answer some questions about Russian history


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I. Select the correct answers.
1. The “Time of Troubles” occurred after whose reign?
a) Alexander II
b) Catherine the Great
c) Ivan the Terrible
d) Nicholas I
2. The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in
a) 1916
b) 1917
c) 1918
d) 1919
3. The first Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church after the Revolution was
a) Pimen
b) Tikhon
c) Alexy
d) Kirill
4. Alexey Stakhanov became an important public figure in the USSR because he was:
a) a writer
b) a general
c) a worker
d) a scientist
5. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was:
a) a scientist and a dissident
b) a writer and a dissident
c) a church man and a dissident
d) none of the above
6. Who was the first Russian ruler to use the title “Imperator” (Emperor)
a) Ivan the Terrible
b) Peter the Great
c) Catherine the Great
d) wife of Peter the Great
7. The first President of the Russian Federation was:
a) Mikhail Gorbachev
b) Boris Eltsin
c) Vladimir Putin
d) Egor Gaidar
8. The Soviet Union ceased to exist in
a) 1990
b) 1991
c) 1992
d) 1993
9. Which city is farther north?
a) St. Petersburg
b) Kiev
c) Moscow
d) Constantinople
10. The name of Leon Trotsky was associated in the USSR with
a) “Left Opposition”
b) “Right Opposition”
c) “Peasant Opposition”
d) none of the above
11. The first Soviet person to fly into space was
a) Sergei Korolev
b) Valery Chkalov
c) Yury Gagarin
d) German Titov
12. The leaders of the Communist Party of the USSR in (a correct) chronological order:
a) Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev
b) Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Shelepin, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev
c) Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov, Gorbachev
d) none of the above
13. “Samizdat” refers primarily to:
a) literature
b) movies
c) architecture
d) none of the above
14. The doctrine of the “Third Rome” was formed in
a) 13th-14th centuries
b) 14th-15th cents
c) 15th-16th cents
d) 16th-17th cents
15. Holodomor is connected immediately to:
a) The Revolution & the Civil War
b) Industrialisation & Collectivisation
c) The Great Purge
d) The Second World War
16. Alexander Pushkin was
a) a famous Russian politician
b) a famous Russian writer
c) a famous Russian painter
d) a famous prince of Kievan Rus’
17. ‘Cuban missile crisis’ took place in
a) 1956
b) 1962
c) 1968
d) 1972
18. The “Mongol Yoke” occurred in:
a) 11th-13th centuries
b) 12th-14th cents
c) 13th-15th cents
d) 14th-16th cent
19. Andrei Zhdanov was:
a) a Soviet dissident writer
b) a Soviet ideologist during the ‘Stagnation’ period
c) a Soviet ideologist during the Stalinist period
d) a Soviet official writer
20. The first Russian ruler to use the title “Tsar” formally was:
a) Peter the Great
b) Aleksei I
c) Peter III
d) Ivan IV
21. The so called “Russian idea” became popular amongst some Russians in
a) 17th century
b) 18th century
c) 19th century
d) 20th century
22. The Soviet Union was in war against the Nazi Reich starting with:
a) 1939
b) 1940
c) 1941
d) 1942
23. The terms “Great Purge” and/or “Great Terror” is usually applied to the events of:
a) 1928-29
b) 1934-35
c) 1937-38
d) 1947-48
24. The ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was called:
a) Scientific Communism
b) Marxism-Leninism
c) Leninist Communism
d) Marxism-Communism
25. Rus’ was Christianised in
a) 885
b) 988
c) 1015
d) 1115
/ 25
Part II.
Answer 5 questions (25%):
1. Why many dates from Russian history are given in alternative forms?
Pourquoi de nombreuses dates de l’histoire russe sont-elles données sous des formes
alternatives ?
Ivan the Terrible (25 August 1530 – 28 March [O.S. 18 March] 1584)
Peter the Great (9 June [O.S. 30 May] 1672 – 8 February [O.S. 28 January] 1725)
Leo Tolstoy (9 September [O.S. 28 August] 1828 – 20 November [O.S. 7 November] 1910)
“October” Revolution – 7 November 1917 [O.S. 25 October]
Explain the differences (explain briefly, in about 100 and no more than 200 words).
Expliquez les différences (expliquez brièvement, en environ 100 et pas plus de 200 mots).
2. Five historic cities are named alphabetically:
Cinq villes historiques sont nommées par ordre alphabétique :
Kiev, Moscow, Novgorod, Saint-Petersburg, Vladimir.
Quand chacune d’elles pourrait-elle être considérée comme la ville la plus importante (de nom ou
de facto capitale) ? Expliquez très brièvement.
When could each of them be considered the most important city (de-jure or de-facto capital)?
Explain very briefly.
3. You are going to make a brief presentation on Russian culture to people for whom it would be
their first introduction to it. You were asked to mention one of Russian writers, one composer,
one painter, one monument (building or sculpture), and one movie (or a movie-maker – director).
Make your selection please. Explain your choice (to yourself and to me) briefly.
Vous allez faire une brève présentation de la culture russe à certaines personnes pour qui ce sera
leur première introduction à celle-ci. On vous a demandé de mentionner un écrivain russe, un
compositeur, un peintre, un monument (bâtiment ou sculpture) et un film (ou un cinéaste –
Faites votre choix s’il vous plaît. Expliquez votre choix brièvement.
4. Suggest a similar selection for a similar presentation (a writer, a composer, etc…) on any other
specific culture of your choice. Explain briefly.
Suggérez une sélection possible pour une présentation similaire sur une autre culture de votre
choix. Expliquer brièvement.
5. You are travelling to Russia and plan to bring gifts to five relatives or friends. You want to
offer something unique to everyone (not similar things). What would you bring back from
Vous voyagez en Russie et envisagez d’apporter des cadeaux à cinq membres de votre famille ou
amis. Vous voulez offrir quelque chose d’unique à chacun (pas des choses similaires). Que
ramèneriez-vous de Russie ?
Part III.
Au cours du XXe siècle, cinq écrivains originaires de ce qui est aujourd’hui la Fédération de
Russie ont reçu le prix Nobel de littérature.
In the 20th century, five writers native to what is now the Russian Federation received Nobel
Prises for literature.
Faites les recherches nécessaires et rédigez un bref rapport : qui étaient ces écrivains, quelles ont
été leurs réalisations et quelles ont été les circonstances de leur reconnaissance.
(entre 300 et 500 mots).
Do the necessary research and write a brief report: who these people were, what their
achievements were, and what the circumstances of their recognition were.
(between 300 and 500 words).

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