Architecture Question


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I’m working on presentation project 10- 12 slide include information & picture And1 page PDF to explain the slides

— In 1 page PDF you will go deeply to explain with the information and Picture that you mention it in power point slid Also you should mark number to each slid ( 1is explanation for slid one … ets )

watchn full video that attached links.
1 page PDF to explain deeply with the information and Picture that you mention it in power point slides. video will change to English.

3- Do power point project 10-12- slide include information & picture

A) What is a Concept, and is it all encompassing

B) You will develop a design concept with Slavoj Zizek as the client. Slavoj wants you to

C) develop a design concept for a movie he is working on. The movie has its themes based in

the jury interaction between Peter Eisenmann and Wolf d Prix


For More Information
What is a councept
Diagram out movie
Client————– Slavoj Žižek’s
Subject————Elsenmann + Prix

Slavoj Žižek’s work traverses the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and

political theory, taking in film, popular culture, literature and jokes—all to provide acute analyses

of the complexities of contemporary ideology as well as a serious and sophisticated philosophy.

Despite his activity in liberal democratic projects, Žižek has continued to identify himself as a

communist, and has been critical of right-wing circles, such as nationalists, conservatives, and

classical liberals both in Slovenia and worldwide.

For Slavoj Žižek everything is ideology: whether capitalism or tolerance, Islam or simply day-to-

day life. Buying a mobile, choosing clothes, toothpaste – it is all cloaked in ideological terms.

Therefore for him, Marxist social criticism is not a thing of the past, it is more current than ever.

Where before people used to be blinded by religion, today they are subjugated by technocracy

and capitalism, Žižek finds. Nevertheless, the Slovenian philosopher holds on to the idea of truth

and advocates human rights and Eurocentrism. He explains how all this fits together in his

conversation with Barbara Bleisch.


We will watch the short video on how to develop a design concept, and also the fun video

that shows some friendly banter between architects on the importance of design


You will listen and watch the other links on your own time.

You will develop a design concept with Slavoj Zizek as the client. Slavoj wants you to

develop a design concept for a movie he is working on. The movie has its themes based in

the jury interaction between Peter Eisenmann and Wolf d Prix.