Art project Symbolism Project


This Symbolism Project is a piece of art that you will create, write a ½ page, double spaced artist statement, and will post it to our Symbolism Discussion Board. You may make a painting, photo, collage, sculpture, or short film

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Art project Symbolism Project
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Symbolism Project
Final Version Due Friday November 3rd by 11:59pm
First Draft is Due Friday October 20th by 11:59pm
Project Requirements
Larger than a sheet of Computer Paper (8.5″x11″)
Has a clear message conveyed with symbolism
(this can be a mix of personal and universal
Uses color to add to the meaning
Is well crafted and uses one or more of these
techniques: painting, sculpture, printmaking,
collage, photoshop, photography, or any mixed
media. Well crafted means not messy, ripped or
smudged, clear boarders and a presentable non
blurry photo for submission
Has a ½ page (250 words) Artist Statement saying
what your piece is about, the techniques you used,
and a bit about what symbols you used
Student Example
What is a Symbol?
A symbol is any image or visual
clue that represents information.
They tell us what is happening in
images instead of words.
This can be an object, idea,
emotion, job, activity, etc.
Symbols can be simple or
complex and anywhere in
You can also layer symbols
together to add or even change
the meaning.
What is a Symbol? Continued…
• A visual clue that gives information or represents
information that the viewer can see and understand
• symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or
• an artistic and poetic movement or style using
symbolic images and indirect suggestion to
express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind
Why use Symbolism?
Clues to what you want to
• Symbolism is used to convey
messages the artist wants you to
• For example, if the artist wanted you
to know about a sad event they may
add someone hunched over and have
lots of blue. You might think of how
you feel when sad and understand. If
their piece was yellow and had
someone in a party hat you wouldn’t
feel the same way.
• Symbols can be personal or universal
• A personal Symbol can be related to
your culture, family, personal ideas.
• For example, a guitar can mean music
but maybe to you it symbolizes your
• Universal symbols are ones that most
people would get right away
• For example, a star can mean a wish,
space, or light
Uses for Color
Color has special significance for
us too.
Red can mean passion, love, hot,
stop, and blood
Orange can mean sunsets,
oranges, movement, warnings
White can mean purity, vacancy,
calm, holiness
Yellow can mean sunny and bright,
Blue can mean sadness, water,
calm, the sky
Choosing what to say:
When you are making a piece
of art you first have to decide
what it is about.
Are you going to try and
describe a feeling? An event?
Maybe something you feel
strongly about? You can
choose to be very specific or
more vague.
Example: This hand can mean
high five or stop.
Adding Layers
Now I’ve added a red
background and placed the
hand at the bottom of the
page. I’ve also added a wrist.
All of these additions have
changed the meaning of my
piece. Now we see that it
means stop or danger, maybe
even anger. The wrist tells us
that this is a person saying
stop not just a mystery figure
or establishment.
Further Layers
By adding more images I’ve
changed the message from
a general “Stop” to “Stop
If I choose happier images,
you wouldn’t think my
message would be the
The same can be said if I
choose more intense
images, you would get a
more brutal message.
More Examples
Call to Action
• These symbols ask or command the viewer to do something
• Activism is an example
• Directions
• Guidance
Beliefs or Religions
• These symbols talk about spirituality
• They can denote status, holiness, wrong doings, etc.
• They can preach or guide
Student Examples
Symbolism Project
Worth 100 points
First Draft Due: 3/9/24
Final Draft Due: 4/6/24
This Symbolism Project is a piece of art that you will create, write a ½ page, double
spaced artist statement, and will post it to our Symbolism Discussion Board. You may
make a painting, photo, collage, sculpture, or short film. Please take a nice clean photo
to upload onto D2L.
Grading Rubric
Art Piece
Grammar and
Art Piece- 35pts

Craftsmanship (how well a piece is made)
Medium can be seen by us
Physically sound (does not fall apart, tears/rips, spills)
Displays your symbol in a clear way
Has an aesthetic
No computer paper unless approved
Formal Elements to think about in your piece:

Line and its uses (implied or otherwise)
Representation or Abstraction
Shape, space, and mass
Space the piece is in
Symbolism- 35pts

Clear and recognizable symbol
Relies on images to convey it’s message, not words
What is the significance of your symbolism? Does your piece convey that?
Artist Statement- 25 pts

½ a page double spaced
What your piece means- explain your symbolism
Describe your piece and the process you made it
Your group can discuss challenges and success here
Grammar and Spelling- 5 pts

Correct grammar and punctuation
Regular flow of a paper (intro, middle, conclusion)
No slang unless it is directly referenced in the piece/ by the artist
No swear words or derogatory words
No inappropriate language of any kind
Plagiarism will result in a 0/100 for the assignment, a disciplinary meeting
with the dean, and possible expulsion.
Symbolism Project
Worth 100 points
First Draft Due: October 20, 2023
Final Draft Due: November 3, 2023
This Symbolism Project is a piece of art that you will create, write a ½ page, double
spaced artist statement, and will post it to our Symbolism Discussion Board. You will
also post on 3 other student’s posts; your responses count for 25 points. You may make
a painting, photo, collage, sculpture, or short film. Please take a nice clean photo to
upload onto D2L.
Grading Rubric
Art Piece
Grammar and
Art Piece- 35pts

Craftsmanship (how well a piece is made)
Medium can be seen by us
Physically sound (does not fall apart, tears/rips, spills)
Displays your symbol in a clear way
Has an aesthetic
No computer paper unless approved
Formal Elements to think about in your piece:

Line and its uses (implied or otherwise)
Representation or Abstraction
Shape, space, and mass
Space the piece is in
Symbolism- 35pts

Clear and recognizable symbol
Relies on images to convey it’s message, not words
What is the significance of your symbolism? Does your piece convey that?
Artist Statement- 25 pts

½ a page double spaced
What your piece means- explain your symbolism
Describe your piece and the process you made it
Your group can discuss challenges and success here
Grammar and Spelling- 5 pts

Correct grammar and punctuation
Regular flow of a paper (intro, middle, conclusion)
No slang unless it is directly referenced in the piece/ by the artist
No swear words or derogatory words
No inappropriate language of any kind
Plagiarism will result in a 0/100 for the assignment, a disciplinary meeting
with the dean, and possible expulsion.

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