 12 point font, with one-inch margins on all sides and double-spaced. Do not use extra spaces before or after a paragraph. Depending on the version of Word that you use, you may have to select “do not add extra spaces…” in paragraphs. If you don’t know how to do this, please Google it for help.
On the first page in the upper left corner, type your first and last name. On the next line, type the name of the class and section number (i.e., Art 100, Section ####). On the third line, type the date you submitted the assignment as Month Day, Year (i.e., January 4, 2023). Remember to use double-spacing and justify left.
In the header, insert page number, upper right corner. You may have to highlight the number and change the font to New Times Roman, 12 point, so that it matches the rest of the assignment. If you don’t know how to do this, please Google it for help.
One double-space below the date, type the header. The header should be centered, in bold, and in title case, which means you capitalize the first and last word, and all big words in between. Use this header: Self-Assessment #1. (Don’t put a period at the end of the header).
One double-space below the header, type the first sub-heading, left justified, in bold, and sentence case. The sub-heading will be the first question in the self-assessment.
After you answer the question, type the second sub-heading, left justified, in bold, and title case. The sub-heading will be the second question in the self-assessment.

Organize your responses in paragraph form. To indicate a paragraph, use the 0.5 tab. Don’t write one long block of text. You must organize your response and use paragraphs.

Employ college-level writing with correct grammar and spelling. This includes starting sentences with a capital letter and ending sentences with terminal punctuation. Capitalize proper nouns and pronouns. Avoid texting abbreviations. Use spell check and grammar check; make the necessary corrections.

The minimum word count for each response is 400 words.

At the end of each responses, list the word count like this: Word count: XXX words. To determine the number of words you have written for each question, highlight each response and use the word counter in Word. If you don’t know how to do this, please Google it for help.

You are encouraged to use the spell check and grammar check, also known as the Editor in some later forms of Word, to proofread your responses. I also think it is helpful to use the “read aloud” feature and have the computer read your paper to you. This is a helpful way to hear mistakes that need your attention. If you don’t know how to do this, please Google it for help.


The self-assessment is an opportunity for you to think and reflect on your reasons for enrolling in this class and/or in college and to problem-solve potential obstacles to your success. As such, the writing should be yours and yours alone. Using ChatGPT, or other forms of AI writing programs, is cheating. You are encouraged, however, to use the spell check and grammar check, also known as the Editor in some later forms of Word, to proofread your responses.


Consult the Scoresheet Self.Assessment.#1.docxbefore, during, and after your report to ensure your success. See the template on page 2 of the grading scoresheet for a visual of the layout (but not the length).