Apply IT Concepts to Business Decisions


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Apply IT Concepts to Business Decisions
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Qlik offers a complimentary e-book entitled “Turn your Excel Reports into Stunning Dashboards.” Download the e-book. Write a report about what you learned.
Visit the website of software provider Microstrategy at
Click on “Solutions.”
Click “By Industry.”
Scroll down to choose an industry that interests you and click on that Industry.
Choose a business application that interests you such as Distribution Center Operations, Digital Loyalty Card, Vendor Portal, or Customer Analysis.
Click “Watch the Video.”
Write a report describing what you learned.

Essays should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question.

the assignment is required to be four to five pages in length and requires adequate references with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

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Information Technology
for Management
On-Demand Strategies for Performance,
Growth and Sustainability
Eleventh Edition
Information Technology
for Management
On-Demand Strategies for Performance,
Growth and Sustainability
Eleventh Edition
Appalachian State University
Canisius College
Mike McDonald
Lise Johnson
Ethan Lipson
Judy Howarth
Lisa Wojcik
Nichole Urban
Nicole Repasky
Loganathan Kandan
Billy Ray
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ISBN: 978-1-118-89079-0 (PBK)
ISBN: 978-1-119-39783-0 (EVALC)
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:
Names: Turban, Efraim, author. | Pollard, Carol (Carol E.), author. | Wood,
Gregory R., author.
Title: Information technology for management : on-demand strategies for
performance, growth and sustainability / Efraim Turban, Carol Pollard,
Gregory R. Wood.
Description: 11th edition. | Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2018. |
Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2017037711 (print) | LCCN 2017046158 (ebook) | ISBN
9781118890868 (epub) | ISBN 9781119172390 (pdf) | ISBN 9781118890790 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Management information systems.
Classification: LCC T58.6 (ebook) | LCC T58.6 .T765 2017 (print) | DDC
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Brief Contents
8 Retail, E-commerce, and Mobile Commerce
Technology 240
PART 1 Reshaping Enterprises and Consumers
in the On-Demand Economy
Disruptive IT Impacts Companies,
Competition, and Careers 1
Information Systems, IT Architecture, Data
Governance, and Cloud Computing 25
Data Management, Data Analytics,
and Business Intelligence 65
Networks, Collaborative Technology,
and the Internet of Things 101
Cybersecurity and Risk Management
Technology 127
PART 2 Winning, Engaging, and Retaining
Consumers for Growth
Search, Semantic, and Recommendation
Technology 165
Web 2.0 and Social Technology
PART 3 Optimizing Performance, Processes,
and Productivity
9 Functional Business Systems 269
Enterprise Systems 300
Data Visualization and Geographic
Information Systems 331
PART 4 Managing Business Relationships,
Projects, and Ethical Responsibilities
IT Strategy, Sourcing, and Strategic
Technology Trends 354
Systems Development and Project
Management 385
IT Ethics, Privacy, and Sustainability 417
PART 1 Reshaping Enterprises
and Consumers in the On-Demand
1 Disruptive IT Impacts Companies,
Competition, and Careers
Case 1.1 Opening Case: Uber and Airbnb Revolutionize
Business Models in the On-Demand Economy 3
Doing Business in the On-Demand Economy 4
Growth of the On-Demand Economy 5
Digital Business Models 6
IT’s Role in the On-Demand Economy 7
IT Business Objectives 8
1.2 Business Process Improvement and Competitive
Advantage 8
What Is a Business Process? 9
Improving Business Processes 9
Don’t Automate, Obliterate! 10
Gaining a Competitive Advantage 11
Software Support for BPM 13
1.3 IT Innovation and Disruption 13
Social–Mobile–Analytics–Cloud (SMAC) Model 13
Technology Mega Trends 14
Lessons Learned from Companies Using Disruptive
Technologies 16
1.4 IT and You 17
On-Demand Workers 17
IT Adds Value to Your Performance and Career 19
