Applying for Master’s in I/O Psych, could someone proofread my letter of intent?


I am applying to a Master’s in I/O Psychology program. I come from an education background. I’ve taught middle school for the past 3 years. I have written my letter of intent to show that I would like to use my I/O degree to aid in creating a better working environment for educators. Could you proof read my letter of intent and let me know what I need to improve, change, take away, and/or add?

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Applying for Master’s in I/O Psych, could someone proofread my letter of intent?
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Dear Admissions Committee,
“There is not a shortage of potential qualified and aspiring educators. There is a shortage of
teaching jobs that adequately treat and compensate bachelor’s-to-master’s-level professionals
such that they would want to be teachers” – Alexandria Robbins. As a dedicated middle school
teacher, for the past three years, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges that educators face
within the educational system. Many educators have chosen to pursue alternative careers offering
improved financial earnings, enhanced work-life balance, and a more conducive work
environment, prompting their departure from the education sector. The pressing issues of low
salaries and a lack of agency in the workplace have led many talented educators to contemplate
leaving the field. This critical situation has ignited my passion to delve deeper into the realm of
Industrial Organizational Psychology, with the ultimate goal of effecting positive change within
the education workplace.
My aspiration to bridge the gap between education and psychology stems from a profound desire
to create better working conditions for educators. My focus lies in dissecting the primary reason
for teacher burnout, aiming to recognize the pivotal factors perpetuating this occurrence within
educational settings. Through a systematic inquiry, I seek to uproot strategies and frameworks
that can be instrumental in cultivating a conducive work environment for educators, one that
reduces stress and prevents excessive workloads. By digging into the root causes of burnout and
exploring effective solutions, I aim to contribute valuable insights to the education field,
ultimately striving to foster environments that prioritize the well-being and sustainability of
teachers’ professional lives. I firmly believe that by applying the principles and methodologies of
I/O Psychology, we can implement strategic interventions to increase the teacher retention rate.
With a Master’s degree in I/O Psychology from Chicago State University, I aim to equip myself
with the necessary expertise to formulate innovative solutions that enhance the professional lives
of educators.
Chicago State University’s program stands out to me as the ideal place to achieve these
objectives. The program’s comprehensive curriculum and emphasis on real-world application
align perfectly with my career aspirations. Chicago State has established itself as a crucible for
pioneering ideas, and I am assured that it will serve as a crucial platform for my research
endeavors. The university’s commitment to fostering creativity and pushing the boundaries of
conventional knowledge aligns seamlessly with my aspirations to contribute meaningful
solutions to the complex issues surrounding teacher retention. Moreover, the opportunity to
immerse myself in the vibrant environment of Chicago is unparalleled. Being situated in the
heart of a city renowned for its diverse industries and progressive outlook will undoubtedly
enhance my academic experience and provide invaluable practical insights.
My decision to transition from teaching to pursuing a Master’s in I/O Psychology is driven by a
sincere commitment to make a meaningful impact within the education domain beyond the
classroom. Through this program, I aim to uncover the factors contributing to teachers leaving
the field beyond mere compensation desires. I seek to unravel the nuanced dynamics influencing
educators’ decisions to either remain in or depart from the profession. Recognizing the
individualized nature of teachers’ needs, my investigation will explore diverse aspects, such as
the potential for increased time off, enhanced classroom support, and a strengthened voice within
the school and district structures.
In parallel, my research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the evolving educational
landscape over the past decade or more. This involves a thorough examination of past practices,
current effective strategies, and identification of aspects that are no longer conducive. By
situating my inquiry within this historical context, I aim to discern patterns, successes, and
challenges that have shaped the educational field. Through this complex approach, I aspire to
contribute valuable insights to the battle of teacher retention, striving to offer detailed solutions
informed by an understanding of the dynamic nature of the education sector.
I am eager to contribute my unique perspective as an educator to the diverse cohort at Chicago
State University. I am confident that my background in teaching, coupled with the knowledge
and expertise gained from your esteemed program, will enable me to be a catalyst for positive
change within the education sector. In aspiring to mirror Chicago State’s legacy, I aim to
exemplify the capacity to pioneer transformative change. Pursuing a master’s degree, I intend to
embody Chicago State’s resilience by challenging norms and fostering innovative solutions.
Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to
the Chicago State University community and am eager to embark on this transformative
academic journey.

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