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Plants Worksheet – Part 1
Watch the following videos and work through this sheet to learn about plant diversity,
bryophytes and ferns:
Name the type of carbohydrate present in the cell wall of plants.
Can plants live in water, land and on other plants?
What are the three groups of plants? Give examples of each.
What is the change in the form of life that was observed as plants evolved?
What is the vascular system? What is the function of the vascular system?
What is the origin of plants?
What are the adaptations that allowed for a successful transition to life on land?
What is the difference between life on land vs life in water?
9. What are Bryophytes?
10. Give an example of bryophytes.
11. Are bryophytes small or large plants?
12. Are they present in moist places or on dry lands?
13. Are bryophytes vascular or non-vascular plants? How does it limit moss size?
14. Is the conduction of material in bryophytes via active or passive process? Specify the method
by which molecules moves into bryophytes.
15. Why do bryophytes grow horizontally as a ground-hugging carpet in the available surface
16. What is the structure that helps in absorption of water in moss?
17. Why do moss sporophytes grow upwards (out of the archegonium and vertically) in mosses
while the moss itself grows outwards (laterally)?

18. Are ferns bryophytes? Why?
19. Are ferns vascular plants? Why?
20. Which is the dominant form in ferns – sporophyte or gametophyte?
21. The leaf-like structures observed in ferns represent the sporophyte or gametophyte form?
22. The prothallium is the sporophyte or gametophyte form?
23. Differentiate between the life cycles of fern and mosses:
Alteration of life cycle
Dominant life form
Antheridia present?
Archegonia present?
Spores produce what?
Sporophyte haploid or diploid
Gametophyte haploid or

24. What is the function of xylem?
25. What is the function of phloem?
26. Is it present in vascular or avascular plants?
27. What is the polymer that strengthens the cell wall of the water conducting cells?
BIO 122 – Plants – Part 2
I. Here are some videos and some guidelines for studying seed plants:
1. What are the adaptations of seed plants?
2. Do they have a dominant sporophyte or a dominant gametophyte form?
3. Do they have pollen or spores?
4. What is the evolutionary significance of seeds?
5. What is the advantage of a seed coat?
6. What is inside the seed?
7. What is dormant stage of a plant?
8. What is the significance of pollen?
9. Is pollen a male or a female gametophyte?
10. What are ways in which pollen can be transferred from one plant to another?
11. What is the evolutionary significance of pollen?
i. Does it depend on water alone to transport gametes?
ii. Does it allow for a larger habitat range?
12. What are homospores and heterospores? Give examples of plants that produce homospores
and heterospores.
13. What are the 2 types of heterospores?
14. Male and female gametophytes are formed from what types of spores?
15. What are plants with and without flowers called?
16. Differentiate between gymnosperms and angiosperms. Give examples of each type.
17. Fruits are produced by gymnosperms or the angiosperms?
18. Differentiate between monocots and dicots w.r.t:
i. No. of cotyledons
ii. Vein pattern in leaves
iii. Vascular organization in stems
Some more resources

What are the reproductive structures in gymnosperms and angiosperms?
Describe the life cycle of a gymnosperm.
What are the two types of cones in gymnosperms? Which of the two is woody?
What does the male cone produce?
What do the male gametophytes inside the male cones produce?
What does the female cone contain?
7. What is inside an ovule?
8. After the megaspore undergoes meiosis know what it produces.
9. What is formed after megaspore undergo mitosis?
10. What are the two important cells inside the female gametophyte?
11. In pines, the pollen travels by wind, water or animal vectors?
12. What is the function of the endosperm mother cells?
13. What are the four main parts of the flower?
14. What the sub-part of stamen and carpel?
15. What are stamen and carpel?
16. Anthers contain haploid or diploid cells?
17. Does pollen develop in a stamen?
18. Mother cells in stamens undergo meiosis and what do they form?
19. Are pollen grains the male gametophytes or the gametes?
20. What is the function of the two types of cells present in the pollen grains
a. tube cells
b. generative cells
21. What are the steps in the pollen development?
22. What does an ovary contain?
23. After meiosis what is produced by the ovule?
24. Megaspore form female or male gametophytes?
25. Megaspore undergoes 3 mitotic cell divisions to form how many cells?
Out of the two one is the egg cell which is haploid. Is the other diploid and what does it
give rise to?
26. What is pollination?
27. Are biotic vectors / pollinators involved in pollination in gymnosperm or angiosperms?
28. What is the significance of nectar, bright colored petals, flower fragrance?
29. What happens when pollen reaches the stigma?
30. Pollen tubes deliver one or two sperms into the ovule?
31. What does each sperm fuse with?
32. Why is fertilization on angiosperm called double fertilization?
33. What are seeds? What is seed consisting of?
34. The covering of seed is called?
35. Does the ovary or the ovule become the seed?
36. In angiosperms the seed has a covering, Know the name.
37. The ovary swells and grows into a fruit. What is the function of fruits?
38. Fill in the following charts comparing gymnosperms to angiosperms. Check the box for the
characteristics that apply.
Naked seeds
Seeds inside a fruit
Flowering plants
Produce cones
Produce fruits
Wind Pollination
Insect Pollination
Type of leaves
39. Why are the leaves of gymnosperms needle shaped?
40. What is the advantage of having wings in the pollen grains of pines?
41. What is the economic importance of gymnosperms?
42. Why do conifers have an adaptive advantage in cool, dry environments? The following url
can provide the answer:

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