Becoming an Informed IT User 21
Case 1.2 Business Case: The Internet of Things Comes
to the NFL 23
Case 1.3 Video Case: Knowing More and Doing More
2 Information Systems,
IT Architecture, Data Governance,
and Cloud Computing 25
Case 2.1 Opening Case: Detoxing Location-Based
Advertising Data at MEDIATA 27
IS Concepts and Classification
Components of an IS 29
Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom 30
Types of ISs 31
Transaction Processing System (TPS) 32
Management Information System (MIS) 33
Decision Support System (DSS) 34
Executive Information System (EIS) 35
ISS Exist within Corporate Culture 36
2.2 IT Infrastructure, IT Architecture, and Enterprise
Architecture 37
EA Helps to Maintain Sustainability 38
Developing an Enterprise Architecture (EA) 41
2.3 Information Management and Data
Governance 42
Information Management Harnesses
Scattered Data 43
Reasons for Information Deficiencies 43
Factors Driving the Shift from Silos to Sharing
and Collaboration 45
Business Benefits of Information Management 45
Data Governance: Maintaining Data Quality
and Cost Control 46
2.4 Data Centers and Cloud Computing 48
Data Centers 48
Integrating Data to Combat Data Chaos 50
Cloud Computing 52
Selecting a Cloud Vendor 52
Cloud Infrastructure 54
Issues in Moving Workloads from the Enterprise
to the Cloud 54
2.5 Cloud Services and Virtualization 55
Anything as a Service (XAAS) Models 55
Going Cloud 58
Virtualization and Virtual Machines 58
Case 2.2 Business Case: Data Chaos Creates Risk 62
Case 2.3 Video Case: Cloud Computing at Coca-Cola Is
Changing Everything 63
3 Data Management, Data Analytics,
and Business Intelligence
Case 3.1 Opening Case: Coca-Cola Strategically Manages
Data to Retain Customers and Reduce Costs 66
Data Management and Database Technologies
Database Management Systems and SQL 69
DBMS and Data Warehousing Vendors
Respond to Latest Data Demands 72
Centralized and Distributed Database
Architectures 73
Garbage In, Garbage Out 75
Data Ownership and Organizational Politics 76
Data Life Cycle and Data Principles 77
Master Data and Master Data Management 78
3.3 Data Warehouses 79
Procedures to Prepare EDW Data for Analytics 80
Building a Data Warehouse 80
Real-Time Support from an Active Data
Warehouse 81
3.4 Big Data Analytics and Data Discovery 83
Human Expertise and Judgment are Needed 85
Data and Text Mining 88
Creating Business Value 88
Text Analytics Procedure 90
Analytics Vendor Rankings 90
3.5 Business Intelligence and
Electronic Records Management 91
Business Benefits of BI 92
Common Challenges: Data Selection
and Quality 92
Aligning BI Strategy with Business Strategy 92
BI Architecture and Analytics 93
Electronic Records Management 94
Legal Duty to Retain Business Records 94
ERM Best Practices 94
ERM Benefits 95
ERM for Disaster Recovery,
Business Continuity, and Compliance 95
Case 3.2 Business Case: Big Data Analytics is the “Secret
Sauce” for Revitalizing McDonald’s 98
Comparing 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, and 5G Network
Standards 110
Circuit versus Packet Switching 111
Application Program Interfaces and Operating
Systems 111
4.3 Mobile Networks and Near-Field
Communication 113
Increase in Mobile Network Traffic and Users 114
Higher Demand for High-Capacity Mobile
Networks 115
Mobile Infrastructure 115
Two Components of Wireless Infrastructure 116
Business Use of Near-Field Communication 117
Choosing Mobile Network Solutions 118
4.4 Collaborative Technologies and the Internet
of Things 119
Virtual Collaboration 120
Group Work and Decision Processes 120
The Internet of Things (IoT) 121
IoT Sensors, Smart Meters, and the Smart Grid 121
Case 4.2 Business Case: Google Maps API for
Business 125
Case 4.3 Video Case: Small Island Telecom Company
Goes Global 126
5 Cybersecurity and Risk
Management Technology
4 Networks, Collaborative
Technology, and the Internet
of Things 101
Network Fundamentals 104
Network Types 104
Intranets, Extranets, and Virtual Private
Networks 105
Network Terminology 105
Functions Supported by Business Networks
Quality of Service 107
Internet Protocols (IP), APIs, and Network
Capabilities 109
Case 5.1 Opening Case: Yahoo Wins the Gold and Silver
