Answer questions


Your original post:Choose a general type of dark tourism site (execution, massacre, battle, prison, disaster, etc.) and imagine that you have been hired to suggest ways to help visitors to the site to ‘experience it’ in a meaningful way. The objective is to provide a touristic experience that ‘touches their souls’ and ‘refines their perspectives’. Identify two creative and effective approaches that you would recommend, and discuss the challenges (practical, technological, and ethical) to implementation. (For example, an effective way to help a tourist understand the fear experienced by death camp victims would be to crowd them into a chamber (without explanation), lock the door, turn out the lights and release a non-lethal but discomforting gas into the room. I hope the impractically and inappropriateness of such a creative and effective approach is obvious!)For this discussion, your responses to others’ suggestions will be weighted heavier in evaluation. Do more than state that you agree or disagree with your classmate.Classmate responses: Class members are expected to comment on each others’ posts. Comments should address the creativity, effectiveness, practicality, and appropriateness of what others have suggested. Comment on the suggestions, not on the character of the student who posts them

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