Answer the questions


Answer the questions – using chapter 3,4,5,7 i have provide the book…

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Physical Geography Lab Quiz 1
Labs 3,4,5,7
Please make sure to fully answer each of the following questions.
Lab 3 questions
1. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: How could farming and other food services be impacted at
latitudes with significantly less daylength throughout the year? Explain your response in at least
10 or more sentences.
2. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: If you lived on or near the equator, do you think it would be
valuable for you to use renewable energy (solar and wind) versus nonrenewable energy (gas and
oil)? Why or why not? Explain your response in at least ten or more sentences.
3. How does what you learned in this lab relate to your everyday life? In at least 10 sentences,
explain a concept that you learned in this lab and how it relates to your day-to-day actions.
Lab 4 questions
1. Refer to your completed Figure 4.4.
a. Describe the insolation variation for Deadhorse.
b. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: What explains the insolation variation for Deadhorse?
c. Describe the insolation variation for Beijing.
d. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: What explains the insolation variation for Beijing?
2. Apply What You Learned: Why does Kampala have relatively high net radiation throughout the
3. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: When analyzing insolation data, why is it important to pay
attention to whether or not the data was collected by satellites at the top of the atmosphere or
by ground stations at the surface of the Earth? Your response should be at least six sentences in
4. Refer to Figure 4.7.
a. In at least ten sentences, describe how Earth’s albedo changed. In your response, be
sure to identify specific places on the planet that experienced increasing or decreasing
b. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: List the factors that might explain why there are
regional differences in albedo.
5. One way to think of physical geography is that it is the study of the relationships among variables
that impact the Earth’s surface. Select two variables discussed in this lab and describe how they
are related.
Lab 5 questions
1. Which of the four hemispheric pressure areas do you see offshore in the Pacific Ocean near
California on the July map?
2. On the January map, which of the four hemispheric pressure areas is located near the Aleutian
3. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: You will note some significant patterns regarding land masses and
temperature. What relationship does your data suggest between land versus water and
temperature in the northern hemisphere winter? Explain why in at least six sentences.
4. What is the general relationship you observe between global air pressure and temperature values?
Explain this relationship in at least ten sentences.
5. How does what you learned in this lab relate to your everyday life? In two to three sentences,
explain a concept that you learned in this lab and how it relates to your day-to-day actions.
Lab 7 questions
1. What would the general temperature and humidity conditions be for the following types of air
a. cP:
b. mP:
c. mT:
2. Based on the diagram of air masses in Figure 7.1, where would you most likely see these fronts
developing in the United States?
3. Refer back to Figure 7.1 (shown earlier in the lab). What influence do you think the colliding air
masses have on the high probability of tornadoes occurring in Tornado Alley? Explain your
response in at least six sentences.
4. Use Your Critical Thinking Skills: Why do you think California has so few tornadoes? Explain your
response in at least six sentences.
5. Based on the temperature of the ocean currents off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts (Figure 7.13),
why do we find much greater tropical storm development in the Atlantic Ocean influencing the
United States? Why don’t we see many in California? Explain your responses in at least six
6. One way to think of physical geography is that it is the study of the relationships among
variables that impact the Earth’s surface. Select two variables discussed in this lab and describe
how they are related.

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