Medal for the Worst Hacks in History! 129
Case 3.3 Video Case: Verizon Improves Its
Customer Experience with Data Driven
Decision-Making 99
Case 4.1 Opening Case: Sony Builds an IPv6 Network
to Fortify Competitive Edge 102
vi i
The Face and Future of Cyberthreats 130
Intentional Threats 132
Unintentional Threats 132
Hacking 133
Cyber Social Engineering and Other Related
Web-Based Threats 134
Denial-of-Service 137
Insider and Privilege Misuse 137
Physical Theft or Loss 138
Miscellaneous Errors 138
New Attack Vectors 138
Cyberattack Targets and Consequences 139
“High-Profile” and “Under-the-Radar” Attacks 139
Critical Infrastructure Attacks 140
Theft of Intellectual Property 141
Identity Theft 142
Bring Your Own Device 142
Social Media Attacks 144
Cyber Risk Management 146
IT Defenses 146
Business Continuity Planning 149
Government Regulations 149
7 Web 2.0 and Social
Defending Against Fraud 150
Occupational Fraud Prevention
and Detection 151
General Controls 152
Internal Controls 153
Cyber Defense Strategies 153
Auditing Information Systems 155
5.5 Frameworks, Standards, and Models 155
Risk Management and IT Governance
Frameworks 155
Industry Standards 157
IT Security Defense-In-Depth Model 157
Case 5.2 Business Case: Lax Security at LinkedIn
Exposed 161
Case 7.1 Opening Case: Social Customer Service Takes
Off at KLM 200
Using Search Technology for Business
Success 168
How Search Engines Work 168
Web Directories 168
How Crawler Search Engines Work 169
Why Search Is Important for Business 172
6.2 Organic Search and Search Engine
Optimization 178
Strategies for Search Engine Optimization 178
Content and Inbound Marketing 180
Black Hat versus White Hat SEO: Ethical Issues
in Search Engine Optimization 181
6.3 Pay-Per-Click and Paid Search Strategies 182
Creating a PPC Advertising Campaign 182
Metrics for Paid Search Advertising 184
6.4 A Search for Meaning—Semantic Technology 184
What Is the Semantic Web? 185
The Language(s) of Web 3.0 185
Semantic Web and Semantic Search 186
Semantic Web for Business 187
6.5 Recommendation Engines 188
Recommendation Filters 189
Case 6.2 Business Case: Deciding What to Watch—Video
Recommendations at Netflix 195
Web 2.0—The Social Web 201
The Constantly Changing Web 201
Invention of the World Wide Web 202
A Platform for Services and Social Interaction 202
Emergence of Social Applications, Networks,
and Services 203
Why Managers Should Understand Web
Technology 205
Communicating on the Web 206
Social Media Applications and Services 207
Social Media Is More than Facebook, YouTube, and
Twitter 207
With Web 2.0, Markets are Conversations 209
7.2 Social Networking Services and Communities 210
The Power of the Crowd 212
Crowdfunding 212
Social Networking Services 213
Facebook Dominates Social Networking 214
Google Takes on Facebook with G+ 216
Be in the Now with Snapchat 217
And Now for Something Different: Second Life 218
Private Social Networks 219
Future of Social Networking Systems 220
7.3 Engaging Consumers with Blogs and
Microblogs 220
What Is the Purpose of a Blog? 220
Blogging and Public Relations 222
Reading and Subscribing to Blogs 222
Blogging Platforms 222
Microblogs 223
Twitter 223
Tumblr Blogs 225
7.4 Mashups, Social Metrics, and
Monitoring Tools 226
What Makes a Mashup Social 226
RSS Technology 227
Social Monitoring Services 227
7.5 Enterprise 2.0: Workplace Collaboration and
Knowledge Sharing 229
Tools for Meetings and Discussions 230
Social Tools for Information Retrieval and
Knowledge Sharing 230
Social Bookmarking Tools 231
Content Creation and Sharing 232
Case 7.2 Business Case: Facebook Helps Songkick Rock
the Ticket Sales Industry 236
Case 6.3 Video Case: Power Searching with
Google 196
Case 7.3 Business Case: AT&T’s “It Can Wait” Campaign
against Distracted Driving 237
Case 5.3 Video Case: Botnets, Malware Security, and
Capturing Cybercriminals 163
PART 2 Winning, Engaging, and
Retaining Consumers for Growth
6 Search, Semantic, and
Recommendation Technology
Case 6.1 Opening Case: Uses Search
Technology to Rank Above Established
Competitors 166
8 Retail, E-commerce, and Mobile
Commerce Technology
Case 8.1 Opening Case: Macy’s Races Ahead with Mobile
