answering these questions


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Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Physics 201 Exam 1
Physics 201 Fall 2022
1. (10 points) The figure below shows the velocity of a particle as a function of
time. The particle is in the position x = 2.00 m at t = 0.00 s.
a) Draw a graph showing acceleration as a function of time. Be sure to include the
relevant values on the axes.
b) What is the particle’s position at t = 4.0 sec?
c) At what time(s) does the particle turn around?
2. (10 points) A car must launch off a 3.00 m high ramp and clear a tank full of
sharks 5.00 m long. The ramp has an angle of 30°. What is the minimum speed that the
car must be going as it leaves the ramp to land on safe ground?
3. (10 points) A horse on a 7.00 m diameter merrygo-round is 3.00 m from the center of the ride. One ride
on the merry go round takes 2.00 minutes and a rider on
the horse notes that they have gone around 30 times.
a. What is the angular speed of the merry-go-round?
b. What is the speed of the rider on the horse?
c. What is the centripetal acceleration of the rider on the horse? (Include both magnitude
and direction)

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