Answering questions regarding a video


View “The Crooked E – The Unshredded Truth About Enron (2003)

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Answering questions regarding a video
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In a ten page paper, please answer the following:

What’s the moral of the story?
Where did the culture of greed come from?
How did they make money and hide finances
Where were the human weaknesses and frailties?
What are the ethical issues between the characters in the movie? Address your observations of each character and the ethical dilemma each is faced with. Describe at least two major ethical dilemmas, the possible solutions, and the solutions chosen by the character in the movie.
Describe what is called the “vein of fear”?
Supply two words that best describe Enron?
In summary, what have you taken away from this movie? What is difference within yourself professionally and personally from before you viewed the movie and after?
In summary, what have you learned from this Ethics Course? Did you have expectations and what, if anything, differs from your expectations and the reality of your experience in this course?
Do you have any suggestions after this course experience that might improve the course in the future? This paper should be in a word document and address the above questions with a separate paragraph for each question easily identified by the reader.

Your paper should use Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing, and normal sized margins.

Due on Dec 17, 2023 11:59 PM

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Rubric Name: “The Crooked E – The Unshredded Truth About Enron” Case Assignment

Criteria Level 4

210 points

Criterion Score

Answer the 10 questions detailed in the assignment below the video.

Completely, thoroughly, and correctly (where appropriate) answer the 10 questions detailed out in the assignment pertaining to the video. Each question is worth 21 points, with potential for partial credit to be granted. Note that questions 8, 9, and 10 do not have a “correct” answer. You will be graded on the thoroughness and completeness of your response, however.

Score of Answer the 10 questions detailed in the assignment below the video.,

/ 210

TotalScore of “The Crooked E – The Unshredded Truth About Enron” Case Assignment,

/ 210