Answer the questions and come up with two discussion questions from the reading and answer them as well


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Answer the questions and come up with two discussion questions from the reading and answer them as well
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Please make your answer essay to read and the answer should be from the reading no outside sources

The reading is below and then the 5th one in link below:

1- Why Democracies Cooperate More: Electoral Control and International Trade Agreement

2- Free to Trade: Democracies, Autocracies, and International Trade

3- Trade and the Variety of Democratic Institutions

4- Causes of Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations, 1885- 1992

5- Wargames Resurgent: The Hyperrealities of Military Gaming from Recruitment to Rehabilitation…

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1. Is labor repression a prerequisite for economic development?
2. What, in your opinion, is the most influential democratic institution in explaining
international trade? Why? What does it explain more than the other institutions?
3. Three readings argue that democracies are beneficial to trade simply because they are
democracies; however, Dean (2022) finds that it is dependent on labor repression. How
does Dean’s work influence your understanding of the domestic institutional structure of
democracies in explaining international trade?
4. If you were to set up a study of domestic institutions’ influence on international trade,
how would you go about it? What would implement from these readings? What would
you not implement?
What exogenous and endogenous factors might be missing in Mansfield, Edward D.,
Helen V. Milner, and B. Peter Rosendorff’s model when explaining the tendency of
democracies to adopt free trade policies?
6. Is it appropriate to consider the legislative branch as a unified entity in all democracies?
7. Does open trade prompt changes in political institutions, or do variations in political
institutions result in different trade policies?
8. “Voters in a democracy may remove a leader from office during economic downturns,
even if that individual has not engaged in rent-seeking” – is it the real case? From
Mansfield et al. (2002), we learned that voters evaluate the candidates based on trade
policies. Are the majority voters sufficiently politically educated about trade policies?
9. Rogowski (1987) – is trade policy one of the indicators of having different electoral
systems in different states? Why Rogowski did not discuss other factors behind choosing
electoral systems in a state?
10. Most of the reading argued that democracy is good for trade expansion while Dean
(2022) found that “democracy and labor repression often worked together to facilitate the
process of trade liberalization in developing countries”. To what extent do you agree that
trade expansion or trade liberalization is not possible in non-democratic countries?
11. If democratic leaders are more concerned with establishing trade agreements that will
increase their likelihood of getting reelected than autocratic leaders (Mansfield, Milner, &
Rosendorff, 2002), in a situation where a democratic and autocratic leader are negotiating
a trade agreement, who would enter negotiations with more flexibility in their win-set
(Putnam, 1988)?
12. Does that fact that the data used in Mansfield, Milner, & Rosendorff’s (2000) Free to
Trade piece, was all from the Cold War years weaken the conclusion drawn from it?
13. Is there more incentive for autocratic regimes to avoid international trade, in order to
avoid external pressures to democratize?

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