Retail Strategies 241
Retailing Technology 243
Keeping Up with Consumer Demands and
Behavior 243
The Omni-Channel Retailing Concept 244
8.2 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce 246
Online Banking 246
International and Multiple-Currency
Banking 246
Online Recruiting 246
Issues in Online Retailing 250
Online Business and Marketing Planning 250
8.3 Business-to-Business (B2B) E-commerce and
E-procurement 251
Sell-Side Marketplaces 251
E-Sourcing 252
E-Procurement 252
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Systems 253
Public and Private Exchanges 253
8.4 Mobile Commerce 253
Information: Competitive Advantage in Mobile
Commerce 255
Mobile Entertainment 258
Hotel Services and Travel Go Wireless 259
Mobile Social Networking 259
8.5 Mobile Transactions and Financial Services 260
Mobile Payment Systems 260
Mobile Banking and Financial Services 262
Short Codes 263
Security Issues 263
Case 8.2 Business Case: Chegg’s Mobile Strategy 266
Case 8.3 Video Case: Searching with Pictures
Using MVS 267
PART 3 Optimizing Performance,
Processes, and Productivity
9 Functional Business Systems
Case 9.1 Opening Case: Ducati Redesigns Its
Operations 271
Business Management Systems and Functional
Business Systems 272
Business Management Systems (BMSs) 273
Management Levels 273
Business Functions vs. Cross-Functional Business
Processes 274
Transaction Processing Systems 275
Production and Operations Management
Systems 277
Transportation Management Systems 278
Logistics Management 278
Inventory Control Systems 279
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and
Manufacturing Execution Systems 281
9.3 Sales and Marketing Systems 282
Data-Driven Marketing 284
Sales and Distribution Channels 284
Social Media Customer Service 284
Marketing Management 285
9.4 Accounting, Finance, and Regulatory Systems 286
Financial Disclosure: Reporting and
Compliance 286
Fraud Prevention and Detection 289
Auditing Information Systems 291
Financial Planning and Budgeting 291
9.5 Human Resource Systems, Compliance, and
Ethics 293
HR Information Systems 293
Management and Employee Development 295
HR Planning, Control, and Management 295
Case 9.2 Business Case: HSBC Combats Fraud in Splitsecond Decisions 297
Case 9.3 Video Case: United Rentals Optimizes Its
Workforce with Human Capital Management
10 Enterprise Systems
Case 10.1 Opening Case: 3D Printing Drives the “AlwaysOn” Supply Chain 301
10.1 Enterprise Systems 303
Implementation Challenges of Enterprise
Systems 305
Investing in Enterprise Systems 305
Implementation of Best Practices 306
Enterprise Systems Insights 307
10.2 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 307
Brief History of ERP 308
Technology Perspective 308
Achieving ERP Success 311
10.3 Supply Chain Management Systems 313
Managing the Flow of Materials, Data,
and Money 315
Order Fulfillment and Logistics 315
Steps in the Order Fulfillment Process 315
Innovations Driving Supply Chain Strategic
Priorities 316
10.4 Customer Relationship Management Systems 319
How are CRM Apps Different from ERP? Why are they
Different? 319
CRM Technology Perspective 320
Customer Acquisition and Retention 320
CRM for a Competitive Edge 320
Common CRM Mistakes: How to Avoid
Them 321
Justifying CRM 322
10.5 Enterprise Social Platforms 323
Growth of Enterprise Social Investments
and Markets 323
Sharepoint 324
Oracle’s Social Network 326
Jive 326
Chatter 326
Case 10.2 Business Case: Lowe’s Fresh Approach to
Supply Chain Management 328
Case 10.3 Video Case: Procter & Gamble: Creating
Conversations in the Cloud with 4.8 Billion
Consumers 329
11 Data Visualization and Geographic
Information Systems
Case 11.1 Opening Case: Safeway and PepsiCo
Collaborate to Reduce Stock Outages using Data
Visualization 332
11.1 Data Visualization and Learning 334
Learning, Exploration, and Discovery with
Visualization 336
Data Discovery Market Separates from the
BI Market 336
How Is Data Visualization Used in Business? 340
Data Visualization Tools 341
11.2 Enterprise Data Mashups 342
Mashup Architecture 343
Why Do Business Users Need Data Mashup
Technology? 344
Enterprise Mashup Technology 344
11.3 Digital Dashboards 345
