Anthropology Question



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Anthropology Question
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Compare and contrast FOUR of the following pairs of terms. Each pair is numbered. YOU MUST compare the terms given in the pair; do not mix and match terms from different pairs.

Describe and define both terms, using lectures and texts as your starting point. You do not need to consult other sources unless you particularly want to highlight contrasting definitions.
Explain how the ideas, structures and activities they refer to can be connected together. For this second part of the compare/contrast, for example, if you had the terms “linguistic anthropology” and “internal change in a language” you might say that “the anthropological study of language covers descriptive, historical and sociolinguistics and is concerned with the interaction of language and culture. Internal change in a language describes adjustments that result totally from processes and forces inside the community, without reference to the impact of other languages or other speakers. The anthropological study of language would cover this in historical linguistics, as it examined how languages are molded by internal forces over time and the impact on culture.” Number 2 is challenging and to do it properly means giving thought to each term and thinking carefully about how they can be creatively interconnected.

All terms are taken from the “BY THE END OF THIS WEEK” section of your weekly modules. These are terms and concepts that are discussed at length in lectures and in the discussion posts. You’ll notice, however, that I have put terms in association with others that are NOT NECESSARILY FROM THE SAME WEEK. The point of this exercise is to make you think outside of the frameworks you’ve been given to apply your knowledge in a novel way. To be sure you understand terms and concepts, and for me to be sure that you do, this kind of comparison tests how well you can articulate them in an unexpected context.

Your answers (four in total) must be at least half a single page each(about 2 pages at least, not more than 3), double- spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins. THERE IS NO NEED TO QUOTE EITHER FROM LECTURE OR YOUR TEXT. You must put your thoughts into your own words. (Cutting and pasting without attribution is, of course, plagiarism, and will get you an F).

Please deposit in the dropbox provided in Canvas.


1. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Linguistic competence

2. Multifunctionality Denotation/connotation

3. Loanwords Multilingualism

4. Cultural competence Shifts in footing

5. Cognate Semantic domain

6. Sound change Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas

7. Affixes and morphemes Community of Practice

8. Syntax Indexicality

9. Phonemes Hyoid bone/larynx and pharynx


Needs improvement




Addresses the question, the whole question and nothing but the question

Does not address all components, or answers incorrectly, no examples.

Addresses all components, but poor or inadequately explained example, small errors of understanding.

Addresses all components, understanding of components is evident, gives a well-explained and chosen example

Addresses all components, gives more than one well chosen and explained example,

Spelling, grammar, style

Incomplete sentences, meandering prose, many errors of spelling and grammar, no paragraphing, poor layout.

Complete sentences but several grammatical and spelling errors. Some meandering in the prose. Minimal paragraphing. Acceptable layout.

Complete sentences and minimal errors in spelling and grammar. Minimal meandering in prose. Proper paragraphing and layout.

Sentences are well constructed and there are no errors of spelling and grammar. Paragraphing and layout are clear and logical.

Makes a clear argument in response to the question

Comparison and differentiation are incomplete or inaccurate.

Comparison and differentiation are adequate minimally presented.

Comparison and differentiation are developed to show understanding of issues.

Comparison and differentiation show deep understanding of issues through imaginative connections and discriminations.