Answer three questions


. In about 50 words, explain what a generation is. Quote and properly reference Twenge’s Generations.

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(Add a little more to make it 50 words) As Twenge stated, “Traditionally the word generation has been used to describe family relationships…[however] the word generation is now more commonly used to refer to social Generations…”(Twenge, 2)

According to Twenge, what causes generational differences?
In about 100 words, name and succinctly explain three ways in which technology has impacted culture. Quote and properly reference Twenge’s Generations.

3. Name your generation. (Z, Millennial, X…)

List the three (3) adjectives that you believe best describe members of your generation.
In about 150-200 words, what were the key factors that made your generation that way? Do those include social media and smartphones?

4. According to Twenge in her talk on the narcissism epidemic, modern culture encourages us to be narcissistic.

In about 100 words, what’s her argument?
Do you think she’s right? Why or why not?