ANTH 3001 P HUMN WALDEN UNIVERSITY Indigenous Peoples in Mod Wrld-


Review this week’s assigned readings in the course texts.

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ANTH 3001 P HUMN WALDEN UNIVERSITY Indigenous Peoples in Mod Wrld-
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Select one indigenous group from the reading and review the cultural elements of that group.
Compare a thought, belief, or ritual that you practice in your own culture to a thought, belief, or ritual in an indigenous culture.
Consider how comparing aspects of two different cultures can be problematic or useful.

With these thoughts in mind:

Welsch, R.L. & Vivanco, L.A. (2021). Cultural anthropology: Asking questions about humanity (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Chapter 1, “Anthropology” (pp. 5-20)
This chapter focuses on Anthropology as a global discipline.
Peters-Golden, H. P. (2012). Culture sketches: Case studies in anthropology (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Chapter 1, “The Azande: Witchcraft and Oracles in Africa” (pp. 1–19)

Post one paragraph that describes your comparison of a thought, belief, or ritual in your own community with that from an indigenous culture. In a second paragraph, discuss the challenges in comparing thoughts, beliefs, or rituals from two communities in this way. Explain how this comparison might be useful.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.