Dashboards are Real Time 347
How Operational and Strategic
Dashboards Work 348
Benefits of Digital Dashboards 348
11.4 Geographic Information Systems and
Geospatial Data 349
Geocoding 350
GIS Is Not Your Grandfather’s Map 350
Infrastructure and Location-Aware Collection
of Geospatial Data 350
Applying GIS in Business 351
Case 11.2 Visualization Case: Are You Ready for
Football? 353
Case 11.3 Video Case: The Beauty of Data
Visualization—Data Detective 353
PART 4 Managing Business
Relationships, Projects, and Ethical
12 IT Strategy, Sourcing, and Strategic
Technology Trends
Case 12.1 Opening Case: Intel Reaps Rewards from
Sustainable IT Strategy 355
12.1 IT Strategic Planning 357
Value Drivers 358
IT Strategic Plan Objectives 358
IT and Business Disconnects 359
Corporate and IT Governance 359
Reactive Approach to IT Investments Will Fail 359
IT Strategic Planning Process 359
12.2 Aligning IT with Business Objectives 362
Achieving and Sustaining a Competitive
Advantage 364
12.3 IT Sourcing Strategies 367
Sourcing and Cloud Services 368
Factors Driving Outsourcing 369
Outsourcing Risks and Hidden Costs 370
Offshoring 370
Outsourcing Life Cycle 371
Managing IT Vendor Relationships 373
Contracts: Get Everything in Writing 373
12.4 Balanced Scorecard 374
The Balanced Scorecard 374
Using the Balance Scorecard 375
Applying the BSC 377
12.5 Strategic Technology Trends 378
Strategic Technology Scanning 380
Finding Strategic Technologies 380
Case 12.2 Business Case: Cisco IT Improves Strategic
Vendor Management 382
Case 12.3 Data Analysis: Third-Party versus CompanyOwned Offshoring 383
13 Systems Development and Project
Case 13.1 Opening Case: Denver International Airport
Learns from Mistakes Made in Failed BaggageHandling System Project 386
13.1 System Development Life Cycle 388
Stages of the SDLC 388
13.2 Systems Development Methodologies 391
Waterfall Model 391
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 392
Agile Methodology 392
The DevOps Approach to Systems
Development 394
13.3 Project Management Fundamentals 395
What Is a Project? 396
Choosing Projects 396
The Triple Constraint 397
The Project Management Framework 397
13.4 Initiating, Planning, and Executing Projects 399
Project Initiation 400
Project Planning 400
Project Execution 403
13.5 Monitoring/Controlling and Closing
Projects 404
Project Monitoring and Controlling 404
Project Closing or Post Mortem 407
Why Projects Fail 408
IT Project Management Mistakes 410
Case 13.2 Business Case: Steve Jobs’ Shared Vision
Project Management Style 412
Case 13.3 Demo Case: Mavenlink Project Management
and Planning Software 413
14 IT Ethics, Privacy, and
Case 14.1 Opening Case: Lessons Learned: How Google
Glass Raised Risk and Privacy Challenges 418
14.1 IT Ethics 420
Ethical versus Unethical Behavior 420
Competing Responsibilities 423
14.2 Privacy and Civil Rights 424
Privacy and the New Privacy
Paradox 424
Social Media Recruiting 425
Legal Note: Civil Rights 426
Competing Legal Concerns 427
Financial Organizations Must Comply with Social
Media Guidelines 428
14.3 Technology Addictions and Focus
Management 430
Digital Distractions and Loss of Focus 430
Focus Management 430
14.4 ICT and Sustainable Development 432
Global Temperature Rising Too Much
Too Fast 432
IT and Global Warming 433
Technology to Transform Business and
Society 436
Next Wave of Disruption Will Be More
Disruptive 438
Case 14.2 Business Case: Android Auto and
CarPlay Keep Drivers Safe, Legal, and
Productive 439
Case 14.3 Video Case: IT Ethics in the
Workplace 440
Information Technology for Management discusses a variety of
business strategies and explains how they rely on data, digital
technology, and mobile devices to support them in the ondemand economy. Our goal is to provide students from any
business discipline with a strong foundation for understanding the critical role that digital technology plays in enhancing
business sustainability, profitability, and growth and excel in
their careers. Enabling technologies discussed in this textbook
include the following:
has applied her innovative teaching and learning techniques to
create a stronger pedagogical focus and more engaging format
for the text.
• Performance Combining the latest capabilities in big data
analytics, reporting, collaboration, search, and digital communication helps enterprises be more agile and cuts costs to
optimize business performance and profitability.
Strong Pedagogical Approach To encourage improved learning outcomes, we employed a blended learning approach, in
which different types of delivery and learning methods, enabled
and supported by technology, are blended with traditional
learning methods. For example, case study and theoretical
content are presented visually, textually, and/or interactively
to enable different groups of students to use different learning
strategies in different combinations to fit their individual learning style and enhance their learning. Throughout the book,
content has been reorganized to improve development of the
topics and improve understanding and readability. A large
number of images that did not enhance understanding have
been removed and replaced with informative and interactive
figures and tables that better convey critical concepts.
• Growth Strategic technologies enable business to create
new core competencies, expand their markets, and move
into new markets to experience exponential growth in the
on-demand economy.
• Sustainability Cloud services are fundamental to sustaining business profitability and growth in today’s ondemand economy. They play a critical role in managing
projects and sourcing agreements, respecting personal privacy, encouraging social responsibility, and attracting and
engaging customers across multimedia channels to promote
sustainable business performance and growth.
In this 11th edition, students learn, explore, and understand
the importance of IT’s role in supporting the three essential
components of business performance improvement: technology,
business processes, and people.
What’s New in the
11th Edition?
In the 11th edition of IT for Management, we present and discuss concepts in a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand format by actively engaging students through a wide selection of
case studies, interactive figures, video animations, tech notes,
concept check questions, online and interactive exercises, and
critical thinking questions. We have enhanced the 11th edition
in the following ways:
New Author Dr. Carol Pollard, Professor of Computer Information Systems at the Walker College of Business and former
Executive Director of the Center for Applied Research in Emerging Technologies (CARET) at Appalachian State University in
North Carolina, has taken the helm for the 11th edition. Carol
Diverse Audience IT for Management is directed toward
undergraduate, introductory MBA courses, and Executive Education courses in Management Information Systems and General
Business programs. Concepts are explained in a straightforward
way, and interactive elements, tools, and techniques provide
tangible resources that appeal to all levels of students.
Leading-Edge Content Prior to and during the writing process, we consulted with a number of vendors, IT professionals,
and managers who are hands-on users of leading technologies,
to learn about their IT/business successes, challenges, experiences, and recommendations. To integrate the feedback of
these business and IT professionals, new or updated chapter
opening and closing cases have been added to many of the
chapters along with the addition of relevant, leading-edge
content in the body of the chapters.
New Technologies and Expanded Topics New to this edition
are the IT framework, business process reengineering, geocoding, systems developments methodologies, including Waterfall, object-oriented analysis, Agile and DevOps, advances
in Search Technology, the growth of Mobile Commerce and
Mobile Payment Systems, the Always-On Supply Chain, and
the Project Management framework. In addition, with more
purchases and transactions starting online and attention being
a scarce resource, students learn how search, semantic, and
recommendation technologies function to improve revenue.
Table P-1 provides a detailed list of new and expanded topics.
Useful Tools and Techniques New to this edition is a feature
we call the “IT Toolbox.” This involves the provision of a set of
useful tools or techniques relevant to chapter content. Collectively, these tools and techniques equip readers with a suite of
IT tools that will be useful in their university classes, workplace,
and personal life.
Engaging Students
to Assure Learning
• IT at Work boxes spotlight real-world cases and innovative uses of IT.
The 11th edition of Information Technology for Management
engages students with up-to-date coverage of the most important IT trends today. Over the years, this IT textbook has distinguished itself with an emphasis on illustrating the use of
cutting-edge business technologies for supporting and achieving managerial goals and objectives. The 11th edition continues this tradition with more interactive activities and analyses.
• Tech Note boxes explore topics such as “Key
Performance Indicators” and “Six Basic Systems
Development Guidelines.”
Real-World Case Studies Each chapter contains numerous
real-world examples illustrating how businesses use IT to increase
productivity, improve efficiency, enhance communication and
collaboration, and gain a competitive edge. Faculty will appreciate
a variety of options for reinforcing student learning that include
three different types of Case Studies (opening case, video case,
and business case), along with interactive figures and whiteboard
animations that provide a multimedia overview of each chapter.
Interactive Figures and Whiteboard Animations The unique
presentation of interactive figures and whiteboard animations facilitates reflection on the textual content of the book
and provides a clear path to understanding key concepts. The
whiteboard animations fit particularly well with the “flipping
the classroom” model and complement additional functionality and assets offered throughout the 11th edition. The interactive figures actively engage the students in their own learning
to effectively reinforce concepts.
• Definitions of Key Terms appear in the margins
throughout the book.
• Career Insight boxes highlight different jobs in the IT
for management field.
End-of-Chapter Activities At the end of each chapter,
features designed to assure student learning include the
• Critical Thinking Questions are designed to facilitate
student discussion.
• Online and Interactive Exercises encourage students
to explore additional topics.
• Analyze and Decide questions help students apply IT
concepts to business decisions.
• Concept Questions test students’ comprehension of
each learning objective at the end of each chapter to
ensure that the students are clear on the concepts.
Students are provided with immediate feedback on
their performance.
Learning Aids Each chapter contains various learning aids,
which include the following:
Details of New and Enhanced
Features of the 11th Edition
• Learning Objectives are listed at the beginning of each
chapter to help students focus their efforts and alert
them to the important concepts that will be discussed.
The textbook consists of 14 chapters organized into four modules. All chapters have new or updated sections, as shown in
Table P-1.
TA BL E P- 1
Overview of New and Expanded Topics and Innovative Enterprises Discussed in the Chapters
New and Expanded IT and Business Topics
Innovative Enterprises
1. Disruptive IT Impacts
Companies, Competition,
and Careers
• IT’s role in the on-demand economy
• Business process improvement
• Business process re-engineering
• SMAC model
• Nature of on-demand work
• Becoming an informed IT user
• Technology mega trends
• Uber
• Airbnb
• FitBit
• Teradata
2. Information Systems, IT Architecture, Data Governance, and
Cloud Computing
• IS concepts and framework
• Information, knowledge, wisdom model
• Software-defined data center
• Mediata
• National Climatic Data center
• U.S. National Security Agency
• Apple
• Uber
• WhatsApp
• Slack
• Vanderbilt University Medical Center
• Coca-Cola
Overview of New and Expanded Topics and Innovative Enterprises Discussed in the Chapters (continued)
New and Expanded IT and Business Topics
Innovative Enterprises
3. Data Management, Data
Analytics, and Business
• Dirty data costs and consequences
• Coca-Cola
• Data life cycle
• Capitol One
• Genomics and big data
• Travelocity
• Aligning business intelligence with business strategy
• First Wind
• Argo Corporation
• Walmart
• Infinity Insurance
• DoD and Homeland Security
• CarMax
• McDonald’s
• Verizon
4. Networks, Collaborative
Technology, and the
Internet of Things
• IPv6 protocol
• Sony
• Types of networks
• AT & T
• Network terminology
• Time-Warner
• Quality of service
• Amazon
• Net neutrality
• Warner Music
• Mobile networks and near-field communication
• Proctor & Gamble
• Internet of Things
• Walmart
• Ford
• Asda
• Unilever
• Caterpillar
• Santander
• Google
• Isle of Man
5. Cybersecurity and Risk
Management Technology
6. Search, Semantic, and Recommendation Technology
• Data breaches
• Yahoo
• Major sources of cyberthreats
• Global Payments, Inc.
• Classes of hackers
• Government of China
• Spear phishing
• Google
• Crimeware categories
• U.S. Chamber of Commerce
• Denial of service
• Brookings Institution
• KPMG data loss barometer
• LinkedIn
• Enterprise risk management framework
• Damballa
• Social search technologies
• Personal assistant and voice search
• Google
• Mobile search and mobile SEO
• Microsoft
• On-page and off-page SE